"Even though I was thinking about upgrading the shop, it's a secret shop."

Achievement shop.

Once it was used abundantly, but recently there was nowhere to use achievement points, so the points just kept piling up.

But now I have fulfilled the prerequisite for shop upgrades, which is donation.

I was also thinking about using the diamond promotion, but I guess I'll start using the points at the end of January.

"It's a secret shop... I should see what they sell."

Sung JiHan opened the secret shop.

[Secret Shop - Void LV.1]

Secret Shop Upgrade - 5,000,000P

Status Enhancement LV.1 - 1,000,000P

Class Enhancement LV.1 - 1,000,000P

Title Fusion - 1,000,000P

Interdimensional Space - Opened for 1,000,000P, consumes 10,000P per day when activated

[All items in the secret shop have an expiration date, and the expiration date is proportional to the void ability.]

"The amount of points consumed is enormous."

Secret Shop - Void.

Even though it's only level 1, the required achievement points were enormous.

And it wasn't even unlimited.

If I had obtained achievement points like before, I would have hesitated to touch it.

"But now I have over ten million points, so I have some leeway."

Sung JiHan, who had gained tremendous achievement points by performing well in the Space League twice in a row, now had over ten million points.

Now, it was worth experimenting with investing points.

"But it would be a waste to spend 1 million at a time, so should I raise the void stat to 50?"

The Seat of the Dead Star warned not to invest in the void stat.

But for now, I just have to not reach 1 million, right?

And maybe because the void stat is only 5.

Other than this secret shop, Sung JiHan didn't feel any significant changes.

"I need to know what this ability is."

Sung JiHan, who had decided to invest, invested all the stat points he had accumulated.

At first, the void stat was steadily increasing.

"But the additional point requirement is increasing."

Later, it required 2 additional points.

In the end, I had to put in 3 additional points to increase the void by 1.

In the end, Sung JiHan, who had spent all his points at void 42, raised his head excitedly.

"It's a long way to 100."

Being bound by the will of the void, there was no need to worry for now.

Sung JiHan examined his body condition to see if there were any visible effects from investing points.


The aura of death that didn't show much effect in the real world.

As soon as I invested in the void ability, I found that it was exerting a presence in the game just like before.

"And... the shadow ability has become even more distinct."

In a broad sense, the power related to darkness, shadows, and death.

Does the void enhance all of this?

As Sung JiHan was grasping the change in his internal energy.

[You can absorb the stats 'Sword Shadow' and 'Death' into the void.]

[Will you absorb them?]

When absorbed, the Void stat increases. Under the jurisdiction of the Void, two abilities can be used in an enhanced form.

An additional message came to Sung JiHan.

Is it a higher concept that encompasses Void abilities and abilities related to darkness?

"For now, I should absorb the death that has an expiration date."

The ability of death that the Seat of the Dead Star provided for a week.

It will disappear anyway, so it's better to use it to enhance the Void.

Among the two abilities, Sung JiHan proceeded to absorb death.



A dark red light flashed on Sung JiHan's body and disappeared into his body.

"The stat 'Death' and the skill 'Death Sentence' are fused into the Void."

"The Void stat increases by 5."

"Only 5?"

The ability of death was quite useful and powerful.

But even though it has an expiration date, it only increased the stat by 5?

At first, Sung JiHan was slightly disappointed with this result.

"No, this... I can completely use the Void as a death ability. The power of the ability seems stronger than in the game."

After testing his body in various ways, Sung JiHan's eyes lit up.

If in the game, absorbing the energy of death showed a 20% enhancement buff effect.

The power bound to the Void seemed to have a 40% effect.

Already strengthened, the 40% buff effect was a significant enhancement for Sung JiHan.

Seeing this doubled effect, his gaze naturally turned to the Shadow Elf.

"Ariel, come out."

To completely break the Seat quest with the ability of death, Ariel was sealed inside for a moment.

She came out from Sung JiHan's arm and revealed herself in the form of a Shadow Elf.

"Ah, is it time to release the seal? Master."

"Yeah. The Shadow Elf ability and you, are they completely intertwined?"

"The Shadow Elf from the master? I only receive the shadow energy from there, and I am only enhanced. It is not related to stats. It is a completely different existence."

"Then can it be combined with the Void?"

"Huh? The Void? Why is that suddenly coming up?"

"Just wait."

Ariel, who had no idea what had happened while she was sealed for a while, said.

"The stat 'Shadow Elf' is fused into the Void."

"The Void stat increases by 8."


Sung JiHan was surprised when he fused the Shadow Elf into the Void.

"What, what is this?"

His body grew rapidly, and Ariel's head reached the ceiling.

Her body was shining purple.

"Please control the shadow energy for a moment!"

"Oh, wait."

When the Void stat reached 55, the amplification effect seemed to increase even more than the original Shadow Elf, making the shadow power much stronger.

After Sung JiHan consolidated the energy, Ariel returned to her original size.

"What... something, Master. This power...! It felt similar to when the Queen directly infused energy into me."

"Comparable to the Seat?"

"Of course, the total amount of shadow energy is much greater when it comes to the Queen. But the precision of the energy... It was really similar. Void... Is this the power that comes out when combined with the Void?"

Ariel still couldn't believe it and touched her body here and there.

"The power of darkness and the power of death have merged, making both much stronger than before... But I still don't fully understand the Void itself."

I understand that the Void can consume and assimilate dark attribute abilities.

But I still don't have a sense of what the Void itself is as an ability.

"For now, I should focus on exploring the Void and using the store."

Sung JiHan decided to concentrate on what he could do right now.

"First, let's enhance."

He spent 2 million achievement points and chose to enhance his status window and class.


[Status window enhanced.]

[All stats in the status window are enhanced by 20%, and experience gain and stat growth rate increase by 50%.]

[Enhancement effect lasts for 55 weeks.]

[Stats 'Soul' and 'Void' are not included in the enhancement.]

[Class is enhanced.]

[Class characteristics are enhanced, and the effect of All for One is amplified by 100%.]

[Inspiration of the Four Swordsmen activates more frequently. When training in the Otherworld, this inspiration activates even more frequently.]

[Enhancement effect lasts for 55 weeks.]

By spending 1 million points each, he was able to obtain powerful enhancement effects that were worth it.

Of course, since the enhancement effect excluded the enhancement of Soul and Void in the status window, it was almost useless.

"Where is the increased growth speed?"

He became one of the strongest warriors on Earth.

But Sung JiHan still had a long way to go compared to the Divine.

Still, he was quite satisfied with this effect.


"Both last for 55 weeks... It's the same as the Void stat. It must be linked."

A duration linked to the Void stat.

It seemed like it increased by 1 week for every 1 point.

"The effect of training in the Otherworld seems to be related to the 'Space of the Otherworld'."

The Space of the Otherworld, which was at the bottom of the secret store.

At first, Sung JiHan was puzzled about its usefulness.

But when he thought about it in connection with the additional effect of the Four Swordsmen, it seemed like this place was a space related to training.

"I should open it once."

Opening the Space of the Otherworld cost 1 million points and an additional 10,000 points per day.

Although it was a considerable amount of points, Sung JiHan, who prioritized strengthening his martial arts, invested in it without hesitation.


"The Space of the Otherworld, accessible only to players, is now open."

"Players can use it as a 'hideout' or 'training ground'."

"What purpose would you like to use the Space of the Otherworld for?"

A message asking for the purpose of the Otherworld space appeared.

Thinking about the Veil of the Void he had given to Yoon Se-ah...

The hideout in the Otherworld seemed to have a quite powerful effect.

"But it's still a training ground."

To Sung JiHan, who still had a long way to go, the latter option was more appealing.

He chose the training ground.

"The Space of the Otherworld will be used as a training ground."

"You can implement the interior of the space as you wish."

"Time flows 5.5 times slower in the training ground compared to reality."

"5.5 times?"

It seems to be linked to the Void 55.

A training ground that increases time by 5.5 times.

Among the items sold in the store, this was much more useful to Sung JiHan than the reinforcement effect he had previously bought.

"I'll use the training ground right away."

[Implementing the space of the other world.]

As soon as Sung JiHan finished the promotion match like that.

He entered the newly created training ground.


"This... is revolutionary."

There, he saw the possibility of completing the explosive mine.

* * *

A hotel suite in Vladivostok, Russia.

Vladimir, Russia's top warrior, knelt on the floor of the room and prayed with a devout face.

"Your Holiness... the time has come."

Unlike his appearance in the game called Berserker, he had a very polite attitude.

And he had a reason for that.

The target he was praying to now was the sponsoring Holy See who promised to strengthen him one step further.

The Holy See 'The One Who Kills Gods', who suddenly sponsored him one day.

That Holy See, whose name was extraordinary, gave him one command.

[When you fight Sung JiHan, pray to me. Then I will come to you.]

-Sung JiHan... you mean?

[Yes. After the battle is over, I will raise your gift to SSS rank.]

-He, he is a hero of humanity. Shouldn't we avoid harm to him...?

Thanks to Sung JiHan's achievements, humanity has gained a lot.

Although Vladimir personally lost to Sung JiHan in the Korean War.

Considering the Space League, his existence was absolutely necessary for humanity.

When he showed signs of hesitation, the Holy See promised him.

[I will only educate him briefly inside the BattleNet. I will not directly harm him.]


[If he is a hero of humanity, can Russia just lose? If that's the case, just surrender to Korea with a white flag. Is there any need for a national resistance?]

-...Ah, I understand.

In the face of the Holy See's authority, Vladimir eventually accepted it.

And on February 1st.

In the first match of the newly opened Northeast Asia League, he ended up facing Korea.

He hesitated and ended up praying.

'...Yes. The national resistance is separate. I owe a debt to Sung JiHan, and if Russia can win, I have to win no matter what it takes. And he promised to raise my gift to SSS rank...!'

While Vladimir was rationalizing himself like that.


His entire head sparkled with a bright white light.


Suddenly struck by a tremendous headache, Vladimir grabbed his head and collapsed.

And soon, not long after.



The Holy See 'The One Who Kills Gods'.

The servant of the god, Longinus, descended upon Vladimir.

"Sung JiHan... I will properly educate you."

The one who took over Vladimir's body smirked.

It was a smile that was confident that he would win.

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