"The ruling seat of humanity."

Sung JiHan recalled the time when he obtained the ruling attribute.

Ruling LV.1

Obtain additional bonuses based on the comprehensive evaluation score of the species 'humanity' and the growth of the player supported as a ruling seat.

The bonus score is divided based on the number of rulers on the current planet.

There are four rulers on the current planet.

Including Sung JiHan, the system message stated that there are four ruling seats.

"So, there are three ruling seats excluding me, and the only candidate that comes to mind is Gilgamesh."

The only other possible candidate is the third deity symbolizing fire.

If the deity also possesses ruling abilities, there could be three of them.

"Or maybe there could be completely unexpected ruling seats."

A seat game directly granted by the green administrator.

Since it was a game proposed by the green administrator, it seemed like there might be some traps, but for now, it wasn't bad for Sung JiHan as a ruling seat.

At least now, he could see the silhouettes of the three people standing with their backs turned.

"But I have no idea who is who."

The three ruling seats standing with their backs turned.

Their silhouettes were all of equal size, and the hazy aura swirling around made it impossible to recognize who the opponent was.

"Among the three ruling seats, choose one person to succeed the throne."

Even though Sung JiHan had no idea who the opponent was, the system message kept asking him to make a choice.

"I want to figure out everything about the three ruling seats this time..."

When Sung JiHan tried to somehow figure out who was who from the silhouettes.

"The black administrator proposes the disclosure of information about the ruling seats for the player's choice."


As if the black administrator knew Sung JiHan's curiosity, it made a timely proposal.

"The white administrator withdraws."

"The green administrator opposes."

"With one vote in favor, one abstention, and one vote against, only a part of the information about the ruling seats will be disclosed."

The white administrator still abstained.

And the green administrator opposed it.

Perhaps because all the votes were equal, it was concluded that only a part of the seat information would be disclosed.

- The ruling seat of humanity... There were three other than Sung JiHan.

- Who could they be? One of them must be Gilgamesh.

- Shouldn't they include conquerors? Like Genghis Khan or Alexander, lol.

- If ruling seats are determined by the size of the territory, what happened to Gilgamesh, lol.

- Oh, so they must be people from the past.

The human viewers were unaware of the weight of the existence called "Battle.net administrators."

While two out of the three were debating who the two were,

- Wow, what's going on? All three administrators are involved...??

- The black and white administrators rarely engage in external activities, right?

- So, Sung JiHan... The channel owner was this impressive? To attract the attention of the administrators?

- If the red administrator is missing and the votes show 111, then that's how the conclusion is reached... I didn't know that until today.

- I'm definitely watching today's broadcast.

The chaos, however, was among the extraterrestrials.

The viewers who started flooding into the alien chat window in the blink of an eye.

"The total viewership score has exceeded the threshold."

"The 'Star' buff will be upgraded."

"The total viewership evaluation has reached the 'slightly famous' level."

"When the Star buff is activated, all abilities will be amplified by 80 percent."

"To upgrade to the next level of total viewership evaluation, special conditions must be met."

"No way, already?"

How many numbers were there, enough to raise the star buff by one more level.

The interest that the extraterrestrial beings had in the BattleNet administrators was immense.

Unlike the green ones, who were not very active externally, white and black beings appeared and made direct proposals.

The rumors spread faster than light, and Sung JiHan's BattleTube boasted more influx than ever before.

"If it weren't for the special conditions, the comprehensive viewer ratings would have increased by two more times."

That's how much Sung JiHan's channel became the center of attention throughout BattleNet.

-But why would the administrators personally intervene with the information of three Holy Sees? They're not even superior races, just a world of inferior races.

-Exactly. They could easily find out with their administrator authority. Is this procedure really necessary?

-Something seems strange here... Should I say there's too little information?

-No, it's more like there's none. It's too difficult to find out. It feels like we're cut off from the outside.

-You too? I was also blocked when I tried to investigate that planet separately.

-It's a peculiar topic about inferior races....

The extraterrestrial beings noticed that it was not easy to obtain information related to humanity, especially with the administrators taking action.

"The help of the black one is unexpected, but seeing that the green one is against it, it seems advantageous for me."

Sung JiHan thought so and waited for the information to be revealed.

And then.

"Information about the ruling Holy Sees will be revealed one by one."


The operation began to gradually disappear.

Among the three, the person on the far left was the first to be recognized.

As the smoke covering his body completely disappeared.


He turned his back.

"To think that the administrators would personally intervene... It's not necessarily a good thing to become an inferior race."

A man with brown curly hair and darkened skin, with a long beard.

His face was someone Sung JiHan had seen once through Pithia.

* * *


"That's right. The king of the beginning, the starting point of humanity. That's me."

Gilgamesh looked down at Sung JiHan with his head raised.

His eyes were shining with dignity.

"A child always seeks what belongs to his father. Are you interested in my throne?"


"Among my sons, you are the most outstanding... but I cannot pass on the throne to you. You are still far inferior to me."

"When did I become your son?"

When Sung JiHan retorted in disbelief, Gilgamesh answered with a serious face.

"In the beginning. I spread my seed throughout my world. The exceptional ones are all my children and descendants."

"What about those who are not exceptional?"

"Unfortunately, they are not the ones who inherited my blood."

-Wow, Father is too much! If you don't receive a gift, you're disqualified as Gilgamesh's son?

-Even if you're a talented person, it seems like our ancestors acknowledge you, lol.

-WTF, different races and ancestors? lol

-The king of the beginning, the king of the beginning, and yet he acts like he's so great, ugh.

Listening to Gilgamesh's story.

When the chat box, where the majority of humans were ordinary people, overflowed with disdain.

He covered his ears.

"Sung JiHan. Your ears haven't manifested yet. Are you deliberately suppressing them?"

"Why? If my ears manifested, does that mean your blood is thicker?"

"That's right. It's because the traces of the World Tree that were engraved on my body in the beginning have been inherited... Ah. Maybe you already have your own World Tree, so it hasn't manifested."

"...Is that so? Someone with protruding ears is related to you. That's why you created a group like the Half-Elf Association and were active."

Gilgamesh smiled and approved of it.

"As a father, I warn you. It would be best not to choose me."

"If you raise your voice one more time, I will choose you."

"Hmph... I will forgive your doubts and hesitations about your roots with great magnanimity. However, I will not tolerate betrayal towards me."

Betrayal, you say.

Sung JiHan thought seriously as he looked into Gilgamesh's serious eyes.

This brat truly believes he is the king of the beginning and that humanity is nothing more than descendants or subordinates.

"Strategically, choosing me is the best option. I am the one who will challenge the gods. The enemy of my enemy is my ally, isn't it?"

As he said that, Gilgamesh pointed his finger to the side.

"Besides me, shouldn't you also consider the other two ruling thrones over there?"

"Well, that's true but..."

He really hates being chosen.

Sung JiHan had no intention of choosing Gilgamesh right away because he was curious about the other thrones.

But he felt a bit unsatisfied and asked a question.

"Then, before we see the next ones, explain what you said earlier."

"What are you talking about?"

"That becoming a lower race is not necessarily a good thing."

"Ah, that's what you mean."

Gilgamesh loosened his arms and pointed his finger into the air.

"When you become a lower race, don't the administrators start showing interest in you?"

"What about before?"

"In most of the universe, they are considered the lowest. The administrators don't bother looking at each and every race that makes up more than 90%."

"So, when a race evolves, the administrators start paying attention."

"That's right."

Just like how the Battle Tube focuses on races that have evolved.

Even the black or white administrators are now actively managing and observing the lower races.

"But even if it's been a while since the race evolved, why are they already paying attention to the three of us? It's like humanity has been waiting for us to move up from the lowest race and then suddenly focusing on us..."

With a feeling of uncertainty, Sung JiHan looked at the administrator message and opened his mouth.

"Let's see the next throne."

[Information about the ruling throne will be revealed.]

Then, the second operation was activated.

Inside, a woman with blue eyes and a white cloth appeared.

The woman with blue eyes looked surprised and glanced around.

"Could it be you... Pithia?"


She was someone Sung JiHan had seen in the 'Fallen Apollo's Sanctuary'.

"You... could you be a ruler too?"

"No. The prophecy said that I would become a ruler... I only had the Monarch's Authority! That's why I was eating potato chips and watching your channel, and suddenly my avatar was summoned!"

Pithia pleaded with a sense of injustice.

"No, really! The prophecy didn't mention this kind of game! Suddenly, there was a succession ceremony... and I was summoned! This diminishes the weight of the prophet!"

Pithia, who had revealed that Gilgamesh was the owner of the second throne.

"If the first-place reward comes out, choose one in the middle. You must choose it."

During the Star League promotion match, he was ordered to choose the reward in the middle if he came in first.

But in the end, the match was held at the succession ceremony, and one of the opponents summoned was Pithia.

Sung JiHan looked at her with eyes filled with doubt.

"It's hard to believe until I see it with my own eyes."

"Oh, really! Let me show you. Wait a moment... Huh? What's this? When did a ruler appear? And the level... why is it so high?"

She tried to reveal her innocence by opening her status window.

But when she saw the ruler's authority contained within, she closed her mouth.

"This can't be... There was no such enemy... Why me?"

"Pitia. So you were the ruler... You've deceived us all this time."

"Wow, if you were really a ruler, it wouldn't be unfair. You've struggled so much to build your reputation as the Pontiff... This is a scam!"

Shouting like a whale, she complained about her unfairness due to the sudden appearance of the Pontiff's characteristics.

"Do you think the ruler's characteristics suddenly appear? Stop pretending. Pitia, you're quite feisty."

"Ugh, Gilgamesh...!"

"Well... If you're really feeling unjust, how about passing on the throne to him?"


"After all, the ruler's characteristics that were never yours to begin with. It wouldn't matter if you passed them on."

Gilgamesh taunted Pitia, asking if she could pass on the throne if she felt so unjust.

Upon hearing this, she bit her lip.

"Fine. Sung JiHan. Choose me. Since I'll pass on the ruler's characteristics that suddenly appeared."

"...Are you serious?"

"Yes. Wouldn't it be good for you to receive it too? It's level 8!"

"What?! Level 8?"

-What, just passing on the ruler level 8?

-This doesn't make sense...

-How could a Pontiff of a lower race have level 8?

-If you look closely, isn't this a well-planned video? Aren't those message windows created by the administrators?

-Who's pretending to be an administrator...

-Wow, I want to be in that position. I've been struggling at level 3 for a hundred years...

The extraterrestrial viewers were astonished by Pitia's words.

Ruler level 8 was not something anyone could possess.

And she was just passing it on.

'...The conditions are too good, it's suspicious if it's not a trap.'

It was not unreasonable for Sung JiHan to think that way.

At that moment.


Pitia raised her index finger.

"In return, don't reveal the next Pontiff's information. That's the condition for me passing on the throne."

"Oh. Don't reveal the next Pontiff..."

"Yes. The third race. His information shouldn't be known in such a public place. If you accept this condition, I'll lose in the succession ceremony."

"Don't reveal it. Is that your prophecy?"

"...Something similar."

The third race, Asoka the Great.

If that's the case, he must be the original owner of the third race's extinction skill, the Radiant Phoenix.

In the battle against the Small Sun, the martial skill Radiant Phoenix turned back time by one minute.

He had tried to continue researching it afterwards, but there were no clues.

'The third race, who is so elusive... If I had to choose, wouldn't it be better to have the ruler level 8 than to reveal his information?'

Although it was uncertain whether everything would be given just by inheriting the ruler level 8.

Anyway, at a time when it was not easy to build the Pontiff's reputation, even raising one or two levels would be a great success.

'...Ability comes first.'

Sung JiHan came to that conclusion and closed the system window.

And then.

["Will you proceed with the succession ceremony against 'Pitia'?]

When he was about to touch 'yes' here.


His finger stopped.

No, to be precise.

'...Go back?'

The finger that was about to touch the screen automatically moved back.

As if time had been rolled back just a little bit.

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