A head rolled on the floor.

Jason’s level increased to level 15

Jason fell on his bum as he looked at the bloody corpse of the razor hunter. He sat there in a daze with his mind wandering. His whole body was fully healed but his mind was weary. From morning till now, he had been fighting with his life on the line. A second later, he laid on the floor staring at the ceiling.

I’m tired.

The roof was a few more levels above but he didn’t know whether more of these razor hunter might be waiting for him upstairs. Dealing with one had already pushed his life to the brink of death. If it wasn’t for a defensive ability of his, he would have been dead.

He just lay there on the torn-up floor while staring at the ceiling for a good fifteen minutes. But a voice caught his attention.

“What is that?” after Matt regained his sense of self, he walked back to the corridor of carnage and saw the man he called the monster lay on the floor.

He walked closer to call out to him but something caught his sight. The moment he spoke about it, Jason propped his body up. Jason’s eyes turned up wide. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A scroll was floating above the corpse of the razor hunter. He rubbed his eyes out of reflex trying to see he wasn’t hallucinating. But there it was a scroll floating a few inches above the dead corpse of the razor hunter. He got up with his eyes kept staring at the scroll.

A game loot? But it isn’t possi-

He stopped his train of thought. At this point in time, anything was possible. If monsters started appearing out from a crack sky, what does it matter a foreign object suddenly showed up after killing one.

“Is that a scroll?” Matt asked as he walked passed Jason.

It caught Jason by surprise seeing Matt going for the scroll. A sudden sense of ownership fueled his desire, Jason ran towards Matt and slammed him across the wall. His sudden action caught Matt by surprise. Matt was lifted in the air with the wall behind his back. He groaned in pain as he didn’t expect Jason to do such a thing. Glancing at Jason, he saw those eyes staring right through him.

“Don’t touch it,” said Jason.

Matt nodded in response. Jason let him down and turned his attention to the scroll. He grabbed it in his hand. Yet he felt nothing. He was expecting to see a blue window popped up but nothing.

“What is it?” Matt was curious but kept himself at a distance.

Jason opened the scroll. Unknown letters bombarded Jason's sight. Reading it was impossible but the moment he opened it to the fullest, the letters started to glow in shining white light.

Matt retreated a few steps back. He had enough of strange things and who knows what might happen with those letters starting to glow. Yet for Jason, something else happened. He smiled seeing the blue window appearing.

Wind Cutter

Fires off a wind element small projectiles.

(Dex and Ene influenced dmg range)

Lv.1 : EP cost 1,

Damage : 82% of combination of both Dex and Ene.

Number of attacks : Three

Would you like to learn Wind Cutter?

“Yes,” he replied without hesitation. There was a tint of excitement behind his voice.

Obtaining a new ability with the potential of attacking from a distance was a gift from above. Although he had been fighting at close distance, Jason does prefer fighting with no risk of dying. This new ability put his range of attacking to be more versatile as compared to before.

The scroll started to whither turning into white glowing ashes. It gathered spiraling in front of Jason before it dived down into the middle of Jason’s forehead. Again a jolting sensation trembled across his entire body. A new knowledge embedded itself into the deep depth of his brain.

Skill; Wind Cutter acquired

“Wind cutter,” Jason mumbled.

His left hand glowed in pale light green. He swung his left hand and a crescent shape light green was released into the air flinging across the air as it struck across the opposite end of the corridor. It was far but Jason could saw the mark left by the wind cutter. The glow in his left hand dimmed down and Jason knew what it meant.

Two more.

He swung his left hand two times in succession. Two crescent-shaped projectiles flew across the air and both hit the glass wall window. The window cracked a bit displaying the strength of the skill.

It does lack power, perhaps because of my low dexterity and energy.

That wasn’t all.

I need to improve my aim.

Jason was intending to hit the same mark from before but both strayed far away from the target. Using it consecutively does diminish the accuracy of the skill. He definitely needs more training in order to fully maximized the Wind Cutter potential.

“What’s going on? How did you do that?” Matt kept on being surprised time after time.

Seeing Jason pulling out a skill like that only instilled in Matt’s mind the notion that Jason himself was like a monster.

“The world is changing, try to keep up with it,” for the first time Jason answered something.

Matt was confused. But those words kept on revolving inside of his head. He followed Jason around, scavenging through the rooms opened up by the sonic blast. A few bottles of water and a few cans of soda. They also found a few packets of peanuts. Other than that, there wasn’t much that they could find.

Jason found a change of clothes. A t-shirt and a pair of khakis. A bit too big for him but he didn’t mind. As long as he has something to wear then it was enough for him. The owner of the room probably didn’t make it in time to fetch his luggage seeing how he left everything.

Seeing Matt chugging down the water, Jason picked up a bottle and emptied it out in mere seconds.

“Don’t finish it all, save some for later,” said Jason. Matt nodded in response.

Jason found a few unused laundry bags in the bathroom. He tossed one at Matt.

“Pack things up, half and half,” said Jason. For some reason, Matt felt warmth from Jason’s words. He didn’t think Jason would have the heart to share.

In this dire time, food and water are resources that shouldn’t be taken lightly off. Who knows what would happen in the near future. Jason hoped it didn’t come to that but anything was possible. He just hoped that the rescue helicopter would come by tonight. If not, he didn’t know what else to do other than resigning to fate. He doubted his energy guard could defend against an airstrike. Even if he did manage to guard against the first one, the second one would definitely send him to the grave.

“Where to?” asked Matt.

“Going back to the staircase,” said Jason.

“What?” Matt couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“But what if those things appear again?”

“It would have appeared by now since that blast did make a whole lot of noise. So since nothing popped out, it probably is safe by now,” a solid reason by Jason.

“Probably?” yet Matt wasn't convinced.

“Suit yourself,” said Jason.

He left in a nonchalant mannered. The only reason he allowed Matt to followed him was due to him assisting Laurel in helping Jason leveled up.

“Wait,” Matt didn’t have a choice knowing that this man could defeat every monster that they have met. It would be stupid of him to not tag along with Jason.

The duo returned once more at the staircase. Peeking left to right, Jason made sure the coast was clear.

They climbed up the stairs one by one and a few minutes later, they reached the door to the rooftop.

Both felt relief. Jason was getting tired meeting the unexpected while on the way to the rooftop. Now he just had to wait for the rescue team to arrive.

Yet things weren’t that simple.

“What’s wrong?” Matt asked.

Jason tried his utmost to open up the door. But it wouldn’t budge. Even with his strength, the door wouldn’t open.

“I can’t open the door,” said Jason.

“Try pulling it,” Matt said.

It would have been stupid of Jason if the door was a pull and not a push.

But both resulted in the same.

“I can’t, something is blocking the door from the outside,” said Jason.

“Are you serious?” Matt tried to open it up but to no avail, the result stayed the same.

Jason was loitering around in a circle while rubbing his head.

“Damn it,” he shouted as he kicked the door out of frustration.

But even with his full force kick, the door wouldn’t budge an inch.

“Hey, try it with your sword or with that glowing green hands of yours,” Matt tried suggesting a method as he too had enough of encountering monsters.

Jason didn’t spare his EP as he started flinging his left hand throwing those wind cutters at the door. Yet it only left a mark at the door. A mark that let them see the other side of the door.

“Something is blocking the door,” again Jason kicked the door out of spite.

“Then what are we going to do?” Matt was losing hope.

“What else, we need to go back downstairs and find another route to the roof,” said Jason.

To his words, both of them glanced downwards at the staircase.

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