Hidden Boss Sung JiHan.

His known characteristic in the universe is the one-hit kill.

His stats were EX attack power, A defense power, and F health.

And among the skills Sung JiHan possessed, there was only one for defense, the Dark Soul Wave.

"The whirlwind is weakening...!"

"If this continues, the hidden boss will be caught!"

When the black whirlwind disappears, it is certain that the creature with F health will be finished in an instant.

As players watching from below, they couldn't help but feel anxious.

They didn't know why the attacks of the one-hit kill, which overwhelmed numerous players, weren't coming.

But that wasn't the problem now.

If they left it like this, the rewards would be taken away by the Black Dragon.



The giant kicked away the Black Dragon.

"What... What are you doing!"

"The hidden boss is mine!"

"This bastard... How dare he touch my prey!"

Starting with their collision.

The players began to fight each other.

Thinking that Sung JiHan was already a caught fish.

To claim the loot for themselves, they began a fierce battle.

-...Why are they fighting each other?

-Why else? They want to eat the raid rewards for Sung JiHan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's a mess ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, but those guys... They're on a different scale compared to the previous players, right?

-The sky is falling;

The dragon and the giant clashed.

The collision between the massive monster and the form made of smoke.

The atmosphere that had frozen due to Sung JiHan's Ice Heaven Sword had already shattered and melted.

Due to the aftermath of the collision that occurred in the sky, even the ground shook.

"Mo... Monster..."

"How can we fight against those things..."

The Crimson Blood Demons on the ground lost their composure when they saw this.

Those aiming for Sung JiHan were players of bug-level who were targeted by the Dark Soul Wave.

To a third party observer, it was a spectacle similar to the gods causing a commotion.

"Master... This is fortunate. While they are colliding, what if we escape?"


Due to the situation where the players were fighting each other, Sung JiHan had a moment of respite.

Ariel persuaded him like that.

Even if they were to escape from here, it wasn't likely that the pursuers wouldn't chase them.

But still, if Sung JiHan were to escape at full power, he would have a better chance of survival than now.


"If we go to the Throne of the Dead Star, wouldn't it be somewhat worthwhile?"

Although they were an opponent who was extremely suspicious, there was a Throne who said they would assist Sung JiHan.

Once they escaped from the environment surrounded by bug-level players from all sides.

A path would open up.

Escape was the most rational decision in the current situation.


"Escape? Why would I?"

Sung JiHan chose to wield his weapon.

"It's actually better this way. I didn't have the chance to fight a formidable opponent, but they came to me like this."

The opponents he had encountered recently couldn't become his match.

The only one who had dealt him a blow was the spear of the Divine Assassin unleashed by Longinus.

The chieftain of the Urk tribe he met in the Space League couldn't pose a threat to him.

And the Artmudo Sung JiHan was competing with in the Hidden Boss competition was completely powerless against him.

"I have reached the limit with just training. I need to fight strong enemies to further develop."

Especially, in preparation for the upcoming battle with Dongbangsak in the national representative match against Taiwan.

He had to continue pursuing the growth of his strength.


At the tip of Sung JiHan's spear, the enemy gathered.

The Mixed Origin Divine Technique.

The Heavenly Thunder Phoenix Flame.

The Red Thunder Cannon.

A massive lightning bolt struck the players.


The dragon's body was pierced by the lightning first.

Without losing momentum, the lightning pierced through the giant behind it.


-Why attack... when they said they would fight among themselves ㅠㅠ

-Didn't you hear earlier? They said they wanted to fight against a formidable opponent.

-Still, isn't that overkill? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[A.DaVVies has sponsored 100000GP.]

[Sung JiHan player...! Don't be first place, don't be first place!! Please, just until the next match... for the sake of humanity, for the sake of the Earth!!]

Perhaps they were worried that if they eliminated the bug-level player, Sung JiHan would quickly rise to first place.

Once again, Coach Davies opposed Sung JiHan while sponsoring.

However, Sung JiHan smirked and pointed his spear towards the battlefield.

"Don't worry. Those guys aren't that easy to deal with."

The sky split open by the lightning.

Under normal circumstances, it would have been a powerful blow that would easily wipe out the enemies.


"Oh... This is..."

"Is this the hidden boss's final skill?"

"...As expected, it's strong. There's a reason why my kids couldn't clear it."


The Black Dragon, whose body was pierced, quickly regenerated its physical form.

The giant brushed off his body with his hands and extinguished the flames caused by the lightning.

Although the power of the lightning was strong,

For bug-level players, it was a power they could withstand.


The gazes of the players who were fighting each other all turned to Sung JiHan at once.

"The hidden boss doesn't seem to be easily defeated."

"Shouldn't we try to catch him first?"

"We'll cut off his limbs and put them on display, and then take him as the final loot."

"Huh. How can I trust you?"

"The power of that ultimate skill seems like something we can endure. It's better for the players to compete here."

With Sung JiHan rebelling in front of them, the players began to debate.

Sung JiHan, who was considered as loot, listened to this and suddenly aimed his spear at them.

"There's something you guys are misunderstanding in your conversation."


"The ultimate skill?"


The void energy circulated around Sung JiHan's body.

The red lightning on the tip of the spear became even more intense.

"This is just a regular skill."


The lightning bolt, now twice as big as before,

struck the Black Dragon and the giant once again.

"This... I can't take it with my body...!"

"Absolute Barrier!"

The giant quickly dodged, and the Black Dragon used a defensive magic.

However, the barrier, which unfolded into seven layers, was pierced through by the lightning bolt,

and completely turned the Black Dragon's body upside down.


"Now... one more hit..."

"For now... I'm out. Warp!"

As the red current flashed again from the phoenix spear, the Black Dragon quickly dodged.

Even so, he was a powerful player among the dragons.

He was able to endure the void power-infused lightning bolt once again and escape.



When the giant Black Dragon escaped from the two lightning bolts,

the players stopped fighting each other.

"A red lightning is just a regular skill...?"

"Hidden boss. Wasn't he supposed to receive a one-hit kill special buff?"

"It seems like it's not the time for us to fight among ourselves."

Everyone was a warrior of reversal with thick bones in battle.

They quickly recognized the danger of the artillery fire and swiftly changed their position.

[...Let's start with the author.]

Sinister gazes converged on Sung JiHan.

* * *

Sung JiHan's battle against the enemy.

Although the battle had only just begun, it had been less than 10 minutes.

During that time, the sky and the ground had been shattered multiple times.

-Wow... Are these guys really players? Not gods?

-I'm a Diamond rank and I'm quitting the game... How am I supposed to fight those monsters?

-The Crimson Demons' stronghold has been completely destroyed lol...

-How can they withstand the chaos caused by those monsters in the sky?

-If they get hit by a missile, they'll be wiped out.

Even the Diamond rank players were considering quitting the game.

The power displayed by the transcendent-level players was overwhelming.


The viewers were simply amazed by the scale they saw on the screen.

What truly astonished them were the players who focused their attacks on Sung JiHan.

[This crazy guy...]

[He's persistent. So persistent!]

[How did he manage to hold on until now?]

[Hidden boss. Wasn't his defense A-ranked...?]

[His vitality was F-ranked!]

A player from the lowest-ranked species.

To the majority of the giant creatures, humans were no different from insects in size.

When they gathered their strength, the hidden boss, who seemed like he would be defeated in an instant, was...

He was able to withstand the relentless attacks.


[...Are you laughing, Master?]

"Of course. It's because I'm strong that I can enjoy the taste of battle."

[But your body is a mess.]

As Ariel said.

Sung JiHan's physical body was not in normal condition.

His body, which had never shown any signs of injury before, was burned and torn to shreds.

Even though his wounds were healing, they would reopen, and the blood continued to flow.


Sung JiHan enjoyed this injured state of his body.

"Now I understand what it feels like to be on the receiving end."

[What do you mean?]

"How to use the life force stored in the Eclipse."

[The astonishing regenerative power of the Master... You're utilizing the life force, aren't you?]


Sung JiHan's physical body, which had never shown any signs of injury before.

Thanks to the onslaught of the transcendent-level players, he instinctively found a way to utilize the life force.

Although he continued to be attacked like this, it would be great if he could awaken this power.

[But now... Isn't it difficult to hold on?]

"Yes. The life force has greatly diminished."

As Ariel pointed out.

Sung JiHan's regenerative power had reached its limit.

The cracked wounds stopped healing.

The bleeding no longer stopped.

To anyone who saw it, it seemed like Sung JiHan was about to meet his end.

[Hidden boss...]

[Is it finally over?]

[Don't let your guard down. That sound, it killed one of them earlier.]

[That's true.]

However, the players surrounding Sung JiHan were cautious.

Thinking they had subdued everyone, they had already lost 10 lives.

The neck of the Black Dragon, which had come back for another challenge, was severed.

The giant's body was split in half.

In their respective worlds, the players who had reigned as mythical beings.

Even though they considered the current situation disgraceful.

[Now that it's come to this, we must capture him no matter what.]

[With a presence like that, the Diamond... We must definitely get it!]

As strong as it is, Sung JiHan had high expectations for the rewards of the Sung JiHan raid.

- Is it finally over...?

- You did well, Sung JiHan.

- Today, it's confirmed. Humanity just needs to mindlessly ride the Sung JiHan bus.

- Even if it's not today, that's already been concluded lol.

- ㅠㅠㅠㅠ To experience death like this...

As the viewers felt that the end was near.

[These... bastards...!]

Squirm. Squirm!

A giant tentacle rose from the ground to the sky and split in half.

What appeared there were giant teeth.

And within the teeth, a shining blue eye.

The tentacle moved its teeth and let out a roar.

[Why fight here of all places...! The plan has been ruined... I won't forgive them!]


The anger-filled scream spread loudly from the tentacle.

However, the players who were surrounding Sung JiHan looked at it with calm eyes.

[What is that?]

[Why is the weakling going crazy?]

[Hmm. The rewards don't seem impressive.]

[Ignore it. Let's defeat the hidden boss first.]

To those who reign as absolute beings in their own worlds, the tentacle was not threatening at all.

As they turned their gaze back to Sung JiHan.

The blue eye in the tentacle's mouth emitted a brilliant light.



[Uh. Huh...?]

[No, possession doesn't work on me...!?]

Among the players surrounding Sung JiHan, more than half hesitated.

[Die... all of you!]

[Log me out right now!]

Soon after being possessed, they began to fight among themselves.

'The effect of this possession is good.'

The possession of the Blood Elves that had been completely random until now.

But this time, the possession emitted by the tentacle was showing a significant effect.


'Can't penetrate the soul.'

He crossed his arms leisurely and looked at the enemy players who were in a desperate situation with regretful eyes.

"Tsk. Why did I get possessed. It's a shame."

[...Master. Do you want to die that badly?]

"I was thinking of getting to know the vitality of life a bit more... huh?"

Sung JiHan, who was watching the enemies fight each other, raised an eyebrow.

The vitality of life.

The power that the Elves possessed.

He could feel it even from the eyes of the tentacle.

'It's strange.'


Sung JiHan rushed towards the tentacle's mouth.


As he approached, the tentacle once again flashed its eye in its mouth.

"That doesn't work."


Sung JiHan entered the mouth in one go and immediately tore off the blue eye emitting the vitality of life.

[Ah, no... How can this be possible even at this distance...!]

The tentacle screamed as if it was unbelievable.

'This is...'

Sung JiHan's attention was already gone from it.


As soon as he tore off the eye, the form changed.

From the pupil, it transformed into a giant seed.


['Modified Seed of Life' obtained.]

[Found the origin of the Blood Elves.]

A system message appeared in Sung JiHan's mind, saying that he had found the origin.

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