4 games map, Colosseum.

It was the Korean national team that Yoon Se-jin was in charge of, but the players' expressions were far from bright.

Sung Ji-han, who had returned to the Battle.net Center, participated in the 4 games.

"Uncle, is the training over?"

"No. I came out to catch my breath, but I saw the Super Cup on TV."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Know that it's because of me. If I hadn't watched TV, I wouldn't have known there was a game today."


The shadow queen, whose face only protruded from Sung Ji-han's left arm, frowned, and Yoon Se-ah extended her thumb to her.

"You kept it on, Your Majesty! It was worth bringing snacks for you."

Behind Yoon Se-ah, Sophia approached with a sigh of relief.

"Phew, now that Ji-han is here, the long battle will finally end..."

"This Super Cup game seems to have lasted quite a while."

"Yes. The first two games took a day each, so many people are tired. I also used buffs endlessly."

"If it weren't for Sophia, we would have lost the first game. The American players were really disappointed. They asked why I went to Korea."

"Well, the reason I went to Korea..."

Sophia, who had been quietly looking up at Sung Ji-han, smiled mischievously.

"Can you send Ji-han home now?"


Sung Ji-han leisurely walked through the Colosseum.

The map of the survival game, Colosseum.

In national team matches, it was played in a much larger stadium than usual.

Not only the players from the opposing national team, but also powerful monsters were stationed inside.

So in national team matches, the respawning of monsters around the area was quite a variable.



Now that Sung Ji-han had returned to the Korean national team, the neutral monsters could not pose any threat here.

= The werewolf pack retreats after seeing Sung Ji-han.

= Werewolves are not that powerful in the Colosseum map... but they are famous for their relentless charges.

= Even so, it seems that Sung Ji-han's strength is recognized. He is trying to create distance no matter what.

= It's a situation that contrasts with the battle between the American national team and the werewolf pack!

Werewolves in the form of wolf-human hybrids.

Although they were not individually powerful, they were quite annoying monsters in the Colosseum map due to their habit of attacking in packs.

Of course, in national team-level matches, they were only at the level of momentarily hindering the team.

Ignoring the opponent's strength and continuously attacking, if they respawned near the national team in the early stages, they were classified as monsters that needed to be dealt with immediately.

- It's the first time I've seen werewolves running away, lol.

- It's natural since Sung Ji-han's level is above them alone.

- The long Super Cup game is finally coming to an end...

- It's a shame that a fierce battle between humans couldn't be seen. Haha.

- No, it was a momentary thing. It was hard to see because the fight lasted for days...

- Sung Ji-han finishes the game quickly, so other countries often have long battles.

Watching the werewolves run away, Korean viewers hoped that Sung Ji-han would end the long Super Cup game.

"Should I end it with the Heavenly Dragon's Thunderbolt?"

Seeing that the national team was exhausted, Sung Ji-han thought about finishing the 4 games in one go.

He recalled the skill he received from the Seat of the Dead Star.

"The Immortal's Blessing... I should try using it once."

It could grant the undead state to allies.

And depending on the tactics-related stats, it could turn enemies into the undead state with the Immortal's Blessing.

Although he received the skill from the Seat of the Dead Star, he never had a chance to use it because he was busy fighting against Gansang.

"I should test it in a stress-free game."

Sung Ji-han approached the fleeing werewolves and used the skill.

"The Immortal's Blessing."


Then, a black mist rose from the werewolves.



The gray fur turned a sickly gray color, and the vitality disappeared from the werewolf's eyes.

Undead state that is probabilistically granted based on the necromancy-related stats.

Perhaps Sung JiHan's Void value was so high that the werewolf instantly turned into an undead with a 100% probability.

"Oh, what skill is that?"

"I got it from the Holy See. It turns you into an undead."



Yoon Sae-ah looked at the undead werewolves with great interest.

Although the undead werewolves had lost their vitality, they emitted a strong aura.

"Oh... They seem to have become stronger than regular werewolves."

"Undeads are also enhanced according to my abilities."

"I see. So they've been upgraded like this. And they carry the Void..."

Yoon Sae-ah examined the undead creatures and asked Sung JiHan.

"Can they be allies too?"

"If there's an agreement among allies, then yes."

"Then, Uncle! Use it on me!"


"Uncle, those undead creatures carry the Void. I'm curious if the Void will be enhanced if I become undead too. Their Void seems quite strong."

As Yoon Sae-ah said, a purple stripe appeared on the undead werewolves, emanating the aura of the Void.

Regular players might just think they have some unique power.

But Yoon Sae-ah, who possessed the Void, immediately recognized the characteristic of Sung JiHan's undead.

"Do you want to become undead?"

"Well, it's just a game, right? I can undo it later, can't I?"

"...Do you really want to?"

"Yes. Please do it!"

Sung JiHan looked at Yoon Sae-ah, who voluntarily wanted to become undead, and smiled.

No matter how intense the Void emitted by the undead was, to voluntarily become undead...

"Well, since it's just a game, there's no pressure..."


Sung JiHan pointed at Yoon Sae-ah, who was shaking her hand, asking to be turned into an undead.

"Blessing of Immortality."


A message appeared before Yoon Sae-ah's eyes.

[Would you like to receive the Blessing of Immortality?]

[If you receive the Blessing of Immortality, you will become undead.]

[In the undead state, you cannot receive blessings of the divine category.]

[If the caster of the Blessing of Immortality dies or the game ends, the undead state will be lifted.]

"The undead state will be automatically lifted when the game ends. Let's go!"


Yoon Sae-ah pressed "Yes" in the system message.


Her skin turned pale all at once and was dyed purple.

And a strong aura of the Void surged from her entire body.

It couldn't be compared to what the werewolves emitted.

The entire world surrounding her had turned purple.

"How is it? Are you okay?"



"It's amazing!"

Yoon Sae-ah's vitality disappeared from her eyes, leaving her in a dazed state.

But contrary to her appearance, her voice was still lively.

"Uncle, is the Void always like this? Wow, this is no joke!"

"Even though you're undead, you seem the same as usual."

"Maybe it's because I'm an ally? It seems like only the state has changed. And come here, guys."

Whoosh. Whoosh.

As Yoon Sae-ah gestured, the werewolves approached her with vacant eyes.

Even though she wasn't the caster of the Blessing of Immortality, she was able to command the lower undead creatures instead of Sung JiHan.

"It seems like I can command the undead like a middle manager."


"Uncle, can I try using the amplified Void over there? After all, it's just one shot against the US national team, Uncle."

"Sure. Take the undead with you. It doesn't matter if you die."

"Got it. Let's go, guys!"

With that, Yoon Sae-ah led the undead werewolves and charged towards the US national team.

Sung JiHan watched their actions for a moment and then asked the national team players.

"Is there anyone else who wants to try being undead?"

"I want to try it if I'm not a support..."

"Oh, supports are a class that uses divine power, so it won't work. Becoming undead is like having all your skills sealed."

"I, I'll give it a try!"

While Sophia was disappointed, some of the warriors from the national team volunteered to become undead.

So, when the blessing of immortality was used on ten warriors.

[Reached the limit of Void usage.]

[If you continue to use the Blessing of Immortality, the efficiency of the Blessing of Immortality that returns to each individual will decrease.]

A message appeared in Sung JiHan's mind, saying that he had used up all of his Void stats.

"No... already?"

How could the Void be depleted so quickly by turning players into undead?

Sung JiHan thought that this skill was quite inefficient.

[Player 'Yoon Sae-ah' is using Void abilities at over 90 percent.]

[Do you want to reduce the amount of Void returned to player 'Yoon Sae-ah'?]

However, the culprit was someone else.

"Because she's dealing with the Void, she's taking all the abilities for herself."

Even so, one player absorbing over 90 percent was quite surprising.

Sung JiHan was curious to see if Yoon Sae-ah would show the same level of effectiveness as the abilities she took.

And soon.

Bang! Bang!

"Wow! It's not Void Arrow anymore, it's a cannon!"

Explosions of purple light began to occur all over the American camp.

The power was on a completely different level from Yoon Sae-ah's Void Arrow.

Sung JiHan watched quietly from a distance, his expression hardening.

"How did she become so strong? At this rate, the US will really be breached."

The US national team had top-tier players in every position.

Even if Yoon Sae-ah had Void Arrow, it would be difficult to break through their defenses.


Yoon Sae-ah, who had become undead and was using Sung JiHan's Void, had become a completely different monster.


Due to the Void explosion, American warriors were sent flying into the sky.

Among them were those who had been with Sung JiHan from American First to the end.

"We'll advance as well. Let's see the efficiency of the undead and have the warriors go first."


"We'll... follow."

Sung JiHan quickly lifted the undead warriors and approached the American camp.

* * *

The fourth game in the Colosseum.

The outcome of the game had completely tilted in Korea's favor since Sung JiHan's appearance.

-If Sung JiHan uses Dragon's Breath, they'll be wiped out...

-Is it realistic to hope for a ban in the fifth game?

-But how did Sung JiHan make a comeback?

-He was training and came out, but he happened to see himself playing on TV when the national team was talking...

-They should have finished the game in two days instead of dragging it out for two nights and three days :(

The American viewers who had already given up on winning this game.

They were now hoping for Sung JiHan to be banned in the fifth game.

So people were just watching to see how quickly the game would end.

But when the game actually started, it didn't end cleanly with Sung JiHan's blow as expected.

Instead, it was a chaotic battle like the previous games.

-What... what's happening?

=It's understandable that Sung JiHan would lose. But to be defeated like this by Yoon SeA...

=It seems like Sung JiHan used a skill to turn the opponent into undead... But was it really that effective?

=Exactly! Becoming undead makes you that strong? But you can't even receive buffs!

=Even the warriors show a different level of defense. They clearly killed them, but they keep getting up! These purple Korean zombies... They're much stronger than regular undead!

=Even the reserve team is crumbling... They can't stop Yoon SeA's arrows...

=Sung JiHan. He's not participating in the battle until the end. He's sinking the United States with just the undead...!

=Yoon SeA receives the MVP for the 4th game!

Sung JiHan overwhelmed the US national team with the Blessing of Immortality.

But this game's MVP was Yoon SeA, who bombarded the enemy with emptiness.

"Wow, I went out with my uncle and I'm the MVP!"

"Because you did everything."

"Hehe. Ah. But now that the game is over, the undead are gone... It's a shame."

Yoon SeA, who regrets not being undead, knowing how powerful the emptiness was.

"It feels strange to be undead."

"No matter how much I got hit, I didn't feel like I was going to die."

"Even if my limbs were torn off, they just reattached themselves."

"But I don't think there was much difference between the power amplification and the full buff that Sophia gave."

Even the warriors who became undead were evaluating the effects of the undead.

As powerful as Sophia, who gives a three times stronger buff, the powerful Blessing of Immortality.

However, unlike Yoon SeA, the other warriors did not show a performance strong enough to dominate the game alone.

"Undead warriors have the disadvantage of not receiving support care... It seems most efficient to use it on SeA. This."

Sung JiHan thought that the efficiency of the Blessing of Immortality was ambiguous.

Although it shows tremendous efficiency when used on Yoon SeA.

But it can only be used when participating in the game together.

Unless it's a situation like this where there is plenty of time, Sung JiHan hesitated to use the Blessing of Immortality because he had to use the emptiness.


=5th game...

=This will decide who gets the Super Cup in this pick and ban!

=Please, Sung JiHan should be banned...!

The commentators with their arms completely folded.

They were praying for Sung JiHan to be banned with desperate voices.

The situation where the outcome of the game depends on whether one player is banned or not.

The attention of viewers from both countries was focused on the 50% probability.


"Oh, oh..."

"S-Sung JiHan! He's banned! He won't participate in the 5th game!"

"We did it!"

The goddess of victory smiled at the US team.

The Korean national team became gloomy as they watched the result.


"5th game, it didn't work with 50%..."

"W-Well, we won one game without Sung JiHan. We can do it!"

Some players tried to lift the team's morale by recalling the victory in one game.

But they couldn't stop the morale of the team from falling.

"Ugh, I wish my uncle was alive to give me buffs..."

"What can you do. Let's try to win without me."

"Okay... I'll do my best!"

And so, the two national teams entered the final game.

The fortunes of the two teams were clear.

The US had won more than half of the victories, and the Korean national team looked gloomy as soon as the game started.

At that moment.


Yoon SeA pulled the bowstring.


The emptiness explosion that was shown in the 4th game erupted from the US camp.


Yoon SeA blinked her eyes and looked at the devastated US camp.

"...Am I not undead anymore?"

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