A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.「 I do not mind whether it is a woman i
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.
「 I do not mind whether it is a woman in the town or a maid in our house, learn about women.」
Having gained the permission of his father, he uses his power as a noble to have his way with women.
- 1 Reborn of the Qualdenze family
- 2 Brush grate consultation
- 3 Slave Merchant Visit
- 4 Night after the purchase of slaves
- 5 Delicious Elf Slave Daughter_(top)
- 6 Elf Slave Daughter Delicious_(Medium)
- 7 Elf Slave Daughter Delicious_(below)
- 8 Elf Slave Daughter Delicious
- 9 Here comes the sunny morning.
- 10 Newnelly Castle Garden
- 11 Get Made Clothes Made_(top)
- 12 Maid Clothes Get Maid_(Medium)
- 13 Maid Clothes Get Maid_(Bottom)
- 14 I got maid clothes, maid of honor.
- 15 Newnelly Castle at night
- 16 Nambonan Fall
- 17 Delicious Tavern Sign Daughter_(top)
- 18 Delicious Tavern Sign Daughter_(Medium)
- 19 Taste the Tavern Billboard Daughter_(below)
- 20 Allied Forces Headquarters
- 21 Viscount Galliana and Council
- 22 Reconciliation meeting
- 23 Would you like a merchant's warrant?
- 24 Delicious merchant maid_(top)
- 25 Delicious merchant maid_(medium)
- 26 Delicious merchant maid_(below)
- 27 Kohari and Rooms on
- 28 Front Square
- 29 Mayor Nambonan
- 30 Border tourism
- 31 Rural tea picking daughter gets yummy_(top)
- 32 Rural Tea Picking Daughter Gets Delicious_(Medium)
- 33 Rural Tea Picking Daughter Gets Delicious_(Bottom)
- 34 My rural tea-picking daughter was delicious.
- 35 City of Newnelly
- 36 Return
- 37 Maid's Prayer
- 38 Get a Rabu Maid_(Previous)
- 39 Get a Rabu Maid_(later)
- 40 The maids of the castle
- 41 Brothers and sisters at night
- 42 pioneering Order
- 43 Delicious Elf Slave Daughter Who Chooses Obedience_(Previous)
- 44 Delicious Elf Slave Daughter Who Chooses Obedience_(after)
- 45 To the military base.
- 46 Female Adventurer
- 47 Delicious Woman Adventurer in Love_(top)
- 48 Delicious Woman Adventurer in Love_(Medium)
- 49 Delicious Woman in Love Adventurer_(below)
- 50 A woman in love. You've delicious adventurers.
- 51 Lower Preparation
- 52 Castle Town Dating
- 53 Holy High Church
- 54 I'll have a mellow maid_(Previous)
- 55 I'll get a mellow maid_(later)
- 56 I got you a maid.
- 57 Letter
- 58 Delicious Woman Adventurer Against Emotions_(top)
- 59 Delicious Woman Adventurer Against Emotions_(Medium)
- 60 Delicious Woman Adventurer Against Emotions_(below)
- 61 Dinner
- 62 Talk about Wang Du
- 63 Father and son
- 64 Delicious for widow employees with children_(Previous)
- 65 Delicious for widow employees with children_(later)
- 66 The women of Castle Town.
- 67 Production Department
- 68 Misty World
- 69 Civilian homes
- 70 Delicious Child Widow Employee Who Sets Up Fucking For Her Dead Husband_(Previous)
- 71 Delicious childhood widow employees who fuck their late husbands_(after)
- 72 Concept of intercourse
- 73 In the bedroom
- 74 Order Days
- 75 - Continental map_(1) -
- 76 Delicious Drunken Child Widow Employee_(Previous)
- 77 Delicious for a Drunken Child Widow Employee_(after)
- 78 Mother Return
- 79 Whistleblowing
- 80 In the fog
- 81 Warcraft
- 82 Delicious heartwarming woman adventurer_(top)
- 83 Delicious heartwarming woman adventurer_(inside)
- 84 Delicious heartwarming woman adventurer_(below)
- 85 What's going on in the city
- 86 Red Child
- 87 Delicious Elf Slave Daughter with a Sense of Crisis_(top)
- 88 Delicious Elf Slave Daughter with a Sense of Crisis_(Medium)
- 89 Delicious Elf Slave Daughter with a Sense of Crisis_(below)
- 90 Aftertaste
- 91 Departure
- 92 Joe.
- 93 Arrival
- 94 Delicious ex-business lady in the dark at night_(top)
- 95 Delicious ex-business lady in the dark at night_(inside)
- 96 Delicious ex-business lady in the dark at night_(below)
- 97 I had a delicious ex-commerce maid in the dark at night.
- 98 Mayor's Office
- 99 Pre-election
- 100 I'll have the sign daughter of the tavern I called to the mayor's mansion_(top)
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