[Sung JiHan-Yoon Sejin's Dynamic Duo. The Korean national team with the world's best lineup.]

[Gamblers betting on Korea for the 2021 Champions League victory! Ranked 4th in odds.]

[After the tutorial, what changes have been made? The ban system has been introduced in national team matches as well.]

In the first half of 2021, the Battle.net Regional League.

The Northeast Asia League started on February 1st.

Just last year, Korea struggled in the Northeast Asia League.

Entering 2021, the evaluation of Korea completely changed, and they were being recognized as a contender for the championship.

-Sung JiHan, who became a Diamond, reunites with the Sword King... The lineup is insane.

-When the Sword King left last year, Korea had the weakest lineup...

-For real, do you think it'll happen this year? Will we see a champion from Korea in the Champions League?!

-Will Korea be the third?!

Battle.net Champions League.

Started in 2010 and lasted for 10 years.

Only two countries have won the championship.

USA 7 times, China 3 times.

Other countries also fought in the Champions League to some extent.

But they couldn't overcome the walls of those two superpowers.

However, this year's Korean national team has...

Sung JiHan, who emerged like a comet, and Yoon Sejin, the Sword King who regained his composure in Japan and returned home.

No matter how strong the USA and China are, they might not be able to handle it.

This trend had spread considerably among the public.

Of course, there were variables.

-I'm a bit worried about the introduction of the ban system...

-If Sung JiHan and the Sword King get banned, our true skills will show, haha.

-True skills? The skills we had before Sung JiHan came and we were always at the bottom in Northeast Asia? Haha.

-We do need more talent for real.

-Yeah, Yoon Se-ah should join the national team too.

└Se-ah, are you here?

└Se-ah, hi.

└Level up a bit more before coming.

"Hey, how did you know?"

Yoon Se-ah frowned as she saw a reply to her comment.

People are too much.

She even won the World TOP 100 Promotion Match.

There were no replies supporting her joining the national team, only comments asking if Se-ah had arrived.

"Our archers are the strongest in Korea, how can a newly promoted Diamond player join the national team?"

When Sung JiHan saw Se-ah's reply, she smirked, feeling unjust.

"Ah, I really got underestimated! I even reached the Grandmaster rank, changed my class to Void Analyst, and got Void Arrow."

"You still only have the Void Arrow skill?"

"...Uh, I heard that you can't add skills until you obtain Void stats."

"You didn't have Void stats?"

"No. They say you get it after fully analyzing Void Arrow..."

"I have it."

Yoon Se-ah's eyes widened at Sung JiHan's words.

"Huh? Uncle has it?"

"Yeah. I completed the Seat Quest and got it."

"Wow... Uncle has everything."

"Do you know anything more about the Void, Nuna?"

"No, not really, since becoming an analyst."

As she said that, Yoon Sae-ah summoned Void Arrows.

Unlike before, three violet arrows were created.

They were also larger than before.

"They have definitely become stronger."

Void Arrow was already a scam skill.

Now that it had been enhanced, Yoon Sae-ah felt confident that she could make a significant impact even in Diamond.

"But it's a bit disappointing to only have one skill when I've reached Diamond. Won't Mom give me a good skill?"

Yoon Sae-ah stroked the Void Arrows as she spoke.

It was a good skill, but she had been relying on it for too long.

"The Void stat... It's not that great."


"It can only be used until the age of 70."

"...What are you talking about?"

When Sung JiHan explained what she had heard about the Void stat, Yoon Sae-ah looked puzzled.

"So... instead of living long with artificially enhanced physical abilities through BattleNet, we just live the average human lifespan?"

"That's right. It's not certain since it's just that guy's story."

"Well... if it's true, that's a bit disappointing, isn't it? It's nice to live long. And if we can live longer with the abilities obtained from BattleNet, wouldn't aging be delayed?"

"There have been cases where aging has been reversed."

Once you reach Diamond, you're practically a superhuman player.

Among the older players, there were even those who became younger as time passed.

To give up on the path of living a long life in a healthy state.

And instead accept the Void and live according to the original lifespan?

"Ugh... Shouldn't I just accept the Void?"

"Yes. I want to live long. I'll absorb that ability for you."

"What about Uncle? Shouldn't Uncle be the one to give up?"

"I need more power."

As long as there were battles with the gods that couldn't be avoided.

Longevity and all that weren't important.

She had to gather her strength as things came.

And also.

"The secret shop and training grounds obtained through the Void are so good."

The training grounds where the flow of time changed in proportion to the Void stat.

When one day passed on Earth, she could spend 5.5 days there.

"It's not just the time that's good about the training grounds. You can also control the location."

The default state was a violet wasteland training ground.

But by paying achievement points, she could summon the map environment she had played before.

So Sung JiHan had been going back and forth between the maps she had played, focusing on combat training.

"Now, there's only one thing left."

She felt that completion was just around the corner.

She couldn't give up on the Void, which provided time and location, because of her lifespan.

"Well... then I'll keep it too. To become an S-rank in the Waiting Room, I have to become a national representative. I'll hold onto Void Arrows and board the national team."

Even Yoon Sae-ah, who had been conflicted for a moment at Sung JiHan's story, decided to keep the Void on her side.

As she welcomed the Seat, she had risen to A-rank.

To reach S-rank and raise her Gift grade, she had to be selected as a national representative.

"Now the national team has conditions? How about the A-level effect?"

"I heard that the bonus given by the Holy See has tripled. I haven't received a bonus before, so I don't feel it."

I wonder if there are any restrictions.

Other than the advice given last time, the empty witch has been keeping silent.

"You haven't been in the Holy See for long. They'll give you something later."

"No, it's okay even if I don't receive a bonus. Where is the benefit of being in the Holy See?"

As the two of them were talking about the Holy See,


Sung JiHan's phone rang.

[Sung JiHan, we have arrived.]

"Yes, I'm coming down."

It was a call from Manager Park Yoon-sik, who came to pick up Sung JiHan for the national team game.

Originally, it wasn't the day of the game.

Before that, the players gathered at the Battle.net Center for training and coordination.

Sung JiHan specifically asked the coach for permission to focus on the Void Training Ground this time.

-Do you have personal training? Ah. Of course. Take your time and come. Just come to the center on the day of the game. I'll send a limousine.

And Coach No Young-jun responded smoothly to this request.

If it were any other player, they would never have allowed such special treatment.

To Sung JiHan, who saved the Korean national team from last place and even brought back the Sword Emperor from Japan.

He wasn't tough enough to tell him to come to the center right away.

"I guess I'll watch the game at home today. Good luck and come back, Uncle~"

"Yeah. Take it easy."

Sung JiHan waved his hand lightly to Yoon Se-ah and got on the elevator.

=The 2021 Northeast Asia League, first half of the season, finally begins today!

=The first game will be between our very own South Korea and Russia!

=Even though the Space League has started, the regional leagues are still being held, right?

=Yes, of course. The dungeon portals are still being created based on the country's ranking, just like in the main game!

+A higher league.

+With the establishment of the Space League, which requires the collective effort of all humanity, there were evaluations that the importance of national competitions would decrease.

+When humanity initially dropped from being tied for first place to the middle rankings, those evaluations were quickly dismissed.

+The disappeared dungeon portals began to be created again at a rapid pace.

+The criteria for portal creation by country, which was in the bottom 10% during the tutorial, gradually increased day by day after settling in the middle rankings, reaching 12 or 13%.

=On the contrary, as we enter the main game, performance in the regional leagues has become even more important. If the ranking in the Space League drops, more dungeons will appear in more countries!

=That's right. Now, the league ranking has become directly related to national security. But we have some really good news for our South Korea! The Sword King has returned!

=The hero who has returned after a period of wandering! And Sung JiHan, who appeared like a comet...! How destructive will their combination be? South Korea has risen to 4th place in the betting odds for the Champions League of gamblers!

=4th place...! Oh. After the United States, China, and India! It's almost the same as India. Depending on the future performance, we might be able to climb even higher!

+India, which is evaluated as a top 3 country in the world, with a powerful player pool based on its enormous population.

+Competing with them was unthinkable just a year ago.

=If there was only one player, Russia would have focused on banning that player. We're really lucky.

=That's right. The ban system for the regional leagues has been slightly narrowed down compared to the Space League, right?

=Yes. It has been reduced by one. Players ranked 1-10 can ban 2 players, and players ranked 1-20 can ban 4 players.

=And... you can also specifically target one player!

=Whether to randomly ban top-ranked players.

+Or to specifically target one player and prevent them from participating in the game through a ban.

+With the introduction of BattleNet into the main game, team coaches can now make strategic judgments through bans and selects.

- If only Sung JiHan was there, we would have completely sniped the van.

- Seriously, lol. It's fortunate that we have GomWang as well.

- It seems like Russia will probably use the one-person van card, right? They banned two players from the top 10 and if they save Sung JiHan for last, they're just handing over the game, lol.

- Rather than banning two random players from the top 10.

It was safer to just pick one and make sure they couldn't participate in the game.

People all expected that Russia would focus the van card on one key player.

So, people's attention was on...

- Who will be banned first?

Everyone's attention was focused on who Russia would bring out the van card against.

- Probably not GomWang?

- Ah, Sung JiHan, who just reached Diamond this time, seems more likely though.

- But GomWang has experience. Last time they faced each other, Sung JiHan was slightly behind.

- What are you talking about? He intentionally made it seem like he was behind to wake up. And look at how much Sung JiHan has grown since then...!

- Why are you guys fighting, lol? We both have it anyway.

- └└ This is a really important issue.

- We can't compromise, seriously.

- Why are the fandoms fighting, ugh. The Russian coach will handle it...

Although it's Russia who is doing the banning, it's the Korean fans who are fighting.

And the national team players were also interested in this.

"JiHan, what do you think will happen with the ban?"

"I don't know."

The leader of the Archer Jin team, Ha YeonJoo, approached Sung JiHan and had a mischievous smile on her face.

"Wasn't this in your premonition?"

"Well, anyone can do it and we will win. There's no need to predict this."

"If it were me, I would ban my brother-in-law. In the past, I wouldn't have known, but now, I don't think my brother-in-law can win."

Unlike Sung JiHan, Yoon SeJin, who came to the BattleNet Center first and made a deal with the national team players in advance, admitted that she was weaker than Sung JiHan.

"If you say so. I also think Russia will probably ban my brother-in-law."

"Instead of pretending, honestly, what do you think?"

"Honestly? Honestly, I think I'm the strongest on Earth."

"Wow... Straight answer! Impressive."

"That's how it should be for a brother-in-law."

Sung JiHan confidently stated that he was the strongest on Earth without changing his facial expression.

When Ha YeonJoo saw that, she had an incredulous smile on her face.

While they were in the waiting room, the scene of the Russian coach drawing the van card was shown on the TV.

= Russian, Russian coach!

= We ban player Yoon SeJin!

"They banned me?"

Yoon SeJin slightly tilted her head and smiled.

"They banned me while leaving the strongest on Earth. It seems like the name GomWang still holds some value, brother-in-law."

"That's right. Let's go show them what we're capable of."

Sung JiHan shrugged his shoulders and stood up from his seat.

Whether it's Sung JiHan or GomWang, it didn't matter to the Korean national team.

The power of the Russian East was enough to easily win even if only one of them came out.

"But still, banning me first... It's annoying."

Next time, make sure to ban me.

Sung JiHan made up his mind and participated in the first match.

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