=Will Russia really ban Sung JiHan, or will they ban Yoon SeJin? There were many arguments, but...

=Russia's choice was to ban Geomwang!

=And the map... huh? It's assigned to 'One Bridge'!

=Choosing to ban Geomwang was a binary choice anyway.

=Then Russia's coach's choice puzzled everyone.

=Uh... Wasn't this map the one we selected?

=That's right. It's a simple map where both sides clash head-on without any variables, all centered around one bridge!

=It's the most advantageous map for South Korea with powerful warriors... I don't understand why Russia chose this!

=Do they trust the Russian warriors? But didn't they suffer a crushing defeat against Sung JiHan a few months ago?

One bridge.

This map, also known as Jangpanpa, was used as a defense map in tutorials to block incoming enemies.

In national team matches, it showed a battle where both teams advanced from either end of the massive bridge.

As the battle ends on one bridge, the map heavily relies on the frontline.

And Russia chose this map that was trampled by the golden Sung JiHan?

-One bridge? Oh, Jangpanpa?

-Russia giving up the match? Hahaha

-Expecting a clean 3:0 victory hehe

-Did the coach mistakenly ban the select card?

-There's a possibility.

Korean fans already feel like they've won the match, creating a festive atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the Russian coach who made this decision was furrowing his brow and sweating profusely.

"Vladimir, damn it!"

And do you not understand the situation going back?

However, behind the background that forced this decision, there was Vladimir.

-For the first match, decide on one bridge. Otherwise, I won't participate.

Although he is called a berserker because of the gift "Rampage,"

Vladimir is known for his good temperament.

But today, he was different.

Not only were his words rude, but they were also a complete command to the coach.


"I had no choice..."

Vladimir's momentum was so intense that the Russian coach could only nod his head in front of him.

If they had chosen a different map for the first match, it wouldn't have been a problem with Vladimir boycotting the game.

He seemed like he wouldn't let it go.

"Well, let's see. Vladimir."

While saying this, the Russian coach looked at the game screen.

At the starting point of one bridge, 100 Russian players were preparing their positions.

As usual, the Russian warriors formed a triangular formation.

"Vladimir. Isn't the triangular formation too weak?"

"Come to the very front!"

They tried to put Vladimir at the forefront.


"Do you really need to be there?"


When Vladimir shook his hand back once.


The bodies of the Russian players exploded simultaneously.

All 99 players.

"What, what is this? This crazy bastard...!"

When the Russian coach was startled and jumped up from his seat.

Vladimir slowly opened his mouth while looking at the spots where the players turned into blood.



In an instant, the bodies of the players disappeared, and only blood remained, all being sucked into Vladimir.

As the blood of 99 players concentrated, his form swelled up, enveloped in blood.

"Oh, oh no... What, what is this, Vladimir?"

"Russia... Did you prepare this in advance?"

"Still, even for such a suicidal act..."

As soon as the game started, Vladimir, who had become a bloodthirsty giant, blew away all the opposing players.

- What are they doing?

- Wow, but was Vladimir that strong? He blew them all away with just a gesture...

- Is it something planned by the team?

- It doesn't seem like it...

Just as the commentator and viewers were confused because they didn't understand English.

[Oh, the Cross Sword Cranium. Answer the summon.]

As the gathered blood scattered,

A giant cross began to form behind Vladimir.

Made of blood, the Cross Sword Cranium.

Vladimir, holding a giant sword that surpasses himself, three meters long,

[Sung JiHan... I will give you proper education.]

Looking at Sung JiHan on the other side, he smiled a sinister smile.

* * *

"...Strange. Vladimir wasn't that strong of a warrior."

Sung JiHan frowned as he watched the situation unfolding on the other side.

Vladimir from Russia.

Although he had always been ranked high in the warrior rankings in his previous life, he was a player who couldn't grow beyond a certain level due to the limitations of Gift Rampage.

But to blow away 99 people with just one gesture...

And that giant cross made of blood, what is that?

"Something has changed."

It can't be taken lightly.

When Sung JiHan took out his sword and spear, preparing for everything.


Vladimir's body was engulfed in a bloody mist.

And in an instant, he appeared in front of Sung JiHan.

"He's fast...!"

Incredible physical abilities.

His movements just now far surpassed the Sword King, who was known as the strongest warrior in humanity.


The giant blood sword that came stabbing.

At the same time, blood droplets bloomed like petals, surrounding Sung JiHan.

Bang! Bang!

The sword and spear moved quickly, defending against the attack.

But the blood droplets spread in the air, continuously surrounding him.

An enemy's attack that couldn't be defended with physical strength alone.

"Then I'll counterattack from here."

Sung JiHan aimed the tip of his spear at Vladimir.



Red Thunder Cannon.


A giant red thunder suddenly appeared.

The red lightning pierced through the Cross Sword and even Vladimir completely.

The blood droplets evaporated and scattered.

Although Vladimir's body quickly regenerated.

"Hehe... I should do this much."


In the surrounding atmosphere, as the blood droplets bloomed, they stuck to Vladimir's body again.

Even though he had been hit by the reinforced Red Thunder in the Void Training Ground.

Vladimir reconstructed his body while continuously creating blood droplets in the air.

An opponent with room to spare.

"This guy... is watching me."

Sung JiHan's eyes sank.

He didn't know how he became so strong, but it's not a pleasant sight to be underestimated by the opponent.

"I'll go all out."


A purple aura rose around Sung JiHan's body and was absorbed into his body.

The power of emptiness that absorbs the energy of death into one's own being.

When activated, it enhances abilities regardless of the limitations of the soul, Sung JiHan thought.

"Oh... this power. Could it be?"

Vladimir's eyes widened with interest.

His reaction seemed to indicate that he knew something.

Sung JiHan felt a strange sense of unease as she watched him.

Only a few people know about emptiness, so how does he seem to know about it?

"You've touched something dangerous. Are you resisting your master and making a final struggle?"

"You... you're not Vladimir?"

"Hehe... hold on as long as you can. So that I can enjoy it more."

Even with the enhanced Sung JiHan, Vladimir remained calm.

"Come out, Cranium."

Summoning the massive blood sword once again, he charged towards Sung JiHan.

Bang! Bang!

With each collision, blood droplets burst out from the sword.

They transformed into needles in mid-air and attacked Sung JiHan from all directions.

Not only did she have to deal with the enemy's main attack, but also the byproducts created when the blood sword burst.

"How troublesome."

Mumyung Shingong.

Amyeong Singyeol.


The form of the Eclipse Blood Sword crumbled and transformed into a whirlpool.

Sung JiHan swallowed the blood needles that were aiming for her from all directions.

"Good. Good."

Seeing that, Vladimir smiled as if he was enjoying it.


The enemy's lightning strikes hit several times, but the blood sword perfectly protected Sung JiHan.

It appeared as if Sung JiHan had the upper hand in both offense and defense.


=The enemy... resurrects again!

=The red lightning clearly burned his body...! Vladimir keeps appearing from thin air!

=I never expected humans to have a life force stronger than elves!

No matter how many times the enemy burned, Vladimir did not die.

Not only did Sung JiHan burn Vladimir's physical body, but she also burned all the blood floating around him.

Where is he coming from? Blood continued to flow from thin air as Vladimir regenerated his body.

"Where is this guy coming from?"

Even after being struck by lightning so many times, Vladimir continued to regenerate and appear.

When Sung JiHan thought that her current approach wouldn't work...

"...You're not even scratched."

Unlike the first time, Vladimir, who had regenerated dozens of times, did not have a relaxed expression on his face.

Not just the main attack through the blood sword.

Even with the blood droplets falling from the air, he relentlessly attacked Sung JiHan countless times.

He didn't even flinch.

"Indeed... is he worthy of receiving the choice of the soul?"

Longinus, who was controlling Vladimir's body, secretly admired.

The energy obtained by annihilating 99 national representatives.

Although it was not enough to fully unleash his original power, he thought it was enough to overpower Sung JiHan.

It seems that he had underestimated the power of the soul.

"I need to draw out more power."


The 17th regenerated Vladimir bent his knees and placed his palm on his thigh.

"Bloody Cross."


His leg turned bright red in an instant, and a cross made of blood began to appear.

Within the eerie blood droplets, a powerful aura emerged and affected not only Sung JiHan but also the national representatives behind her.

"Uh... ugh... blood is coming out of my body..."

"Get out of the way as much as possible!"

"Even outside the range... the impact... heal, please heal!"

Players with blood flowing instead of sweat.

Even though they were outside the range of the Bloody Cross, they quickly became weak.


"What on earth is this spectacle? Player Vladimir...!"

"He's completely destroying the game...!"

"Players who bleed instead of sweat... Didn't Sung JiHan also create a similar spectacle in the past?!"

"Yes! It was against Russia back then! Of course, the horizontal line of the cross was made of steel..."

Using skills that Sung JiHan used and similar to those used by Vladimir.

Amidst various speculations about him.

Sung JiHan looked at the Bloody Cross and became convinced.

"It's certain. He has something to do with the Divine."

An opponent who uses a power similar to the Divine Cross of Annihilation.

Compared to the Divine Cross, he couldn't absorb steel.

But his power to absorb blood was much stronger.

"But that power... what is it?"

Infinite regeneration surpassing elves, and freely manipulating vitality.

Among the opponents he had encountered so far, Longinus was a very difficult enemy.

But now, the Bloody Cross he deliberately unfolded...

Although it was the most powerful ability he had seen so far.

"He seems the easiest to deal with."

Sung JiHan crossed his sword and spear.

무명신공 (Nameless Divine Art)

멸신결 (Annihilation Decision)

철혈십자 (Divine Cross of Annihilation)

Facing the massive Bloody Cross, the Divine Cross stepped forward.

But one of them was too weak compared to the Bloody Cross.

Especially the metal forming the horizontal line was almost non-existent.

The vitality forming the vertical line was overwhelmed by the Bloody Cross.

The Divine Cross, which seemed like it would disappear soon.



The Divine Cross, which seemed like it would be swallowed by the Bloody Cross at any moment.

As time passed, it became clearer.

Especially the color of the vertical line became darker.

"As expected."

Sung JiHan was convinced as he saw this.

"This is a subordinate of the Divine Cross."


Vladimir's expression, which had been calm all along, hardened.

"I only wanted to teach you a lesson... but it seems impossible."

"Teach me a lesson? You should be learning from me."

"This bastard...!"

Did Sung JiHan touch a nerve?

His face twisted like a demon, quickly turning gold.

"I will give it my all. I will tear you to shreds...!"

Vladimir, who was trying to draw out even more power than before.

From the Bloody Cross on the ground, intense vitality gathered towards him again.

His body swelled up significantly.



Vladimir's body, which had been inflating like a balloon, couldn't hold on any longer and burst in mid-air.


"Avatar 'Vladimir' fails to absorb the power of the Divine and explodes."

"The first match is over."

In front of Longinus, a system message appeared, indicating that the game had ended.

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