Seeing that Zhang Chu solved the kidnappers quickly and rescued the hostages, Mu Qing was happy and had a little favor for Zhang Chu. His hateful face was much more agreeable than before. He just wanted to teach Zhang Chu that since he had the ability, he should make more contributions to the society.

But this words haven't said to export, hear Zhang Chu this words, Mu Qing facial expression immediately gloomy come down, this guy dog can't change eat excrement! The good feeling in my heart disappeared immediately: "one day I'll pull your tongue out!" MuQing snorts and goes directly in to rescue the hostage, ignoring Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu touched his nose and said that he had made a mistake. He didn't have a good grasp of the heat. When dealing with a girl with a strong sense of justice like Mu Qing, he should be more upright.

When the case was solved, the deputy director asked these personnel to evacuate with the hostages. He came to Zhang Chu and patted Zhang Chu on the shoulder: "young man, nice work!" He didn't have the careful thinking of the police officers below. The deputy director considered things from the overall situation.

He is naturally very happy that this case can be solved in this way. If this matter is not handled properly and has a great social impact, if the leaders of the provincial department trace it down, the Jiangbei police station does not know how many people's clothes will be stripped off.

Deputy director of the sharp eyes staring at Zhang Chu: "young man, who are you?"

Zhang Chu patted his clothes: "an ordinary citizen." He didn't say that he was a practitioner. He just said that he had learned a little Kung Fu. When he saw officer Mu was in trouble, he helped him.

"Oh." The deputy director nodded. He didn't believe what Zhang Chu said. Even after practicing kung fu, he couldn't be calm when facing the black muzzle.

If you can have this mood, you must have faced this situation many times, and have been struggling on the death line many times.

"What's your relationship with Mu Qing?"

Zhang Chu scratched his head and laughed: "officer Mu and I are just ordinary friends."

There's something wrong with this head scratching movement. Ordinary friends, these words let the deputy director breathe out. His intuition tells him that this young man named Zhang Chu is not simple. He doesn't want his police officers to get involved.

When the case was solved, the two children were also taken away by the police and contacted their parents to pick them up, while Zhang Chu was called to the police station just like the two kidnappers, and Zhang Chu needed to take notes.

Zhang Chu was very cooperative with the police and entered the police station. He thought it was Mu Qing, a beautiful police officer, who asked him about the details of the case. He was also ready to play up as a hero, but Mu Qing was transferred to interrogate the kidnappers, which made Zhang Chu feel very depressed.

Zhang Chu simply said the course of the matter, spit out a foul breath: "now I can go?"

"We checked your file and found that there was a blank section in it. Can you explain what you did during this period and where?" The police officer asked directly.

"Sorry, I refuse to answer that question." Zhang Chu yawned.

Seeing Zhang Chu's lazy appearance, the policeman felt a little annoyed: "if you want to think well, you can't leave the police station without making it clear."

"If you have the ability, you should investigate." Zhang Chu laughs, he also reminds: "I'm afraid you can't find anything out." During that time, I had been practicing in the mountains with master beauty. I didn't step into the society. I didn't leave any information. It's strange that the police can investigate.

The deputy director outside the interrogation room listened to Zhang Chu's words and narrowed his eyes. Could it be that Zhang Chu's archives were protected? You can't investigate your own level?

The deputy director has contacted some special personnel before and knows that their identities are secret. Even if they are investigated by the provincial department, going to the summit may not give them face. Is Zhang Chu one of them? But judging from Zhang Chu's behavior, the deputy director can't see that he has engaged in any special occupation.

But from his neat skill, we can see that he has received special training.

"Let him go." The deputy director gave an order to detain Zhang Chu here. It seems that it's useless. Fortunately, Zhang Chu didn't cause any big trouble. First, closely observe Zhang Chu's action.

Out of the police station, Zhang Chu shook his head, secretly said that he would keep a low profile in his future work. He was watched by the police, but he was tied up in his work.

Zhang Chu drove to Lin Zhong's house, but unfortunately, there were only a few servants and a Fu, the housekeeper.

Seeing Zhang Chu coming, Ah Fu immediately welcomed him: "Mr. Zhang."

"Where's master Lin?" Zhang Chu looked around.

Ah Fu said that after seeing Zhang Chu yesterday, Lin Zhong went to the provincial capital and said that he wanted to prepare some things: "Mr. Zhang, when the master left, he told us that if you have anything to tell me, we want money, money and people. It's really no good. I still have this old life."

Ah Fu patted his chest like he was willing to go up the mountain and down the sea of fire for Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chuan said that Ah Fu can talk. As Ah Fu said, as long as Zhang Chu has a phone call, Duan Kun will definitely bring people here.

"I want to ask about business." Zhang Chu sighed. He knew that Lin Chong was eager to save Lin su. He must have tried to prepare what he said. In a short time, Zhang Chu might not find Lin Chong.

Ah Fu said that he didn't know much about business: "I don't have the keen business mind of my master." What ah Fu is good at is dealing with some things in his life. He has never played tricks in business.

Originally, Zhang Chu wanted to win the girl's favor by relying on Qin Sitong to open a hospital. Now it seems that he can't do it in a short time. Fortunately, everything is in the preparation stage, and Zhang Chu still has a lot of time.

Since Lin Zhong is not here, and Zhang Chu is not staying here much, Ah Fu gives his number to Zhang Chu, saying that if there is anything, he will call him.

Zhang Chu guessed the number, turned around and left. On the way, he received a call from Qin Siyu. Zhang Chu was surprised. The girl didn't call herself very often. What happened today? The sun is coming out in the West.

After connecting, Qin Siyu said to Zhang Chu without any politeness: "Zhang Chu, meet me at the hotel." They didn't ask Zhang Chu if he had time. They used the tone of command.

"For what?" Zhang Chu was a little dissatisfied, and his voice was a little low.

"There's so much nonsense. I'll talk about business. You drive away. Let me walk. Come and pick me up quickly Qin Siyu opened his mouth like a firecracker, but he didn't give Zhang Chu time to react.

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