The sender of the message is the fourth disciple of Mushi, Pithia.

Sung JiHan responded while looking at her message.

"What's this? Were you listening to our conversation?"

[I had something to say to you, so I was observing through Sophia for a moment.]

Something to say.

Sung JiHan looked at the message with a puzzled look and asked about the earlier conversation.

"It seems like you know who the owner of Tuseong is. Who is he?"

[Gilgamesh. The tower in Tuseong was expanded this time, and he was causing unnecessary trouble again.]

"The Tower of Babel was expanded?"

[Yes. Humanity has evolved, haven't they?]

"What does that have to do with it?"

[He is the king representing humanity, the king of the beginning.]

Sung JiHan frowned.

Why did Gilgamesh come forward so boldly to help?

So, there was this stubborn guy.

'I canceled the king's command with the control code, but he didn't suffer any one-sided losses and took advantage of it.'

And he approached the people with their ears sticking out, changing the name of the Holy See.

He's really something.

"So, Se-ah. How many players sponsored by Tuseong are there?"

"Well... There must be quite a few. At least several hundred. Once your ears stick out, you hear that the Holy See sponsorship proposal comes regardless of talent."

"Hundreds... They're spread all over the world, right? Those people."

"Yes. Ear verification shots have been uploaded from all over the world, regardless of race."

In that case, it would be difficult to cancel Gilgamesh's sponsorship using the control code.

"Why can't that guy sponsor properly?"

"He probably wants to maintain a connection with humanity. And he seems to be looking for something on Earth..."

"Looking for something?"

"I will investigate and let you know about that. There is also Dongbangsak on your side, so it's difficult to approach casually."


"Yes. I'm monitoring Gilgamesh."

"He's good at his job for someone who's being monitored."

"Yes. What happened? If he's being monitored, he shouldn't be able to do anything useless."

Sung JiHan had a hunch at those words.

The ethereal body of Dongbangsak that he met at the Underwater Palace of the Nine Palaces.

While he was paying attention to Earth, Gilgamesh must have started reaching out to Earth from behind.

"For now, let's inform the association that the owner of Tuseong is Gilgamesh and announce that his sponsorship is rejected."

"Yes. Owner, but what if Gilgamesh changes his name again?"

"He can't change the name of the Holy See again. Even changing his name to 'Owner of Tuseong' this time was an opportunity he gained thanks to the evolution of humanity."

The expansion of the tower gave him the opportunity to change the name of the Holy See.

Sung JiHan relayed these words directly to Yi Ha-yeon.

"Oh. Then until I reach the intermediate level, my name won't change. I'll let them know right away!"

"Please do."

Bowing her head to Sung JiHan, she immediately went to contact the association.

"Uncle. I'll leave a notice on the community too."

"A notice? How are you going to do that? You didn't even create the community."

"I'm one of the community administrators."

"When did you do that?"

"When I joined the site, they suggested that I try it out over there. I got interested."

Tap. Tap tap.

Yoon Sae-ah touched the screen of her phone with skillful hand movements.

In an instant, she wrote a notice in English.

"If the owner is suspected to be Gilgamesh, do not accept sponsorship... Is this enough?"

"Yeah, post it like that."

She immediately posted the notice on the Half-Elf community.

- The owner is suspected to be Gilgamesh?

- No, isn't he the 'King of the Beginning'? Can he change his title?

- That's ridiculous! We received so many benefits from the owner... and he's Gilgamesh?

- It doesn't matter... Since the establishment of the Seat, platinum promotion has become possible!

- Who is the sub-administrator playing this prank?

- That sub-administrator is Yoon Sae-ah....

As soon as the post went up, the replies started pouring in.

Most of them denied that it was Gilgamesh or said it didn't matter.

"I think most people don't want to believe it."

"Yeah, that's probably true. Although there are more opportunities for Seat sponsorship now, most players still can't even dream of it."

"Yeah... huh? The post got deleted. Oh no, I've been stripped of my administrator status!"

Yoon Sae-ah continued to refresh the replies as she moved her finger.

She frowned when she saw that her post had been deleted.

"It seems like there are already people from Gilgamesh here."

"Yeah... I guess we'll have to deal with it at the federation level."

Anyway, this guy is really persistent.

Sung JiHan decided to solve this problem gradually in cooperation with the federation and asked Pithia.

"So, what was the matter you mentioned earlier?"

"Oh, it's about the Star League promotion match...."

"Why? Are you trying to tell me about the promotion match events?"

"Well, you know, since you've already eliminated the Seat, you'll easily defeat them."

Pithia brought up the main point.

"If there's a first place reward, among them...."

* * *

=Hello, everyone!

=September 25th, the day of the promotion matches has arrived!

September 25th.

On this day, the promotion matches began all over the world.

On Channel 0, which is in charge of broadcasting the Top 100 promotion matches, the commentators were shouting with excitement.

=Today's scheduled matches are from Silver promotion to Master. And....

=Star League! There is a promotion match to the Star League at the very end!

=The player who has been given the opportunity to go up to the Star League is none other than Sung JiHan!

=It hasn't been long since he reached Grandmaster, but his growth rate is incredible!

While other players spent months in Diamond and only a few were given the opportunity to be promoted to the Master League.

Sung JiHan had already surpassed Grandmaster and reached the Star League alone.

-Wow, the Star League... Are you already going there?

-Didn't they say that leveling up is really slow in Grandmaster?

-Even with the stats sealed, he keeps getting first place. He should be promoted to the higher league quickly.

-Yeah, the opponents were pitiful.

-He kept promoting Sung JiHan like that... Isn't this the end? There's no higher league than the Star League.

-Then he should become the Seat now, lol.

Let's say Sung JiHan is promoted to the Star League, creating a festive atmosphere among humanity.

People were amazed at Sung JiHan's continuous rapid growth as the core force of humanity's power.

Although the Top 100 promotion matches proceeded one after another.

- Ah, when will it end?

- Let's just fight roughly and watch the Star League promotion matches.

- Why was the Star League scheduled last?

- I should take a nap and come back lol

People's attention was focused only on the last game.

Still, what caught their interest was the Master League promotion.

= Now, the Master League promotion begins!

= Here, they will face off against alien races!

= A total of 14 players from humanity will participate. I hope many players win and move up!

In the survival map where 200 players, including alien races, participate, there are a total of 14 human players.

"It won't be easy."

Sung JiHan thought as he looked at the races participating in the Master League promotion.

Although humanity's race evaluation has risen to at least intermediate level.

The opposing races seemed to be at least intermediate or higher.

Starting by overwhelming humanity in size, the alien races.

= Ah! Oliver player! Gets caught by the enemy right from the start!

= That large crab-like race! Are they resistant to magic? They ignored the attack magic and tore through the barrier like a piece of paper...

= Ah. Oliver player is the first to be eliminated... I thought this player would move up...

= Je GalHeon player also follows in death...

= It seems like survival maps are definitely difficult for mages!

The players participating in the survival began hunting the weakest-looking humans first.

Human players started dying one by one.

"Let's gather!"

Yoon SeJin rode his sword around, gathering survivors.

But there were only 5 human players left.

= Ah. It happened in an instant...

= But after gathering 5 people, it's not a one-sided massacre like before!

= Yes. Yoon SeJin player has taken a good position! If she blocks the passage well, it's a place where defense is easy!

= But Yoon SeJin player alone seems to have too wide of an area to block... The path splits in two.

The spot Yoon SeJin chose was a good high ground for the 5 players to make a stand.

However, the path was so wide open in the front and back that it seemed difficult to block with just 5 people.


= Ah, Yoon SeA player! Takes the lead!

= She's guarding the front as an undead!

= Now that all the warriors except Yoon SeJin player have died, she's also taking on the role of a warrior!

Yoon SeA, who received the blessing of immortality from Sung JiHan before participating in the promotion, was skillfully fulfilling the role of a warrior among the survivors of humanity.

- Yoon SeA is getting better and better at being a warrior lololol

- She just blocks with her body anyway, since she regenerates.

- Wow, the 5 of them work well together. If they keep it up, these 5 might get promoted...

- So it's 2 from Korea, 1 from the US, 1 from China, and 1 from India... Korea is doing the best ㄷㄷ

- ?? It's because of Sung JiHan that Korea was doing well in the first place.

- Well, yeah, it's because of things like this hehe

If they get promoted to the Master League like this, the proportion of Koreans will be the highest.

However, due to Sung JiHan's high standards, some people were skeptical and dismissive, saying, "Is this really worth commemorating?"

"Oh! Alien players, we surrender in the conquest of humanity!"

"The teamwork of the five players was so good! Instead of attacking the team that formed humanity, they are too busy fighting each other!"

"But you shouldn't leave that spot! Now that you've secured your survival, you can climb up to the Mastery League. Just hold on!"

Thanks to their well-established positions, the five players successfully defended against enemy attacks. They held on until the other players died.

And then...

"S-Succession match! It's over!"

"Out of the 50 survivors, there are a total of 5 humans left!"

"The MVP is... the player from the Dragon Tribe!"


As the BattleNet connector opened...

"Wow... that was really tough."

Yoon Se-ah emerged from there, her face tired.

"Werewolf was really a weak axis. Even after evolving, it's still inferior..."

And Yoon Se-jin, who followed behind, drank water with a face drenched in sweat.

They managed to survive somehow, but if they had taken the wrong positions, all five of them might have been wiped out in the game.

He let out a sigh of relief and looked at Sung JiHan.

"Now it's your turn, brother-in-law. The main game is about to begin."

"Since the Master League matches are so intense, my game might not be fun."

"Right, because Uncle is so strong, it'll be boring to wipe them out in one shot, right?"


Sung JiHan lightly agreed with Yoon Se-ah's words and entered the promotion match.

Star League promotion match.

Since the players competing here would already be in the Grandmaster, there was no way the game would be easy.

"The Star League players I met at the Cemetery of Stars were also weak."

I should quickly get first place and choose the reward that Pitiya told me about.

With such a casual thought, Sung JiHan entered the promotion match.


"The Star League promotion match is about to begin."

"The players that the administrator is paying attention to are gathered..."

"The administrator?"

They were just going to proceed with the promotion match, but the system message added the phrase "the players that the administrator is paying attention to."

As Sung JiHan quietly watched this in the darkness...

"Player Sung JiHan"

"The green administrator is particularly interested in you. He proposes a special game to the administrators."

"The black administrator agrees."

"The white administrator abstains."

"...After two agreements and one abstention, the player Sung JiHan will proceed with the Throne Game."

"The 'Succession Ceremony' will begin."


In the darkness, spotlights shone down.

In front of Sung JiHan, the figures of several individuals began to appear.

"Choose the throne, the ruler's seat, to inherit the throne of humanity."

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