=What on earth is going on...

=Yoon Se-ah is still unleashing powerful attacks!

=Of course, it's not as intense as the fourth game, but it's still quite threatening!

=The national team needs to pull themselves together! If they keep losing even with Sung JiHan being banned...

In the fifth game, Sung JiHan, who was expected to give the United States an advantage, was banned.

The course of the game was flowing unexpectedly.

"Wow, Void Cannon is still in play!"


When Yoon Se-ah deflected the arrow, a massive explosion occurred in the American camp.

Void Arrow was already difficult to dodge and block with its ability to transcend space and barriers.

But with such a massive explosion, the American players were taken aback.

"How do we stop this..."

"No, Yoon Se-ah wasn't like this before."

"Darn it. They should have used this in the Space League! Why is it causing a commotion in the Super Cup!"

As can be seen from the victory of the Korean national team in the first game,

The gap in power between Korea and the United States without Sung JiHan had significantly narrowed compared to before.

In fact, the level of the key players was even ahead of Korea in some aspects.

But here, Yoon Se-ah, the key player for Korea, caused a void explosion.

"Alright... I'm going too!"

When Yoon Se-jin annihilated the disorganized American players,

The tide of the match gradually began to lean towards the Korean side.

-What? Why are they winning?

-I was about to go to sleep after seeing the draft and thinking we lost, but I heard screams from the apartment... What's going on?

-Yoon Se-ah is showing off her skills just like in the fourth game lol

-Even though she's no longer in an undead state, her enhancements are still active? Wow, that's crazy lol

-But the other warriors who became undead seem to be the same.

Sung JiHan crossed his arms and closely observed the movements of the players.

Indeed, the other warriors who became undead had completely reset this state by the fifth game.

Only Yoon Se-ah was maintaining the amplified void.


'The void is gradually diminishing.'

Although the void explosion had such a strong impact that no one noticed,

Sung JiHan, who dealt with the void, could perceive that Yoon Se-ah's power was gradually weakening.

'When I absorbed over 90% of her void during the undead state, did it linger until the next game?'

The supply of void from Sung JiHan was cut off after the fourth game, and the undead state was also lifted.

But unlike the other warriors who had no vessel to contain the void, Yoon Se-ah, who could manipulate the void, was able to leave some of its energy behind.

'Is this possible because it's void...'

Sung JiHan's eyes lit up as he watched Yoon Se-ah, who was crumbling the American camp.

Although the Super Cup game was not particularly important for the survival of humanity,

Yoon Se-ah's ability to maintain the void could be utilized in the future Space League.

'Just when I was banned and the win rate for humanity was dismal... This could be a significant variable.'

And so, the game progressed in a completely different direction from the original expectations.

=Ah... The US national team... is crumbling!

=They were completely unprepared for that purple explosion. Warriors, what are you doing?!

=Sung JiHan was banned in the last game... Are you saying that even the Super Cup was taken away?

The voices of the American commentators, who had been shouting intermittently, gradually became gloomy.

If that's the case, Sung JiHan shouldn't have been banned in the first place.

They had inflated their hopes of winning for no reason, only to be disappointed by an unexpected blow.


=Ah, Baron player, you held on until the end but ultimately fell... The Super Cup goes to Korea in the end!

In the end, it was the Korean national team that emerged victorious in the five games.

* * *

=The Korean national team is formidable...! They're showing their strength even without Sung JiHan!

=Does this mean that Channel 0 will switch to Korean?

=Yes, our position could be in jeopardy too!

The game result went against everyone's expectations.

The American commentators, watching this, jokingly worried that Korea might snatch the top spot in the national rankings.

-Those Yankee commentators are overreacting again. Just because they won the Super Cup doesn't mean Korea becomes the top-ranked team.

-Exactly. The national ranking isn't determined solely by winning the Champions League. The points accumulated over time are important.

At first, some people dismissed the talk of the American commentators switching to Korean as a joke.

-But we're already chasing India, who are in third place. They've been accumulating points through population advantage. How did we catch up?

-That's because Sung JiHan has been earning us a lot of points. If we win the Champions League a few more times, we might actually watch the Korean broadcast...

-Wow, if Korean comes out on Channel 0, it'll be a national pride fest.

-Wasn't Sung JiHan already the limit of national pride?

-Sung JiHan is on another level when it comes to national pride, haha.

Looking at the ranking that threatened third place, some began to have expectations.


"I guess I won't participate in national team matches anymore, even if I've won the Champions League. It feels like meddling in kids' fights."

Sung JiHan watched the ongoing game and pondered.

While the fate of humanity was at stake in the Space League according to the rankings, did he really need to participate in inter-country matches?

"It's not as important as it used to be when humanity was at the bottom of the Space League and national rankings mattered."

"Now the Korean national team is much better than before, even without Sung JiHan."

Now, the Korean national team was no longer a team that struggled in the lower ranks like before, even without Sung JiHan.

There was a lot to do, so should he just retire from the national team?

At that moment, Yoon Se-ah appeared from the Battle.net Connector and excitedly ran towards Sung JiHan.

"Uncle! I'm the Super Cup MVP!! And the series MVP too!"


"Hehe... It was thanks to the Undead buff in the fourth game! But hey, why did the Undead power still remain? It was so exciting when I used the Void Cannon. I felt like I was sweeping away enemies alone, just like you, Uncle."

"You dealt with the Void, so it seems some of it lingered."

"I see... But Uncle, we won the championship, why don't you look happy?"

"Ah, I was considering retiring from the national team."

"What?! Retiring?!"

Hearing this conversation from a distance, Coach No Young-jun was taken aback and hurriedly approached.

"Ji, Ji Han. What is this nonsense!?"

"Ah... It's nothing. Now that the national team has become stronger, I feel sorry for competing against other countries. I thought it might not be the right time to retire after winning the Champions League and the Super Cup. And I have to continue training for the Space League, so it's hard to focus on the national team schedule."


"Besides, I don't have to worry about the schedule! I can just participate whenever I have time! Don't worry about our schedule when we're training!"

"But... I couldn't help but think about the schedule."

"When did that happen...?"

Sung JiHan, who didn't pay much attention to the national team schedule until now, pretended to be concerned.

Yoon SeA glanced at her uncle from the side.

"No... That's not necessary! Just having your name on the roster is enough! You're already making a big impact with your ban card consumption!"


"Of course, if you're not confident, there's nothing we can do... But don't you want to achieve the top ranking in the Korean Battle.net? How long are you going to watch Korean subtitles on channel 0? Let's show off the proud Korean language to the world!"

"I've already been showcasing the Korean language a lot."

"Well, that's true..."

Sung JiHan's channel, which is watched by people all over the world.

Although it is automatically translated, the initial voice was in Korean.

"...I understand. If you're determined, there's nothing I can do."

Director No YoungJoon sighed softly and gave up on further persuasion.

Director and player.

Usually, the director was in a superior position, but when the player was the key force, the relationship often reversed.

Especially when the opponent was Sung JiHan, it was even more so.

Even if the national team coach tried to persuade him, it didn't work at all.

"Then let's have a retirement press conference..."

When Sung JiHan finally decided to retire and even planned to hold a press conference today.

[Won the Super Cup.]

[Special achievement, achieved 'consecutive victories'.]

[Sung JiHan's fame has reached 2000.]

A message appeared in front of him.

"So winning the Super Cup increases Sung JiHan's fame? This... it's instead of achievements."

So winning the Super Cup is considered a victory.

Sung JiHan stopped talking as he saw his fame increase to 2000.

"If consecutive victories are achievements, wouldn't there be an achievement for reaching the top ranking in Korea?"

Honestly, the fame he gained from consecutive victories was only 2000.

It couldn't be considered a lot, but wouldn't reaching the top ranking give him even more?

"Looking at the current trend, it's not impossible to reach the top."

Korea and the United States.

Even without Sung JiHan, the top players proved that their skills were equal this time.

But the lower tier of players in the United States was overwhelmingly better, so the points they earned on Battle.net should have been much higher.

However, Sung JiHan alone offset that gap, and there was almost no difference in the daily points earned between the two countries.

"Should I stay in the national team until I become the top ranking?"

Since consecutive victories gave 2000 points, if there is an achievement for being the top ranking, it would probably give more than that.

"Hmm. I should aim for first place and then retire."

Sung JiHan changed his mind after seeing the message window.


"Yes. Instead, I will participate in the national team games at my discretion."

No, it's not like that all the time...

Director No Young-joon's anger reached its boiling point.

"Oh my. Of course, of course! Even if the schedule for the Champions League final is set, Sung JiHan doesn't have to come out! Just put his name up!"

But what he said was completely different from what he really meant.

* * *

[Korean National Team Brings Home the Super Cup!]

[Super Cup Series MVP, Yoon Se-ah selected]

[Korea Defeats the United States Without Sung JiHan! Showing the Qualities of a Champion.]

[Korea Surpasses India! Rises to 3rd Place in World Rankings!]

[Sung JiHan Retiring from the National Team? Director No Young-joon Dismisses Baseless Rumors]

The Korean national team became the strongest team this year.

But the joy of victory was short-lived.

-Sung JiHan really wanted to retire?

-The coach said it was baseless rumors, haha. Where did they come up with this gossip again?

-Nah, I heard the players themselves say that Sung JiHan even planned to hold a retirement press conference.

-Yeah, Ha Yeon-joo accidentally mentioned it while celebrating her victory on her BattleTube, haha.

As Ha Yeon-joo drank and made a slip of the tongue on her BattleTube, the news of Sung JiHan's retirement controversy spread worldwide, fueling the debate.

-The foreign players went crazy. Please retire and remain a hero of humanity, please.

-Well, aren't they still heroes of humanity now?

-It's not just for you, let's all share, haha.

-Oh, I don't want to. I want to monopolize a little longer, hehe. Until I become rank 1.

"My sister said she felt uneasy since the drinking session... and she ended up causing an accident."

Yoon Se-ah's excitement was overshadowed by the news about Sung JiHan's retirement, which received more attention than the Super Cup victory article.

Even though she had won the MVP of the Super Cup series, she was completely overshadowed by her uncle's unresolved retirement incident.

"I guess even if it were me, the focus would be on the retirement declaration."

As Yoon Se-ah watched the flood of comments in real-time on Ha Yeon-joo's BattleTube...


"Mom? It's been a while."

She received a message from the Empty Witch, the Seat of Emptiness.

[Is the emptiness you obtained last time still there? Do you feel like it's being eroded?]

"I'm fine. The one my uncle gave me back then has already disappeared."

[I see... That's a relief.]

"Since I'm using the Void Cannon, can't I increase the emptiness even more? Is it not possible?"

[Not yet.]

"Not yet?"

Yoon Se-ah widened her eyes as she read her mother's message.

Originally, it was said that it was absolutely impossible.

But something about the tone had changed.

Back then.

[Alright... Can you pass this on to Ji-han?]

An item arrived from the Empty Witch.

"No, Mom. Can you give me some too? Uncle is already strong enough... Inventory!"

While complaining to her mother, Yoon Se-ah opened her inventory.

At the very end of the inventory, she took out a book and blinked.

"...Taegeuk Sword?"

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