
Sung JiHan looked at the system message with an interested gaze.


Isn't that the world tree from Norse mythology?

It's called the cosmic tree because it is so massive that it reaches the universe.

Among the world trees known to humanity, this is probably the most famous name.

"Why did this name come up when I discovered the weakness of the Great Spirit... Is it related to the World Tree Union?"

In my previous life, Yggdrasil never appeared until humanity was destroyed.

But Sung JiHan has been acting so differently from what the elves predicted this time.

It seemed like the high-ranking members of the World Tree Union were getting involved.

[Sponsor Seat 'Brain God' warns not to get involved with Yggdrasil under any circumstances.]

[If you get involved, you must give a warning.]

Brain God shows a strong wariness towards Yggdrasil.

And also.

[Sponsor Seat 'Seat of the Dead Star' sends an urgent message.]

[Blocked seat. Would you like to unblock it?]

Until now, when the Seat of the Dead Star sent unnecessary messages, the unblock window didn't appear.

But this time, since it was an urgent message, the system asked for Sung JiHan's intention.

"I should listen to this at least once."

Sung JiHan unblocked it.

[Sponsor Seat 'Seat of the Dead Star' emphasizes not to listen, see, or speak about the proposal from the World Tree Union.]

"They want to let you know that those who have become trees are not just a few, but many."

What does "할망구" mean?

Is it referring to Yggdrasil?

"But even if the information is rejected, can they still receive a proposal?"

When Sung JiHan had such doubts.

['Cosmic Tree Yggdrasil' proposes to the player in a hideout state.]

"I want to support you, who has shown great potential. Please let me know about yourself. Just by disclosing the information, I will give you 100 trillion GP."

100 trillion GP?

Last time, Sung JiHan called 1 quadrillion GP to cover it when he executed the elves.

Is the World Tree Union even capable of producing GP? It seems like they have a complete lack of financial sense.

Sung JiHan, feeling dumbfounded, didn't answer.

"Oh, I missed a zero. It's 1 quadrillion GP."

Once again, a polite message arrived from the side of Cosmic Tree Yggdrasil.

A scale that increased GP tenfold in an instant.

Sung JiHan felt like he understood why his sponsor seats warned him about their proposal.

Even Sung JiHan, who harbored hatred towards the World Tree Union, was momentarily startled.

Their financial bombardment was on a cosmic scale.

"But the hideout is not permanent, it's only for 6 months..."

They must not know that it's limited to 6 months, so they called an enormous amount of money.

6 months of information concealment and 1 quadrillion GP.

If it were an ordinary player, they would have chosen the latter without hesitation, but Sung JiHan had a different idea.

"I refuse."

He had enough money in the current situation.

Rather than being caught up in the World Tree Union's schemes.

It was better to buy more time, even if it was for 6 months.


"To refuse this proposal outright... I should pay more attention to you. I will wait for the day when the information is disclosed."

The side of Cosmic Tree Yggdrasil ended the message politely.

"But the context is just waiting for the information to be disclosed... That's what it is."

Since he became opposed to the World Tree Union, it was an inevitable situation.

He received attention from a troublesome opponent.

"I have to grow as much as possible in the remaining 6 months."

To do that, he had to overwhelm the game starting from this one.

Sung JiHan turned off Yggdrasil's message and looked at the eastern portal where the elves had escaped.

The elves who invaded the territories of other races, saying they couldn't be last.

"I'll just wipe them both out there."

Sung JiHan's new body instantly headed towards the eastern portal.

* * *

=The game is going completely strange!

Wasn't this originally a defense map? The monsters are controlled by Sung JiHan, and the elves are trying to avoid him and slaughter the orcs!

The orc tribe... are they all just warriors? They seem extremely vulnerable to long-range attacks!

Due to Sung JiHan, the league competition has completely transformed from defense to invasion.

On channel 0 of the human side, there were more fights between alien races than between humans.

The elves are strong. Really strong! The orcs have fallen below the elves and become the lowest rank.

That's to be expected. It hasn't even been 10 minutes since the fight started, and there are only 30 orc survivors! They are being trampled by the elves, who have a dwindling number!

Using elemental magic, the elves launch one-sided aerial bombardments.

The orcs tried to respond to aerial combat by flying or throwing axes to kill them, but the gap in species' abilities was too severe.

-The elves are really cheating. Elemental magic is just insane.

-Wow, did you just see that? An axe was stuck in the elf's forehead, but it immediately regenerated. What kind of monsters are they?

-What is Sung JiHan, who wiped out the orcs, doing?

-Sung JiHan is just a scammer himself lol.

While intense battles between races were taking place on one side,

"Ah, I'm bored..."

"The monsters are on our side, so there's nothing for us to do."

"I was so nervous for the diamond promotion match. Turns out, there was no need."

Except for Sung JiHan, the humans were sitting on the ground, scratching the floor.

-Humans, they look so peaceful!

-The cameras assigned to the human side have nothing to do. It seems like they only need to focus on Sung JiHan!

-Really. Aren't we relying too much on one player?

-Where is the player we're relying on? If we don't have one, we'll end up like the orcs!

The commentators also had nothing to comment on, so the situation on the human side was turned around.

The only person left to watch was Sung JiHan.

-Sung JiHan... Enter the eastern gate and come out of the underground passage!

-The 4th necropolis undead legion is also coming. The orcs will be struck by lightning!

As the commentator said,

The map assigned to the orcs was now a complete mess.

Mixed with elves, undead, and even a human.

Magic was exploding from all directions, and collisions were happening everywhere.

The one suffering the greatest damage among them is...

"Kru, kru... What on earth is this!"

As expected, it was Urk.

"Why on earth are there other races here!"

The Urk group, who thought it was a normal defense map and only prepared for the undead, suffered heavy losses when suddenly attacked by the elves.

We're all climbing up together, but why is there such a big difference?

Urk trembled as he watched the elves reigning over the sky like messengers from heaven.

"We're in last place, last!"

"Those crazy pointy-eared freaks were always in last place...!"

Bang! Bang!

Powerful magic rained down from the sky.

"Is this the end...?"

Although the Urks were annihilated,

"Here they are."


Sung JiHan appeared in the empty space above the Urks.

And from his hands, a crimson light extended.

It spread widely, as if protecting him and the Urks.

Boom! Boom!

Then, magic exploded simultaneously in the air.

When the finishing blow to Urk was blocked, the elves attacked.

"It's him!"

"To follow us all the way here. It's sickening...!"

"...An order came from above. Obtain the author's flesh and blood!"

"Prepare for the Great Transcendence again!"

During that short time, what kind of order was given?

The elves who had escaped the clash with Sung JiHan once again attempted to use the Great Transcendence.


They pulled out their own hearts and began the process of creating giants through the Great Transcendence.

All the elves, except for their leader, devoted themselves to this.

"Ku, ku-ru-ru... What are those guys doing?"

"Now's the time. Let's throw the axes!"

The merciless orcs, who had no intention of abiding by the transformation time, simultaneously threw their axes at the elves.

"Sylph, knock them down."

However, their assault was all blocked by the remaining elf leader.

The orcs naturally turned their attention towards Sung JiHan.

"...What's going on?"

"Why are you waiting?"

"Human... Is this race called humans? They may be strong, but it seems like their heads don't work."

The humans who belittled the intelligence of the orcs.

Sung JiHan, who heard this from above, was dumbfounded.

"I should test the weakness I identified earlier."

Because there was something he had to test with the Great Spirit, he simply crossed his arms and watched the transformation.

And soon.

From the sky, a colossal light giant, whose feet touched the ground, appeared.

"Human! You fool! You waited quietly and now this monster has appeared!"

"T-That monster... It's incredible. We're done for..."

The orcs despaired and blamed Sung JiHan upon seeing the light giant.

No, why on earth did they wait for that?

Meanwhile, the elf leader cleverly pleaded with the light giant.

"Oh, Great Spirit. Just give me a chance to breathe! Then I'll take care of the flesh and bones... and escape!"

The elf, for whom the orders from above were top priority.

The Great Spirit moved according to the words of the elf leader.

Flash! Flash!

A massive light poured down towards Sung JiHan.

When some of the orcs unknowingly closed their eyes due to the intense light.


The widely spread aura of death lightly deflected the light of the Great Spirit.

"No, that attack..."

Now they thought it was the end.

But when the attack disappeared, the orcs looked at Sung JiHan with astonished eyes.

How could he block such an overwhelming attack?

"Human... Just how strong are you?"

When the orc unknowingly said that.


Sung JiHan looked towards the orcs and asked.

"Hey, do you guys have a supporter?"

The words of the humans, heard through the Battle.net automatic translation.

Unlike their overwhelming power, their voices weren't that intense compared to themselves.

They seemed weak at first glance, but could they be hiding tremendous power within?

The orc leader, thinking that way, answered Sung JiHan's question.

"Supporter? Shaman. We have one."

"Bring them out. Ah, do you have any magic that can strike with divine power? From a distance."

"...We do."

"Prepare that."

"Ah, understood. Uson, go."

Sung JiHan, the Sung JiHan of a different race, gave a sudden order to the orcs.

They followed him as if they were possessed.

"Shoot it towards the lower part of that Great Spirit's belly."

"There... You mean?"


Following Sung JiHan's words, the orc supporter prepared a magic imbued with divine power.

Flash! Flash!

Meanwhile, the Great Spirit had been exerting all its strength to break Sung JiHan's barrier, but...

The attack didn't have any effect at all.

"What kind of power is this...!"

When the elf leader anxiously looked back and forth between the Great Spirit and Sung JiHan.

"By using the power of light, you're going to attack that light?"


"It's probably useless... Are humans really that foolish?"

"Just do as you're told."

"Ah, I got it. Ashipallaka!"

In an instant!

When Shaman Woo-son shook his staff, a white wolf head popped out and flew towards the giant of light.

Not only was there a huge difference in size, but the emitted light was much stronger than the Great Spirit.

The wolf head, which seemed to disappear in the middle of flying.



As Sung JiHan pointed, the wolf head that flew without any resistance collided with the intended location.


Cracks began to form in the body of the giant of light.

"What, what is it! The Great Spirit...!"

"Huh? Me, me?"

The bewildered elf leader and Woo-son, who couldn't believe that he succeeded.


Although the cracks in the body of the giant of light flickered a few times and recovered, it was definitely weaker than before.

Sung JiHan was convinced when he saw that.

"Clearly, that point from earlier is its weakness. It's weak against divine power."

The bodies of the elves hidden in the navel area of the Great Spirit.

When divine power was applied there, it was able to deliver a significant blow.

Although it couldn't be finished because Woo-son was not a diamond-level supporter yet.

If a player of diamond-level or higher were to strike there, they would see even greater effects.

Now that he knew for sure that the weakness was being exploited.

"Let's finish this."

Sung JiHan quickly approached the giant of light and shattered its weak spot.


Then the light scattered and the giant disappeared.

The elf leader watched it from the sky with a blank expression.

"This, this can't be..."

"You're the last one. Then go be last place."


When the body of the last survivor burst open.

"The elf is dead!"

"He can't regenerate!"

"Humanity. They're strong! They saved us! They're our friends!"

The orcs on the ground cheered.

They cheered for Sung JiHan, who suddenly appeared and wiped out the formidable elves, even calling him a friend.

One of them called him a 'friend.'

"Why do you like us?"


"Next up is you guys."

He had no intention of becoming friends with them.

And then.

Step by step.

When the undead legion rushed in from all directions.

"Oh, no...!"

The faces of the orcs turned pale.

Above them, the blades of the Death Knights covered them.

* * *

=Sung JiHan. Leading the undead and sweeping through Meccan!

=In the league competition, all opponents have disappeared!

=What happens now...

=Ah. Ah...! The game will end!

With no competition, the league competition ended.

While the other teams were competing against each other in a survival competition, defending themselves until they were covered in blood, this side had no opponents left and automatically became first place.

That's how the game ended so uniquely.

Sung JiHan received a tremendous amount of reward messages, but among them, he paid attention to one line.

"I finally get it. The Void."

[You have cleared the Holy Seat Quest.]

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