Entering the Space League, the Diamond Promotion Matches have changed to League Competition Matches.

The winner of this round, which was divided into 5 groups, was none other than humanity.

The three groups consisting of humans, elves, mechs, and orcs.

They finished the game before the map of the giant graveyard changed.

=Since they cleared the game before the map changed, humanity's first place is confirmed!

=The first place reward is already out... Oh, this is!

=The TO that can be promoted in the promotion matches has increased by 10%!

=And it's for all the league promotion matches! The period is limited to one year, but the numbers are amazing!

The reward that humanity received for winning first place in the league competition matches was even better than expected.

Because the chance to be promoted in all league promotion matches increased by 10%.

-TO increased? Wow.

-It's 50% now. So if you only play the promotion matches, it goes up by 60%?

-Yeah, our hyung couldn't even reach Platinum before, but now he can, lol.

-Doesn't this mean that only mediocre diamonds will be mass-produced?

-Even if they're mediocre, it's better to have more diamonds. It means more strong players.

-Sung JiHan did it again, wow.

Even after that, the commentators talked for a long time about the impact of this reward.

They displayed the scoreboards of the league competition matches.

=It seems like the matches are still ongoing on the other side. The scores of the races that came out as ?? keep changing!

=It would be nice if they showed the matches of the other groups too. Oh. But the World Tree Elf we met in the opening match is dominating first place in Group 1.

=The World Tree Elf... They're indeed powerful. Although they seem weak against Sung JiHan in particular, the power of the race itself is clearly outstanding.

=By any chance, are there more of those ?? races?

=Oh, come on!

The World Tree Elf is leading Group 1 with an overwhelming score of 71.

And the first places in Groups 2, 4, and 5, which are marked as ??, also had almost the same score, sharing the first place.

-All the first places have similar scores.

-It can't all be World Tree Elves, right? lol

-Oh, come on...

-Don't say unlucky things -_-

Looking at other people's scoreboards, they argued whether it was a coincidence.

When people were arguing with different opinions.

Sung JiHan logged out to the penthouse and looked at the personal rewards for this match.

[Special achievement, 'League Competition Winner' achieved.]

[Obtained 500,000 achievement points.]

[Special achievement, 'League Competition MVP' achieved.]

[Obtained 500,000 achievement points.]

[Special achievement, 'Giant Graveyard Exploration' achieved.]

[Obtained 1,000,000 achievement points.]

[Special achievement, 'Attack Rather Than Defense' achieved.]

[Obtained 1,000,000 achievement points.]

Perhaps because the game ended with an attack on the defense map.

More achievements were added, and Sung JiHan gained a total of 3 million achievement points.

[Level increased to 10.]

[Obtained 1 billion GP as a reward.]

In addition, he leveled up as the MVP of the promotion matches, and the amount of GP reward also increased significantly, receiving 1 billion GP. However,

"Compared to rejecting 1 quadrillion, 1 billion seems too small."

The GP reward had a difference similar to that between the sun and a firefly compared to the GP offered by the Cosmic Yggdrasil.

He couldn't even look at this level.


[Cleared the Seat of the Dead Star quest.]

He focused on the last sentence.

['The Seat of the Dead Star' is summoning players to the 'Void Swamp' in order to give quest rewards.]

[Will you respond to the summon?]

The Void Swamp.

Although it was a suspicious place, Sung JiHan decided to enter.

[Events related to the 'Void' stat will be safely conducted under the supervision of the BattleNet system.]

When the BattleNet system unexpectedly stepped in to guarantee safety,


Sung JiHan responded to the summon.

* * *

"Is this the Void Swamp?"

Sung JiHan, who responded to the summon, looked around.

A world dyed in crimson.

A faint light shone from the sky.

On the ground, a massive whirlpool slowly rotated.

"The energy felt within the whirlpool is tremendous."

Although it didn't suck Sung JiHan in,

He felt an incredibly powerful force from the slowly rotating whirlpool that couldn't be measured.

While Sung JiHan was focusing his gaze on the whirlpool, wondering what was happening inside,


"Hey, kid! You're here!"

Behind him, Sung JiHan heard a familiar, cheeky voice.

Sung JiHan turned around and widened his eyes slightly.

"It's not a skeleton this time."

"To summon the Void, the main body has to come."

Kalein, the seat of the Dead Star who always wandered around in an undead state.

But this time, his appearance was different from usual.

A white-haired man stood there, dressed in a black robe, trembling.

Although his red eyes were dim and hazy, his revealed appearance was beautiful enough to be compared to an elf.

"You were human?"

"Human... your weak kind? I was a few steps above that. Hm. Yes. In your terms... a half-human, perhaps?"

"A half-human."

"Yes. I was quite successful at one point. Look."

Kalein pointed to his chin.

Unusually shaped characters were written all the way down to his chin.

Perhaps because it was a foreign language, it seemed like the meaning wouldn't be understood even if looked at.


When light emitted from the characters, the text was automatically translated.

"This is the possession of the Sun King."

"Only he can own it."

"Those who seek shall destroy the three races."

"What is this?"

"The Sun King, in his favor, stamped me with this. Hehe."

"Can't you erase that as a seat as well?"

"Well, there are various circumstances... If our heads join, everything will be resolved, I think!"

Kalein reached out both arms towards Sung JiHan.

As the edge of his robe slid down, his arms were revealed.

Unlike his face and hands, Kalein's arms were nothing but bones.

"The neck is also bones below."

Is it a mixture of undead and half-human?

Although it seemed more complicated than when he wore a skull mask,

"It doesn't concern me."

Sung JiHan waved his hand at Kalein, who was approaching him.

"Forget about that. Give me the Void quickly."

"Ugh, fine. But, even though it feels empty... shouldn't we avoid delving too deep?"

"Why is that?"

"If you get too entangled with the emptiness, you won't live long. I can't risk losing you."

"...Why won't we live long?"

Sung JiHan responded with a stern face.

It was already uncomfortable for Yoon Sae-ah to be entangled with the emptiness.

And now that the Pope was saying this, she couldn't help but worry.

"The emptiness prevents longevity. It puts an end to surpassing the lifespan of a paper."

"What are you talking about?"

"You, humans, right? How many years do you live?"

"Um... an average of 70 years?"

"No. Can't you live longer than that?"

Kalein shrugged and placed his palm on the ground.



A purple energy rose from the whirlpool on the ground.

"With your abilities, you can easily surpass 70 years. Hundreds of years? With the various auxiliary effects of the BattleNet, you could even live over a thousand years."

"But I don't plan on living that long. According to what you're saying, I can live up to 70 years, right?"

"Yes. You can enjoy the lifespan given to your kind. You can't go beyond that."

"Alright then."

"Haha... Even if you say that now, your thoughts will change when it's time to die. As the one in charge of the power of death, I can guarantee that. You'll go crazy wanting to live longer when you turn 70."

Sung JiHan pondered over his words.

Right now, in his twenties, he thought he could easily live for a thousand years or more.

But once he actually lived a long life, his thoughts might change.

Where would you find a living being that likes death?

Especially if, like Sung JiHan, they could live longer than their species and live a healthy life.

He wouldn't welcome death.

"What about you? You also have the power of emptiness. From what you're saying, the emptiness and the undead don't seem to go well together."

"That's why I didn't delve too deep. I had to search the entire universe and kill all the kings, if necessary."

Tap. Tap.

He lightly tapped his cheek and smiled, pointing at the 'Sun King's Belongings'.

He then spread his palm.

"So, my emptiness stat is 10."

"Only 10? That's it?"

"Well, if you're going to take it this time, I'll give you 5."


"How about it? Will you take it like this?"

"Sure, give it to me."

Even after hearing Kalein's warning,

Sung JiHan didn't hesitate and gave an immediate response.

"In a world where we can't even guarantee living for a hundred years, let alone a thousand."

In the current competition between gods and spirits,

They had to use every bit of strength they had.

And they had to analyze the power of emptiness to find his sister.

"Alright. I'll give it to you... but don't allocate any stat points. You'll regret it later."

"Just give it to me quickly."

"100. 100 is the limit. Don't go beyond that. Seriously. It's for our longevity!"

Seeing Kalein genuinely worried, Sung JiHan smirked and gestured with his hand.

"Just give it to me."

"Alright. Here you go."


The whirlpool on the ground, which was rotating clockwise, now started rotating in reverse.

['The Seat of the Dead Star' bestows its ability, 'Void'.]

['Would you like to acquire 'Void'?]

Without hesitation, Sung JiHan pressed 'Yes' while looking at the system message that appeared.

[Obtained the 'Void' ability of unknown grade.]

[The 'Void' ability does not affect titles, stats, or effects.]

[The more stat points invested, the higher the chance of being bound by the Will of the Void.]

It's an unknown grade.

The difference in grade between the ability of a star and a soul is like heaven and earth.

Sung JiHan opened his status window.

At the bottom of various impressive stats.

[Void: 5]

The Void was pitifully displayed with a value of 5.

'I didn't have anywhere to use additional stat points, so this worked out well.'

Thanks to the soul that rises as the martial arts develop, the additional stat points that had been accumulating.

Since there were no such restrictions on the Void stat, it seemed possible to invest as much as desired.

Of course, although he thought about investing the stat points immediately, the problem that Kallein warned about came to mind.

'Living for a thousand years.'

Having witnessed the destruction of the Earth in his past life and becoming an enemy of the gods, Sung JiHan, as he is now, prioritized upgrading his own abilities rather than the distant future.

And also.

'I have to bring my sister out.'

Because he had to rescue his sister who had become a witch of the Void.

He thought that he should invest all the stat points once he understood a little about the Void.

Suddenly, he remembered something and asked Kallein.

"Hey. But can I take away my niece's Void ability?"

"Niece? Ah, that girl? It won't be easy. It seems to be quite related to the Void... You should invest in the Void a bit."

"I see. I guess I should invest."

"Hey! What are you saying? Then you'll definitely be stuck for 70 years."

"That's enough for me."

"It's not enough for me! Hey. And if you think about it that way, isn't it enough for your niece too? 70 years!"

"I made my choice by my own will, and Se-ah didn't know. You should let her have the choice."

Kallein looked at Sung JiHan as if he couldn't believe what he was saying.

Why doesn't this guy plan to live long?

"Hey. Really. Think carefully before investing in the Void. Once it reaches 100, you can never go back."

"Okay, now stop it and let me go back."

"Hey hey. Wait a minute. Let's talk a little more. The ability of death was useful, right? If I become your head, I can enjoy it a thousand times more!"

Seeing Kallein trying to cling to him again, asking to be sent home, Sung JiHan frowned.

Come to think of it, this ability inheritance.

It was said to be safely conducted under the supervision of the BattleNet system.

"System. Send me back."

[The Void inheritance of player 'Sung JiHan' has ended.]

[Returning to the original location.]

"Ah, are you already going? Hey...! Don't ever reach 100!"

Kallein warned him not to reach 100 until the end.

Having returned from the swamp of the Void like that, Sung JiHan thought to himself, 'Should I at least listen to Se-ah's intentions? Since I can absorb the ability directly.'

While thinking about what to do with Yoon Se-ah's Void ability.

[Obtained the Void ability.]

[The achievement store is now open.]

[Due to meeting hidden conditions, the achievement store has been revamped.]

[The secret store has been unlocked.]

'...Secret store?'

Suddenly, a system message appeared, and Sung JiHan looked at it with surprised eyes.

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