Sung JiHan furrowed his brow.

"Has the experiment already been conducted?"

A modified seed of life.

Although its exact function had not been fully revealed.

Based on the case of the Qing Blood Vampires, it was not an object that would play a positive role in this world.

"The seed of life from before did not sprout. I have definitely absorbed all of its energy."

If that is not the cause, then was the experiment already conducted before?

When Sung JiHan had doubts.

[Master. I heard something from the Queen.]

"What is it?"

From Sung JiHan's left arm, Arielle, who had finished reporting, spoke.

[The Masked High Elf is an elf who enforces power among the elders of the World Tree. He is famous for having a hot temper. He said that if the real seed is handed over, he will come attacking. Wouldn't it be better to just leave the seed alone for now?]

"Ah. But I already returned it."

[What, you returned it?]

"Yeah. Since I was the only one who could ride it, I had no choice."

[But, that's dangerous.]

Arielle spoke with a serious tone.

[We will have to prepare for the invasion of the High Elves. His power is one of the strongest among the Apostles. It will be a difficult fight.]

"Is it that serious?"

[Yes. It would be better to just let the seed disappear... This world may be destroyed in his hands.]

And as Arielle finished speaking.


"Indeed, you broke the promise."

A large screen appeared in front of Sung JiHan.

Inside it, the High Elf from earlier stood with his arms crossed, his eyes full of life.

"Superior players of humanity. I challenge all of you. Cut the throat of the player who dared to defy me and offer it to me. Until you personally offer your own throats, I will personally descend and exterminate humanity."

After saying those words, the Masked Elf turned his back and began manipulating a complex mechanical device.



A giant portal opened and disappeared repeatedly in front of the elf.

"3 minutes until coordinates are set... It would be wise to make a wise choice."

The Masked Elf, who had already informed that he would come attacking as soon as the seed was handed over.

Perhaps because Sung JiHan was in hiding, his identity was not revealed.

He had already sent a communication to all the top players of humanity, ordering them to offer Sung JiHan's throat themselves.

"...I heard that the Masked Elf has a hot temper. But I didn't expect him to come attacking so soon. Master, we need to prepare quickly, don't we?"

"Yeah. We've been caught by a lunatic. But how did he find out so quickly?"

"Didn't you watch whether the seed from earlier was accepted as evidence or not?"

"The results come out so quickly, huh."

"The network is really fast."

The ultra-fast processing of, this time it wasn't very helpful.

Thinking that, Sung JiHan entered his house again for now.

Then, Yoon Sae-ah came running towards him.

"U-Uncle. What's this?"

"Oh, a screen appeared? Are you also a top player?"

"No, it's a serious situation right now, why are you so calm? What happened with this elf... It's chaos! It's all over the news!"

"Wasn't this something only visible to top players?"

"We can see the screen together! Why are you so nonchalant, Uncle?"

Yoon Sae-ah spoke with frustration, tapping the screen in front of her.

A being that was clearly not ordinary declaring that he would personally descend to Earth.

And in the event of not wanting to die, he demanded Sung JiHan's throat.

Why was the person involved so calm?

"I don't know. It's strange, but I'm not really worried."

The Gelf who invaded Earth.

It was difficult to predict how much damage would be caused if a high-ranking powerhouse like Sung JiHan caused a commotion here.

But Sung JiHan strangely wasn't particularly worried about the Gelf's invasion declaration.

"Is it because they seem like a worthy opponent to fight?"

"Uncle... Aren't you too relieved that you dodged the attack earlier?"

"No, they really seem like a decent opponent."

Sung JiHan said as he took out his Phoenix Spear from his inventory and began preparing for battle.

Before they knew it, three minutes had passed.

"Now, they'll be coming soon."


In the screen created by the Gelf, a massive portal began to form.

Unlike the portals that had appeared before, this one was different.

On the surface of the portal, the image of a blue planet was reflected.

"That's... Earth..."

When Yoon Sae-ah saw it and became speechless with a bewildered expression.

Thud. Thud.

The Gelf, who had been operating the machine, stopped and withdrew his hand.

And he began to enter the portal.

"I'll be back."

"U-Uncle. I'm going too!"

"Right now, you're just a burden, a burden."

"No. I have the Veil of Void...! I can hide and shoot arrows!"

Yoon Sae-ah, who was upset about being treated like a burden, tried to appeal her usefulness in any way she could.

"Enough, rest."

Thump. Thump.

Sung JiHan approached Yoon Sae-ah and grabbed her wrist.

"Ugh... U-Uncle... What are you doing?"

"Oh. Can you hold on a bit? Again."

Is this because he's a high-level player?

Sung JiHan grabbed her wrist again and firmly laid Yoon Sae-ah down on the sofa.

"Rest for a bit. It'll all be over when you wake up."


[What are you going to do if you lose your master?]

"It'll be released in about an hour anyway."

[Ah, I see.]

"Shall we go then?"

Blocking Yoon Sae-ah's movements like that, Sung JiHan stepped outside to engage in battle with the Gelf.

[Ah, no... Why?]


From the screen that was still floating, Sung JiHan saw the Gelf being bounced out of the portal.


* * *

The masked elf who had declared a threat by demanding Sung JiHan's life from the top players of humanity.

-That guy... He was the commander of the battle of destruction earlier, right?

-Wow, he sent a message to the top players... Is that even possible?

-He was glowing with that seed earlier. Looks like Sung JiHan took care of it.

-How the hell did he manage to come all the way to Earth -_-; He's opening a portal right away.

Those who saw this through the emergency news were enveloped in tension as the Gelf, who had seemed intimidating, appeared to actually invade.

"What's the point of coming alone? He'll just get beaten up, won't he?"

"But, the guys who were attacking Sung JiHan earlier were just participant players. He's the commander of the Sun Faction. Isn't he really strong?"

"Yeah, he even got rid of the tentacles with a single kick... The guy who had persistent vitality."

-So, Sung JiHan was the leader of the Empty Faction, right? Is he also a leader?

-Really? How can the owners of the stars live so ostentatiously?

-Well, since they're number one in the stars, they can live ostentatiously.

Gaelph, who was the leader of the Sun Faction.

Regarding his power, we could only see it in fragments.

There was little argument against the prediction that he would be immensely powerful.

-Don't tell me he's going to be the Sung JiHan... the main character... right?

-Are you crazy? If there's no Sung JiHan, the Space League will collapse and humanity will be destroyed.

-Well, if there was no Sung JiHan, they would already be in last place with two losses.

-We have to gather all the rankers to protect him.

-Ugh...! My stocks crashed, damn it lol

-Don't throw them, Sung JiHan will protect them!

Three minutes later, with the news of Gaelph's arrival, the world economy was in turmoil.

People watched the shared screen of the top rankers with more tension than ever before.

And then.

-This can't be true...!?

Everyone witnessed Gaelph, who was entering the portal with dignity, being bounced out.

-...What is he doing?

-He was acting all high and mighty, but he got bounced out lol

-Ah, I threw my stocks!!@#ㄸ&%!@&#$!&$

-I bought them trusting Sung JiHan hehe

Gaelph, an overwhelming presence who had displayed his screen to the top players of humanity.

He bounced out of the portal, rolled on the ground, and then quickly stood up.

-This is ridiculous!

As a skilled player like Gaelph, he didn't need to roll on the ground in reality.

Perhaps he didn't expect to be bounced out.

Sweeping the ground once, he stood up and rushed towards the portal to Earth again.



-Why the hell...!

He was denied entry once again.

This time, he didn't roll on the ground, but stood in front of the portal endlessly.

Fully prepared, Sung JiHan, who had been floating above Sword Palace, spoke to Ariel.

"Hey. Is that the elder of the World Union? It's so ridiculous."

"Oh, no... Gaelph is not that kind of existence..."

"Well, then why can't he enter the Earth portal when he can float it?"

"I have no idea either. Wait... there are words on the portal!"

As Ariel said.

Words began to appear on the portal that had bounced Gaelph.

They looked somewhat similar to the letters created by the smoke earlier.

"But I can't read them this time."

Unlike before, these letters couldn't be interpreted on their own.

"It's in Elven."

"What does it say?"

"It says, 'This is a world where experiments have already been conducted, and you cannot enter anew...'"

"Experiments have been conducted?"

The letters on the portal were similar to the ones created by the smoke.

The only difference was that it indicated 'a long time ago' as the point of reference.

"Huh. This planet... it was a world where experiments had already been conducted... but the races are too pathetic for that..."


After seeing the letters on the portal, Gaelph let out a disappointed laugh.

[...Anyway. I guess I can't go in. I've wasted my insignificant life a little longer. Human. Let's see...]

Turning around, he clenched his fist.


Then, the screens that had appeared to the top players all went off at once.

Although he had been thrown out of the portal and had lost face.

Still, the powerful abilities of the high elf were shown as he displayed and turned off the screens for the players.


-You...trying to act cool until the end after being thrown out, kekekeke.

-It's not scary even if you try to act like that now.

-He really spits out the "let's see" line, kekekeke.

-Now, that guy is planning to spit out the "let's see" line on the 174th season, kekekeke.

In response to his final "let's see," the chat window was filled with laughter directed at him.

Thus, the high elf's declaration of war that had kept humanity on edge for 3 minutes ended with a happening.

Sung JiHan pondered deeply while reviewing the characters engraved on the high elf's portal.

"It's already in progress, so I can't enter again. What a frustrating story."

[I've been wondering about it for a while. How did humans, such a weak and feeble race, enter the BattleNet?]

"Could it be related to the experiments of the elves?"

[It's probably not, right?]

The characters that came out of the modified seed of life and the fact that the high elf, who had arrogantly tried to invade, was thrown out.

All the evidence that came out today suggested that there was a connection between the experiments of the elves and humanity.


"There is no existence among humans that enjoys immortality like that. Except for the followers of the gods."

[But if the followers of the gods were the problem, the BattleNet would have been opened a thousand years ago.]


[No matter how you look at it, the owner is the most transcendent among humans. Could there be a secret to his birth?]

"I have no clue..."

The fact that the strange characters were automatically interpreted and the fact that there might be something real.

Could there really be something?

"I should ask my sister later."

With that thought, Sung JiHan went back home.


Thump. Thump.

He released the acupuncture points on Yoon Se-ah, who was lying on the sofa.

"Did you rest well?"

"Phew, ha. Ah, really...! You're so mean!"

"Hey. Think about it objectively. If you follow me, will you hold me back or not?"

"Uh. Uh... That, that's... But still!"

Unable to refute Sung JiHan's cutting words, Yoon Se-ah.

He smirked and said.

"If you grow to the point where you can really be helpful, even if you say you won't go, I'll drag you along."

"Kkut... Uncle. Just watch. I'll save you myself later. When that happens, you have to thank me with tears and snot, right?"

"Snot is a bit..."

"Including snot!"

"Okay. Okay."

Sung JiHan dryly replied to Yoon Se-ah, who was fixated on snot.

"Oh, by the way... You. Are you talking to Nuna?"

"Mom? She doesn't always listen... But sometimes. She talks about dreams."

"Really? So she does."


"Then, can you ask Nuna if there's a secret about my birth?"


Sung Ji-ah decided to solve the previous question directly with Sung Ji-a.

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