A tree shining brilliantly in iridescent colors.

Hanging upside down, the branches pointed towards the ground, clusters of fruit shaped like eyeballs were hanging.

Similar in shape to the blue eyes of the Blue Blood Demons.

Sung JiHan looked at the tree and furrowed his brow.

"...A tree? Why is there a tree here?"

When he thought of a tree, the World Tree Union immediately came to mind.

However, the tree hanging upside down didn't seem to possess the energy of life.

"Well, I guess I'll have to destroy it first."

There must be a reason why Geomwoo pointed at that tree.

Sung JiHan made up his mind to get rid of that ominous tree.


He took out his Phoenix Spear and aimed it at the tree.

"To come all the way here...!"


As the light flashed from the fruits hanging on the tree, the aura of the Blue Blood Demons tried to bind Sung JiHan again.

"You know that won't work, right?"

Without any hesitation, Sung JiHan pulled the red current towards his spear.


Perhaps because it was a tree he was facing.

The lightning extended more fiercely than usual.

The eyeball fruits turned to ashes first.

The branches and trunk of the brilliantly shining tree gradually lost their color and started to char.

And soon, the giant tree disappeared.

"That was simple, huh?"

Compared to its initial presence, the target disappeared more easily than expected.



The black water Sung JiHan was riding on didn't disappear.

Instead, the tip of the spear turned towards the ceiling.

"Let's go."


As soon as Sung JiHan finished speaking, the black water pierced through the ceiling.

The one who turned the underground sanctuary into ruins returned to the surface like that.


"This is..."

He discovered that the blue tentacles that had restrained him earlier were now spreading in all directions on the ground.

Not only on the ground, but the tentacles reaching up to the sky were so numerous that the world looked completely blue.

-These are the tentacles from earlier, right?

-But they were on the tree... Did it serve as the roots?

-Ah, today's game is a bit grotesque with the eyeballs and tentacles.

-Ugh, there are eyeballs among the tentacles again. It feels like they're coming out of a nightmare.

It was good to see Sung JiHan's Battle Tube after a long time.

However, since the scenes that appeared were scenes, the viewers couldn't help but feel distressed.

Having experienced countless chaotic situations, Sung JiHan calmly observed the movements of the tentacles without any emotional disturbance.

"Most of the tentacles are entwined with the Blue Blood Demons."

At the end of the tentacles.

Groups of Blue Blood Demons were walking towards them from all directions.

"To the gods... We offer ourselves...!"

"To the gods... We offer ourselves...!"

With their eyes wide open, the Blue Blood Demons only uttered those words.


As the tentacles wrapped around them and absorbed them, they called out to only the gods.

And as the Blue Blood Demons were absorbed.


One by one, eyes appeared on the long tentacles.

-Ugh... Are they eating their own kind?

-The tree and the demons aren't the same species.

-Oh, I see. But they still worship the gods...

-Anyway, in the midst of destruction, what can you expect to see? They must be doing something.

-We shouldn't go that far... -_-;

In a world on the brink of destruction, viewers witnessed the phenomenon of human sacrifice.

They truly realized how cruel the consequences of relegation were.

Meanwhile, Sung JiHan focused on the movement of the tentacles.

"The trees are gone, but the tentacles are still active."

Where could the source of their vitality be?

He looked at Geomwoo, who had brought him to the surface.


The black water rising from the ground pointed towards the sky.

"Let's go see."

At Sung JiHan's command, Geomwoo tried to extend again.


It couldn't reach all the way up and was cut off in the middle.

"Is this the limit?"

Geomwoo, who had been used underground, had reached quite a distance and now reached the surface.

It seemed that Geomwoo's range had come to an end.

"I should retrieve the sword."


As Sung JiHan extended his shadow energy underground, Geomwoo was released from underground and Eclipse began to fly towards Sung JiHan.

The sword, which was quite far away, couldn't be retrieved immediately.

"For now, let's go in the direction Geomwoo pointed."

He raised his spear and ascended into the sky.


As Sung JiHan appeared, the tentacles quickly tried to avoid him.

Especially, they tried to avoid the enemy's spear that was hovering around Sung JiHan.

-Hahaha, look how fast the tentacles are.

-They're scared of the spear, that's why they're reacting like that, lol.

-Of course, if they touch it, they turn to dust, it's obvious, lol.

-But why did they leave it alone?

-Yeah... I think they're looking for something.

Through the path created by the tentacles, Sung JiHan ascended into the sky.

He looked around.

"So, I came out on top of a hill."

The residence of the Crimson Blood Demons, densely packed around a giant hill.

The place where Sung JiHan emerged from the ground was the summit of the hill.

And below it was the residence of the demons.

It was entering the stage of complete destruction.

Flash! Flash!

The sunlight shone from the sky, and players manifested in the residence of the Crimson Blood Demons.

[To destroy the star that is relegating, this special map is amazing!]

"I claim this area. Don't interfere!"

"Where is your territory within my territory? The one who kills first is the ruler!"

Giants and dragonkin.

And at a glance, various races that looked strong slaughtered the Crimson Blood Demons in an instant.

When some of the players momentarily stopped the slaughter.

"That guy... has been possessed!"

"Great! Let's kill him first!"

"Yeah, we should eliminate the traitor first!"

They attacked the player who had stopped, overpowering and subduing them.

-Is this... destruction?

-Wow... They're so excited to be possessed and kill the possessed.

-The Crimson Blood Demons can't resist at all...

-They're so strong...

Overwhelmed by the powerful players and the presence of Sung JiHan and the elves, the human viewers who had only seen elves were thrilled.

They watched in excitement as players of other races engaged in a full-scale slaughter in the Crimson Blood Demons' stronghold.

It must be because it's a special map that only elite players were selected.

Although the Crimson Blood Demons were resisting to some extent, they were being completely destroyed.


"That side is empty... Is it the darkness of that time?"

In the outskirts, a massive darkness surged and completely erased the residence of the Crimson Blood Vampires.

Players belonging to the Void faction, unlike those belonging to the Sun faction,

thoroughly concealed themselves in that darkness and gradually consumed their opponents.

Perhaps because of that,

the Crimson Blood Vampires on the outermost edge were unable to even attempt possession by the approaching darkness.

Starting from the outskirts, they were quickly cleared.

- This city looks incredibly huge...

- It's being razed in an instant.

- These players have no mercy...

- If they were summoned to Earth, would they be able to resist?

- What if we detonate a nuclear bomb on the dragon?

- Then we'll explode too.

- We definitely can't end up in the bottom of the league.

People who imagined what would happen if this situation occurred on Earth once again realized the importance of rankings.

Meanwhile, Sung JiHan...

"Is this... going to end like this?"

While watching the destruction of the Crimson Blood Vampires, he realized that there was not much time left.

Despite having the ability to possess, it was an impossible one-sided massacre.

The end of the game was approaching much faster than he had anticipated.

"Now is not the time to look at that."

Even without the Eclipse, Sung JiHan thought that he should use the Bingcheon Sword Rain.


[Far away. It's far.]

The Eclipse that was underground arrived at Sung JiHan at the perfect timing.

"You've come well. I'll freeze you again."

[Master... Aren't you using that too much these days?]

"I have something to find. Come. Let's go."

Honwon Shingong

Myeolsin Gyeol

Bingcheon Sword Rain


Not long after it was activated, the Eclipse froze again.

Perhaps because it was a martial art used towards the sky.

The freezing of the atmosphere began much faster than when it was used underground.

The sky quickly became filled with cold.




From the frozen sky, rain of swords began to fall in all directions.

Not towards the tentacles that had made way for Sung JiHan,

but towards the players who had manifested as members of the Sun faction.

"This... has become complicated."

Sung JiHan furrowed his brows.

* * *

Bingcheon Sword Rain.

This ability, which possessed the power of exploration,

primarily served the purpose of detecting errors in the Battle.net.


"What is this?"

The players summoned for the sake of destruction,

each possessed sufficient abilities and qualities to be detected as "errors."


The Bingcheon Sword Rain split into hundreds of branches.

However, its power weakened to the point where it couldn't penetrate the summoned players made of water and burst in the middle.



The players who were targeted by the swords all at once.

They all looked up at the sky together.

"Is this the residual power of the Pure Blood Vampires?"

"I thought they could only possess, but... looks like there's quite a powerful player."

"Well, it's more fun to fight when there's some resistance."

"I'll be the one to kill that thing first!"

The players, who were tired of the one-sided massacre, were actually excited when they saw Sung JiHan's power.

Swish! Swish!

The first one to spread its wings and fly was a giant dragon.

On its lips, there were already swirling flames.

"These guys are all full of errors... I should have controlled the power of the Eclipse more carefully."

Thinking that the epic quest would soon be over, Sung JiHan quickly summoned Bingcheon Geomwoo.

Sung JiHan, who became known as the last skilled player of the Pure Blood Vampires.

"Give me your GP and items!"

The giant black dragon flying towards him spewed flames from its mouth with an exhilarating voice.


A massive flame breath that quickly engulfed the sky.

-Even dragons are the same when playing games. They're telling us to drop items, damn it lolololol

-Why did the situation turn out like this...

-The breath is coming! Everything is on fire.

-Is today the day Sung JiHan can't be number one?

Honwon Singong

Amyeong Singyeol

Amhon Waryu

One of those breaths was once again sucked into the whirlpool of the revived Eclipse.

"Good. You're not weak! I'll drop good items!"

When Sung JiHan easily blocked his attack, the black dragon became even more excited.

"Move aside! I'll be the one to kill it first!"

"Oh. But... that guy. Isn't he a hidden boss?"

"Ah, I didn't recognize that monster because it's small... Is it really?"

"Right? Its face is covered!"

"The weapons are the same!"

The players, who were tired of the one-sided massacre, also came to the sky to kill Sung JiHan.

They recognized his identity and their eyes lit up.

"He wasn't a Pure Blood Vampire, right? Did he get possessed?"

"So what? That guy might drop stat diamonds!"

"Payback for the defeat in the dungeon!"

There were many players gathering around the hidden boss Sung JiHan.

"I don't have time to fool around with these guys."

Afraid that the epic quest would end quickly, Sung JiHan used Bingcheon Geomwoo at maximum power and ended up in a mess.

However, this wasn't necessarily the worst outcome.

"So... the Pure Blood Vampires' end has been delayed a bit."

Once it was revealed that Sung JiHan was the hidden boss, the players stopped the massacre and joined the Sung JiHan raid.

Ironically, they had a little more time to break the epic quest.

Of course.

"Master, I can't eat any more of this..."

Although it was a statement assuming that they could withstand their attack.

"These guys... they're strong."

Because he was never an easy opponent, Amhon Waryu reached its limit quickly.

"For now, I need to deal with them."

Since he would be surrounded and pushed back if he didn't.

Sung JiHan decided to focus on offense rather than defense and tried to take down Amhon Waryu.

When the suction power of the whirlpool weakened.

And when the flames tried to engulf Sung JiHan.

"No! The hidden boss is mine!"


The giant who jumped up from the ground kicked away the black dragon that had been shooting breaths.


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