The progress of the game in the last third.

The path to the owner of the Abyss was smooth.

-Jack betrayed again in the third game lol

-It's really surprising that he was a spy from China.

-People are digging up the past by searching Jack's SNS, but there was no connection with China at all.

-So he was persuaded in the future, right?

-Jack says that the game is just a game, but he's complaining in real-time on SNS lol

This game has gained attention worldwide.

Following the decline in image, Jack suffered greatly from the spy allegations.

While he was defending himself, Sung JiHan arrived in front of the owner of the Abyss again, crossing the West Sea from Shanghai.

A purple giant with red eyes embedded in its whole body.

And the head of the giant was so heavily covered with the aura of emptiness that it was impossible to see from a distance.

"First, I need to check the weakness, the head."


Sung JiHan flew up to the same height as the owner of the Abyss to reach him.

Even when he reached that height, the head was not visible due to the emptiness.

"Where is it?"

Sung JiHan cautiously entered the aura to grasp the head.

At first, the aura of emptiness tried to erase Sung JiHan's existence, but thanks to his familiarity with the aura, Sung JiHan was able to approach the head carefully while using the Divine Power.

[Emptiness has increased by 1.]

Thus, the emptiness stat increased as Sung JiHan became part of it.

"It's going to be difficult to stay here for a long time."

Now that the increase in emptiness was not a welcome situation, Sung JiHan decided to quickly confirm the head and leave.

Approaching slowly, concentrating his strength.

"...A wooden head?"

The head of the owner of the Abyss had red eyes embedded in it like his body.

But unlike the purple body, it was made of wood.


Nowadays, the only thing that comes to mind when talking about wooden material in the BattleNet is the World Tree Union.

[Emptiness has increased by 1.]

Sung JiHan saw the message that the emptiness had increased and quickly moved his body back.

"What the hell is that?"

The owner of the Abyss.

It's a mess, with everything mixed up.

While Sung JiHan was lost in thought after checking the head.

-I have confirmed the head of the traitor Mokshin tribe (1).

-I have confirmed the head of the traitor Mokshin tribe (2).

Suddenly, in the alien chat window.

Chats saying that they have confirmed the head of the Mokshin tribe started to appear one after another from 1.

The chat window was flooded with messages up to 1000 in an instant.

"What's going on? Why are the World Tree Elves suddenly flooding?"

"Is there any connection between the wooden head of the owner of the Abyss and them?"

"What is the Mokshin tribe?"

"I don't know, but they say they are traitors of the World Tree."

"There are a few of those guys, right? lol"

Suddenly, the World Tree Elves invaded Sung JiHan's channel and flooded the chat window.

While the alien viewers were puzzled by their words.

The World Tree Elves flooded the chat again.

-Condemning the emptiness that saved the Mokshin tribe, I officially protest (1).

-Condemning the emptiness that saved the Mokshin tribe, I officially protest (2).

And they wrote up to 1000 messages again.

Sung JiHan frowned.

If they want to protest, they should do it somewhere else, why are they coming to someone else's channel and doing this?

"They're not helpful at all."

Occasionally, there was some useful information in the alien viewers' chat, but it became difficult to confirm because of this.

While Sung JiHan was thinking that way.

[The total number of viewers has exceeded the threshold.]

[The 'Star' buff has been activated.]

[The overall viewer rating is 'barely emerging' grade.]

[All ability stats are amplified by 20 percent.]

"Now this is activating...."

Sung JiHan's eyes widened slightly.

* * *

Star Buff.

This was an effect that came with the "Spotlight" that Sung JiHan chose when he obtained the VIP membership.

-When the total viewer count surpasses a certain threshold while the Battle Tube is on, a "Star" buff is activated. The effect of the Star Buff becomes stronger as the total viewer count increases.

Thanks to the evaluation criteria of the total viewer count, they were trying to attract viewers from other worlds by any means necessary.

Even though they managed to attract a considerable number of viewers with the betting content that drove the aliens crazy, they thought it would be difficult to receive the Star Buff because they didn't meet the criteria.

"The people from the World Tree are helpful in times like this."

Sung JiHan's eyes looking at the chat window warmed up.

When he thought about it, he gained a lot of residual points thanks to them, and on top of that, he obtained the Stat Eternal.

Putting aside past grudges and looking at it objectively, the World Tree is quite generous, isn't it?

"A 20 percent amplification may not be a huge number, but it will still be quite helpful."

In a situation where the lack of power was clearly felt, this would also be something.

Thinking that, Sung JiHan took out the Phoenix Wing and the Code Input Device, just like when he attacked in the second round.

Using the Thousand Dragon Lightning Flame to nullify the enemy's defense and inserting the Code Input Device was the best attack method Sung JiHan could use at the moment.


"The head area might have stronger protection, so I'll go there myself."

Inputting the Annihilation Code.

This was a method that still worked even in close combat, although it had a high risk.

Sung JiHan prepared for battle.

[The Seat of the Holy Level has decreased to 767.]

Just a little while ago, before five minutes had passed, Sung JiHan died and his level dropped to 1 in the Holy Seat mode. He turned it on again and put on the Ban Gayeon.

Then, the power started amplifying in an instant.

Sung JiHan sensed the increased power and his eyes sparkled.

"With the power amplified by the Holy Seat mode and the Ban Gayeon, an additional 20 percent is added. This is amazing, isn't it?"

The Star Buff that adds another 20 percent to the already maxed out stats.

It was worth using various means to attract the alien viewers.

Thinking that, Sung JiHan infused power into the Phoenix Wing.

Honwon Shingong

Cheonryong Nohwa

Cheonryong Nohwa Cheonryong Nohwa

The Phoenix Wing flashed white.

Sung JiHan wrote the Annihilation Code on the Bloodline Spear.


Sung JiHan threw the two spears consecutively, just like before.


"I'll go straight into the next attack from here."

He immediately drew his sword.

Honwon Shingong

Myeolsin Gyeol

Mangwi Bongsin

Mangwi Bongsin, which primarily blocks the opponent's attacks.

Using this, he received concentrated suppression from the owner of the Abyss, but...

"Even if I attack the head, I'll still face counterattacks."

The difference in power was absolute.

When the opponent wasn't interested in him, he had to maximize the effective hits.

The flames of the Phoenix Wing, infused with the Thousand Dragon Lightning Flame, cut through the air, but...


Before it could reach the opponent's head, the flames lost their power.



The Bloodline Spear, which was about to hit the opponent's head, was stuck in the barrier that appeared right in front of it and disappeared.

The head was definitely better protected.

-It's different from the arms...

-Even if he's focused on something else, he still has solid defense.

-Even though we know his weakness, it's impossible to exploit it...

Even though they received the Star Buff, people thought it was over when they saw that the attacks didn't land on the owner of the Abyss.

Sung JiHan, however, charged towards the barrier that the Bloodline Spear had broken.

[The Eight Palace Diagram....]


As Sung JiHan looked at the manifestation of the Abyss, the owner of the Abyss muttered.


Turning his eyes, he distorted the world once again.

"I can block it with the Manifestation of the Abyss."

Until the eyes turn into the Taegeuk, the attacks of the opponent who can be defended against.


Sung JiHan returned to the spear of his bloodline with his hand and threw the annihilation code again.


Then, the spear pierced the wooden head.

[This is...!]


From the cheek to the forehead, the gold disappeared, and the form vanished in an instant.

Whish. Whish.

Then, the eyes spun faster.

Soon, the pattern of the Taegeuk was about to emerge.

But before that.

Sung JiHan was the one who was close to the head.

"This is the last chance...."

Sung JiHan looked at the head from a close distance.

Perhaps because the cheek burst.

The wooden head showed a boundary that was not visible until a moment ago.

The flesh of the cheeks on both sides and the flesh of the area where the eyes should have been.

And the nose. The flesh around the mouth that was divided like fragments formed the shape of the face of the owner of the Abyss.

Like a mosaic.

Now that I think about it, even if I hit it with the annihilation code, only a part of the mosaic disappears.

"I have to choose where to strike among the head."

Although there are eyes in all other places, Sung JiHan focused his gaze on the area where there should be eyes.

It looks suspicious just by looking at it.

Sung JiHan approached there and directly wrote the annihilation code on it.


[To someone who is not even a Dongbangsakdo...!]

A pitiful voice was heard from the owner of the Abyss.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the eyes on his body began to explode.

Along with that, the flesh of the purple skin also disappeared into the smoke of emptiness, like a giant.

Certainly, this was the weakness.

Sung JiHan sighed as he watched the collapse of the giant.

"Even if the owner of the Abyss lets his guard down in an actual battle... for now, I need to confirm the weakness."

A hint worth 200 million won.

It was worth the price.

While Sung JiHan was thinking that, and watching the collapse of the giant.

Squirm, squirm....

Something began to move at the center of the fallen giant's body on the ground.

-Don't tell me he's not dead yet?

-Ah, he's persistent, really persistent; it's time for him to die now ㅠㅠ

-Let's experience the extinction of humanity at least once....

-Ah, but that monster is living in North Korea? Damn it;;; I won't be able to sleep because I'm scared of the future.

The viewers showed signs of being fed up as they watched that scene.

Of course, the most fed up person here was Sung JiHan.

"How many times do I have to overcome the annihilation code?"

Is it at the level just below the Great Sage's Throne by now?

Anyway, to confirm the identity of the enemy.


Sung JiHan landed from the sky to the ground.

But, what was visible there was.


On top of the purple pillar, there were only white letters that said NO DATA.

-?? What is this?

-NO DATA?'s balance may be bad, but there are no bugs.

-Wow, I've never seen anything like this before; what is the identity of the owner of the Abyss?

The extraterrestrial viewers were more surprised than humanity.

Even for those who have experienced the system for a long time, this phenomenon was something they had never seen before.

"This can't be real."

No data.

Sung JiHan furrowed his brow and approached the purple pillar.

A pillar of similar size to himself.

In Sung JiHan's hand, the Eclipse was still inserted and unfolded, maintaining its divine power.

And as he approached in that state.


The letters "NO DATA" became faint, and a system message appeared.

[The opponent only allows your approach.]

[Would you like to turn off the Battle Tube?]


What is this?

Was there really no data?

If he doesn't turn it off, the game will end with NO DATA.

He had come this far, so there must be a harvest.

[The Battle Tube will be turned off.]

[The Star Buff will be deactivated.]

Sung JiHan turned off the Battle Tube.


The purple pillar instantly grew, swallowing Sung JiHan's body.

And the world that was sucked in like that.

"It's similar to when humanity was destroyed."

When humanity was destroyed earlier, the world was frozen in a distorted state.

The only difference from earlier is.

Most of the faces floating in the air are the giant-like enemies and the tree-headed Wood Spirit Clan.

"They're all just giant heads."

Sung JiHan thought that as he slowly moved forward.

Even if he goes inside, all that remains floating are the giant heads.

He came to gather information, but all he's getting is a bunch of floating heads.

[The owner of the Abyss, '??', will be revealed...]

[The name of the owner of the Abyss is 'Taegeuk's Lost Soul'.]


In the system message, the name of the owner of the Abyss was revealed.

'Taegeuk's Lost Soul. Is it related to Dongbangsak?'

At least one name was obtained.

While Sung JiHan was thinking that, as he continued to walk.

From the moment the name was revealed, the giant heads slowly began to disappear.

And what appeared in the air instead.

"......A nose? Is that an eye?"

Familiar-sized fragments of a face appeared to Sung JiHan.

Some were noses.

Some were eyes.

The fragments of a face that resembled the size of a human.

Looking at this, Sung JiHan felt a sense of unease.

These fragments...

"This feels familiar, somewhere in my eyes."


When he stopped to take a closer look.


The fragments that had appeared in all directions began to gather in one place.

And they began to stitch themselves together.

Just like the face of the owner of the Abyss earlier, the fragments formed a complete shape.

And thus, the final face that was revealed.


It was Sung JiHan's own face.

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