"Is the owner of the Abyss... me?"

Sung JiHan couldn't believe it as he looked at the face in front of him.

Come to think of it.

Even when the owner of the Arena insisted on handing over Sung JiAh, his sister, the owner of the Abyss persisted until the end.

At that time, he wondered why this guy was so reluctant to give up his sister.

Was it because he was himself?

"No... I still don't know. It's just a face similar to mine. Isn't the name of the owner of the Abyss Taegeuk's Manghon?"

According to the system, the name of the owner of the Abyss is Taegeuk's Manghon.

The fact that the pattern of Taegeuk was displayed in his eyes, and the name as well.

The opponent seemed to be a being closely related to Dongbangsak.


No matter how much Sung JiHan's face appeared.

There is no rule that the presence in front of him must match him exactly.

While Sung JiHan was trying hard to think that way.


The face in front of him shattered again, and fragments began to fly towards Sung JiHan.

Before he could block them, Sung JiHan's face approached in an instant.


The first thing that hit his face was his eyes.

Then, what he heard in Sung JiHan's ear was a hallucination.

-So you chose rebellion in the end... I thought we would become good acquaintances, but it's regrettable.

-You can't go to the gods.

-I will end it with the Taegeuk Sword.

-If you can't endure this, you are just a momentary intellectual for the gods.

Dongbangsak's voice echoed in Sung JiHan's ears every time a fragment hit his face.

And as the pieces stuck to his face increased.


In front of his eyes, multiple scenes of illusions appeared at the same time.

Some backgrounds were filled.

Some backgrounds were in the middle of the city.

Some backgrounds were in the sky.

Although the places where the backgrounds were different, all the people coming out of there were Dongbangsak.


A large Taegeuk pattern was drawn in the empty space.

From the reversing Taegeuk, an old man drew a white sword.

When he drew the sword, Sung JiHan felt a sensation of his body exploding all at once.

"I have never endured that even once...."

Until most of the fragments stuck to his face, scenes of dying by the Taegeuk Sword continued to appear.

Sometimes he tried to hold on a little, and sometimes he tried to counterattack.

But when the white sword expelled darkness.

There was no one who could overcome it except Sung JiHan.



When the fragment of his forehead finally stuck to Sung JiHan.

Sung JiHan heard his own voice from all directions.

"Countless 'me' challenged the gods. And they were defeated."

"I never even met the gods."

"What killed me was Dongbangsak."

"This applies to you too."


Emptiness flowed from the fragments stuck to his face.

And it quickly enveloped Sung JiHan's body.

It was a force that seemed to cover his body, but it didn't seem to have any compulsion.

Sung JiHan's voice resonated again from all directions.

"As a human Sung JiHan, you cannot defeat him."

[Join forces with me.]

[We must seize control of the Taeguk's Manghon and defeat Dongbangsak.]

[This is the only way to save our family.]


And then, a figure emerges.

It was the appearance of my sister, Sung JiHan, bound in chains and locked in a lock.

[Become the owner of the Manghon. Then we can break the seal. We can defeat Dongbangsak.]

[By doing this, we can escape this world with our family.]

[That is the only path for me and my family to survive...]

[You must accept the emptiness, accept me.]

Sung JiHan, who had suffered countless defeats against Dongbangsak.

The fragments that gathered together were persuading the current Sung JiHan.

The opponent was an unbeatable powerhouse in human form.

With the power of the Taeguk's Manghon, which contained the strength of the enemy tribe and the Mokshin tribe.

To stand against the mighty Dongbangsak, Sung JiHan's will spoke.



He was called the Universe Heavenly Horse on the Battle.net.

I had experienced his Taeguk Sword through the avatar Heo WooTak, but honestly, I didn't know it would be this powerful.

"Among the victims of the Taeguk Sword, there were definitely Sung JiHans stronger than me now."

Countless scenes of death unfolded.

There were quite a few Sung JiHans who withstood the power of the sword in those life-or-death situations.

The martial arts they displayed in those crisis situations clearly surpassed the current Sung JiHan.


"Among them, there was no one who had the stats of 'enemy' and 'eternity'... No one."

The soul and emptiness.

Many Sung JiHans possessed this ability.

But no one could find traces of the stats 'enemy' and 'eternity' from anyone.

It was only the momentary experience of the moment before death.

Clearly, there were no enemies or eternities.


While Sung JiHan was deeply lost in thought.

He heard a voice again.

[Join forces. Another me.]

"Join forces? It's just a game here anyway."

[If you agree, you can merge with the real you.]

Is that even possible?

Then I should give a clear answer.


Sung JiHan clenched the piece embedded in his face and pulled it out.

And then...


The emptiness that enveloped his body was peeled away and scattered in all directions.

[Is this your answer?]

"Ah. I will challenge him."

[Someone who gave the same answer as you was already here.]


Various fragments of Sung JiHan appeared before him.

The flesh on the clown's side, the right eye and its surroundings.

Up to the corners of the mouth and the chin.

These were the fragments of Sung JiHan that were not finely divided and formed large shapes.

[Before facing such an end, it would be better to join forces with a complete body. If you come in your current body, you will have the strongest control among these numerous Sung JiHans.]

"I refuse. I don't want to turn into an eyeball monster yet. It's creepy."

[Is that so. In the end, I will become a fragment and join forces......]

A fragment that solidifies the fact of defeat.

He knows well that no further persuasion will work on Sung JiHan, who has made up his mind.

[Then, I will wait. For a new fragment.]

Gradually, it became transparent.

"Can you release me if you go?"

[Even if you release me, in the end, you will die at the moment of destruction...... This is the ultimate way to save you, Nuna, and SeA.]

"Because humanity will be destroyed? But why did you destroy humanity? And why are there so many dead Sung JiHans?"

[I have no obligation to answer. Anyway, if you join forces as a fragment, you will know everything......]

The transparent opponent spoke like that and suddenly laughed.

"Oh, I see...... If you want to free Nuna, come to the Abyss. If you defeat me, I will release her. If you win against Sung JiHan, you can take care of Nuna."

"Defeat that eye giant?"

"Yes. However, this time, the same tactics will not work. I will overpower you with all my strength."

Sung JiHan frowned.

The fact that he was able to land an effective blow was only possible because the owner of the Abyss did not pay attention to him.

The opponent who prepared fully to counterattack was on a completely different level.

"Take it easy."

"If you can't defeat the Taeguk's Manghon, you can't surpass the Dongbangsak's wall......"

With those words, Sung JiHan's fragment completely disappeared.

And in front of him, a message appeared.

"The owner of the Abyss has disappeared, but the destruction of humanity is still scheduled."

"Mission failed."

"All retry chances have been used up."

"Cannot be promoted to Space - 2."

Even though he had suppressed the owner of the Abyss by targeting his weakness, Sung JiHan received a system message announcing the failure of the mission.

He laughed bitterly at the system that announced the destruction of humanity as a failure.

Who is going to destroy it this time?

"Ha...... Just go ahead and be destroyed. Seriously."

That's how Sung JiHan, who had entered the Grandmaster League without shedding blood, ultimately failed to advance to Space - 2.


The sky was filled with stars.

Gilgamesh, who was still detained by Dongbangsak, watched Sung JiHan's battle tube with his arms crossed.

He watched the scenario of the destruction of humanity without much excitement.


As the eye embedded in the giant's body turned and drew the Taeguk, he showed great interest.

"Dongbangsak, why does that eyeball use a power similar to your Taeguk?"

"Similar...... Is that all your eyes can see? It only imitates the appearance, but its actual power manipulation is incomparably inferior."

"Is that so? But it's quite strong, isn't it? Didn't it destroy humanity with that power?"

"The world was already crumbling. It's not difficult to destroy it even with a fake."

Dongbangsak stroked his beard and shaved off the Taeguk's Manghon that had unfolded.

And then.

"And it seems like you have a rough idea about the owner of the Abyss."

"Oh? Who is that guy?"

"There were those who had eyes like that among the ghosts that were sealed by the Gugungpalgwado and disappeared due to the Taeguk. It seems that some of the ghosts that disappeared at that time have gathered."


Gilgamesh, who was reciting the ghosts with a meaningful expression, opened his mouth.

"By the way, didn't you say that your job that the god of war took away was the Gugungpalgwado?"


"The god of war took away your job, so shouldn't he seal all the ghosts as well? Why did you seal the ghosts?"

"The god of war commanded me directly."

"Hehe...... The god of war told you to seal the ghosts, the red-eyed giant, and the tree giant-shaped ghosts intensively?"

"...How did you know?"

Dongbangsak looked at Gilgamesh with a wary eye.

Long ago, during ancient times, Sung JiHan was the only one who knew the fact that certain types of ghosts were sealed.

When Dongbangsak stared at him, Gilgamesh covered his eyes.

"The eyeball embedded in the owner of that abyss. It was the eyes of two giants."

"A being with enemies wouldn't be that rare."

"I know because I hunted them down in large numbers. Those eyes are exceptional."


Those red eyes don't seem that unique.

As Dongbangsak stroked his beard, he looked at the owner of the abyss in the channel.

Gilgamesh turned his gaze towards him and spoke.

"Dongbangsak, why did you pursue immortality?"

"Do I need a reason to want immortality?"

"Monsters like you have probably lived for hundreds, thousands of years without becoming a Sung JiHan's disciple."

"I've lived easily for that long."

Dongbangsak affirmed Gilgamesh's words and replied.

"The immortality Sung JiHan showed me was not just about extending physical life. He showed me a path that could continue to develop me."

"Development... What do you want to do by developing?"

"You have a lot of questions today."

"Isn't it okay to answer this much? We're of the same kind."

"...I wanted to complete martial arts."

"The completion of martial arts. Isn't Taegukmagem a finished product?"

You could say that. But to some extent, I achieved my goal."

Gilgamesh heard those words and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Martial arts fanatic Dongbangsak. If you achieved the goal you pursued even to the point of becoming a disciple of Sung JiHan, wouldn't you have thought about taking a break? Haven't you ever thought about it?"

"...Why are you asking that?"

"Just curious."


Gilgamesh pointed at himself with his finger.

"I have a firm goal of wanting to live long. I want to rule as a cosmic being beyond the king of humanity. That's why I succumbed to the temptation of immortality. But you don't seem to have such a strong desire..."


"Even though you've completed martial arts, you continue to serve as a disciple of Sung JiHan, saying you want immortality? A martial artist like you? Hm... It's unclear who the disciple is."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Why I pursued immortality myself. Have you ever delved deep into your inner self?"


Before he finished speaking, Gilgamesh's neck was severed.

Then, from the severed part, blood and flesh quickly rose.

Gilgamesh's newly regenerated head whistled as it watched his head flying far away.

"You've gone far. My head."

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Why are you overreacting like this? It's enough to think about it..."


Dongbangsak swung his sword once.

Gilgamesh's body split into thousands of pieces.

Squelch. Squelch.

And from the fragments of Gilgamesh's body, his lips moved.

"Fine... I get it. I understand. Let's stop talking about this topic."


As they gathered together, Gilgamesh slowly regenerated.

Dongbangsak looked at his opponent and fell into thought.

"Why I pursue immortality..."

The completion of martial arts.

Just a desire to live long.

But there seemed to be something else.

"...What was it?"

I completely can't remember.

Dongbangsak furrowed his brow.

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