"That man personally stepped forward. As expected, this world has its problems."

Tap. Tap.

The black skull clashed its teeth, watching as the mask elf disappeared.

It turned its head towards Sung JiHan.

"Our head. Is our body okay?"

"What is he?"

The welcoming elf.

He looked different from the stereotypical elves he had seen so far.

The elves that had appeared in various forms when humans saw them were actually under disguise magic.

In reality, they all had the same female elf face.

The elf he had seen earlier didn't give off any signs of disguise.

His appearance was also masculine, clearly different from the elves he had seen before.

"Not like a high elf with green hair, and he had silver hair."

A peculiar existence in many ways.

When Sung JiHan expressed his doubts about him, Kallein spoke with a grinding of his teeth.

"The mask elf from earlier? He's a Gogu elf."

"Gogu elf?"

"Yeah. An old elf. They say he's a senior elf who has been around since the birth of the World Tree Union... I've only seen him a few times because of work, so I don't know the details. I just know that each individual is strong at the level of a high seat."

"A high seat?"

"Yeah. A pretty powerful, high-ranking high seat."

As Kallein looked at the seed Sung JiHan was holding, he said, "Since that Gogu elf's nature is completely exposed, he might really come rushing in if you hand it over. Shouldn't we just absorb it all?"

"Hmm. Are you worried?"

"Of course. It's the body that will become our head. Gogu elves are really dangerous and risky opponents. If we get caught up for no reason, we'll get really tired."

If the Seat of the Dead Star speaks like that...

Certainly, the mask elf from earlier didn't seem like an easy opponent.


"Still, we have to hand it over."


"Yeah. The misfortune of the elf is my happiness."

It's a reward for an epic quest.

If it could cause damage to the World Tree Union, he could accept this level of risk.

"There's nothing we can do... If it's dangerous, call me anytime. I'll go to retrieve our head!"

"That won't happen."

"I'll always have the Seat Channel open! See you next time!"

Like saying goodbye, the black skull disappeared while shaking its head.

The undead legion that was summoned to stop the mask elf also disappeared with it.

-Why are you so obsessed with Sung JiHan?

-Because I'm going to make a head out of him; it's definitely not a good intention.

-But why make a head out of a black skull?

-That's right. But opening a Seat Channel... Is that kind of kid a Seat? LOL

-All the illusions about the Seat are shattered.

Kallein, who looks so different from the traditional image of the Seat, while viewers are debating about it.


Kallein, who had disappeared, reappeared.

"Ah. I said goodbye earlier, but you came back."

"Why did you come back?"

"We have to hold the first place award ceremony!"

"First place?"

"Oh. Overall, you contributed the most to the destruction of the Crimson Blood Clan. You."

The Black Skull chuckled darkly and opened its mouth wide.

Then, a giant diamond popped out from within.

"The first-place reward is... a stat diamond that increases your remaining stats by a whopping ten!"

"I'll gladly accept it, but why am I in first place?"

Sung JiHan tilted his head.

He had been fighting against the players of the Sun Clan all this time until the game ended.

What does this have to do with the contribution to the destruction?

"According to BattleNet's own evaluation score, you are overwhelming. Maybe it's because you completely trampled the hopes of the Crimson Blood Clan?"

"Ah, is it because I prevented the possession?"

"Yes. Possession switching! Since you blocked it, your contribution is much greater than destroying the lower city. Here."


The giant diamond flew towards Sung JiHan.

He looked at it quietly.

"Is this the reward for annihilating a race and obtaining it...?"

Remaining stats +10.

It was the highest reward that could be obtained in the game, but thinking that he had ended a race to obtain it, he felt a complex mix of emotions.

If humanity were to face destruction again.

If it wasn't just ending as the Apostle of the End, but if players were to participate.

Among them, would the first place slaughter humanity to receive the stat +10?

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to take it?"

"...No. I should accept what is given."


Comparing the current situation of the Crimson Blood Clan to humanity is ultimately a meaningless assumption.

Sung JiHan stopped his thoughts and clenched the diamond.

["Absorbed the essence of the race."]

[Remaining stats increased by +10.]

After raising the remaining stats, the essence of the race disappeared.

"Well then. It's really farewell~"


The Black Skull spun in place and disappeared.

["Cleared the special map, 'Race Annihilation War,' in first place."]

[Level increased by 10.]

[Obtained 10 billion GP.]

In addition to the essence of the race.

Huge experience points and GP rewards came as the first-place reward.

"I've increased by 10 levels... Could this mean I'll be ranked first?"

In the top rankings, each level up had a significant impact on the ranking changes.

Here, a 10-level increase would cause a huge shift in the rankings.

Sung JiHan thought he might achieve first place in the world rankings, but...

"A.DaVVies has sponsored 100,000 GP."

"Oh. Sung JiHan, second place!! Congratulations!! You don't have to worry about the next match!"

Upon seeing Coach Davies' sponsorship message, he realized that he hadn't achieved first place.

-Oh... Sung JiHan, second place?

-Thankfully, not first place lol

-Phew... I guess I can use Sung JiHan until the next Space League without being sniped...

-But isn't Oliver amazing at this point? How does he keep holding onto first place while Sung JiHan keeps climbing up?

-For real, he's holding on well lol

Oliver, who had held the world ranking first place for the past few years.

It had already become a well-known fact that Sung JiHan would lose first place.

However, for some reason, he was doing his best to hold onto first place.

"After the next Space League match, I have to reclaim first place."

Thinking this, Sung JiHan logged out of the game.


"Ugh. Ah. Ahhh... What is this? My hair!"

As soon as he logged out, Ariel, who had come out of Sung JiHan's arm, screamed.

"H-Hey, I've turned into a High Elf!"

Ariel's hair, which had been gray, now had strands of green, like a High Elf.

"Is it because of the vitality of life?"

"Ah... Now I'm not a Shadow Elf, am I...?"

"I think it's evolving."

"What kind of evolution is this? It's just a mishmash...!"

"But it seems like I've gotten stronger compared to before."

"R-Really? Hmm..."

Upon hearing Sung JiHan's words, Ariel, who was looking at her trembling hair, checked her condition in earnest.

She tried summoning shadows all over the house.

She divided herself into dozens, hundreds of shadows, and tried using her power in various ways.

She nodded her head with a worried expression to Sung JiHan.

"...It's really true. I've gotten stronger to the point where I can feel it."

"Right? So let's keep mixing."


She didn't want to receive the vitality of life, but since the results were so clear, she couldn't refuse the situation.

After taking a deep breath, Ariel went back into Sung JiHan's arms.

"Just rest a little..."

"Ah, but before resting. Do you know anything about the Masked Elves? Just tell me that before you go."

"Masked Elves? I didn't see them earlier because I was out of my mind due to the vitality of life."

"Oh. The Seat of the Dead Star is called the High Elf."

"High Elf..."

Ariel's voice became serious at Sung JiHan's words.

"If you have any footage of what happened earlier, can you show it to me?"


She rewound the recently finished Battle Tube and sighed.

"Ah... High Elves. I've only heard stories. They are as powerful as the members of the World Tree Union, and each one is comparable to a Seat. If this existence reveals itself, it will be immediately reported to the Queen... Can I report it briefly?"

"They are members of the World Tree Union... I don't know much about the High Elves."

"That's all I know. I'll ask the Queen for more information."


"Ah. Before you hear the story about the High Elves, wouldn't it be better to leave the seed alone? If that existence really invades this world, it will be a threat, right?"


"Then, I'll go now."

As Ariel disappeared to report to the Shadow Queen,

Sung JiHan looked at the seed in his right hand.

"Kalein said the same thing. Ariel also said to leave it alone."

The fact that the High Elves were strong was somewhat evident when he saw them shoot out tentacles with a single step.

But still, expressing such caution was unusual.

"What is this all about?"

Sung JiHan touched the shrunken modified seed.

In front of him, a system message appeared.

["Would you like to return the 'Modified Seed of Life' to the BattleNet?]

[If the energy of the seed disappears further, it will not be accepted as 'evidence' and you will not receive compensation.]

The BattleNet warned that he should no longer absorb the energy of the seed.

Sung JiHan looked at it and licked his lips.

He was about to suck out all the remaining energy of life from the seed and return it, but it was a shame.

"Well, let's just leave it until I hear the Queen's story."

After all, it was certain that he would return it.

When he thought that Ariel would also encourage him to listen to the story about the High Elves.


Suddenly, smoke began to rise from the modified seed of life.

[The energy is rapidly draining from the modified seed of life.]

[If the energy continues to disappear, it cannot be accepted as evidence.]

[Would you like to return the modified seed of life?]

At the same time, an urgent message appeared.

Sung JiHan didn't do anything, but suddenly both the seed and the system went crazy.

"...Why is this happening?"

Sung JiHan didn't understand the sudden change in the situation.

"For now, I'll return it."

He quickly handed over the modified seed of life to the system because he couldn't miss out on the epic quest reward.

Then, as if waiting for this decision, the seed disappeared immediately.

[You have cleared the epic quest.]

[The Void Stat Acceptance Limit has increased by +30.]

[You have acquired the title 'Void Executor.']

Along with the quest clear message, rewards were given.

"Great. It's good that I don't have to put in the title."

Sung JiHan tried to check the newly acquired title as an epic quest reward, but...


The green smoke that had been emitted from the seed earlier didn't disappear.

Instead, it became denser and flew out towards the window.

He furrowed his brows as he watched it.

"I should take care of that first."

The smoke was filled with the energy of life.

He didn't know what kind of impact it would have on the Earth and humanity if he left it alone.

Before checking the title, Sung JiHan decided to take care of the smoke emitted by the seed.


He reached out his hand lightly to absorb it, but...

The smoke resisted Sung JiHan's power and quickly pierced through the living room window.

As if there was no window, it moved freely in the form of green mist.

"The resistance is strong."

Sung JiHan stood up and opened the window, stepping outside.

Sung JiHan reached out his hand towards the mist, but...


The mist briefly transformed into the shape of a tree.


Soon, it changed into a peculiar shape of characters.


And Sung JiHan had never learned about these characters before.

Strangely, he was able to read them.

[This is a world where experiments have already been conducted.]

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