"No way." Zhang Chu laughs: "you hijack us just to get out safely, but I want to live. Naturally, I want to deal with it safely." He said that if the police storm in from upstairs, "you two can't resist, but our lives are in your hands. If you can't save your lives, can we still save our lives?"

"Interesting." The old man came over laughing. Anyway, now Zhang Chu's hands have been tied, which does not pose a threat to him. The muzzle of the gun is against Zhang Chu's head, and he raised his head from the old man: "search this boy's body for any guy."

"Good." The second one takes a look at Zhang Chu and gropes for him.

"I am a good citizen." Zhang Chu said with a smile. When the second hand touched his waist, Zhang Chu hit him on the back and bent his right leg to the top.

Hard Knee hit the face of the second, he didn't say a word directly on the ground.

Then the left foot as the axis, waist force, body rotation 180 degrees, right foot kick out.

The boss didn't expect that Zhang Chu suddenly shot. When he came back to himself, the second one was lying on the ground and wanted to shoot, but he felt a pain in his wrist and the gun had been kicked out by Zhang Chu.

"You..." just half of the angry words, I saw the big fist of casserole enlarging in front of my eyes and hitting him directly on the head. Suddenly, I felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. In front of me, the originally colorful world became dark, and my consciousness fell into a coma.

Zhang Chu shot very fast, before and after less than two seconds, two armed robbers on the ground, looking at the two people's body is still constantly twitching, Zhang Chu kicked two times with his feet, laughing two times: "sorry, the strength of a little bit." Cut the tape off the wrist.

The hostage and the two children's eyes have changed when they see Zhang Chu. The elder brother's skill is amazing. I'm afraid it's only in the movie that we can see such neat skill.

After the two men were tied up and breathed out, the police outside did a good job on the scene. A man in a bulletproof vest held a loudspeaker in his hand: "listen, you are surrounded. I now order you to put down your weapons and surrender! There is no way out for us to stand up to it

Zhang Chu didn't respond to the shouting police car. Instead, he pulled the tape off these people. The young man cried out one by one, and the words of thanks never stopped.

Those two children, those watery big eyes can't help blinking: "uncle, are you superman?"

"Yes." Zhang Chu smiles. Such a thing has a great impact on children's psychology. If it is not solved properly, it may make children have psychological shadow and affect their future growth: "you are very brave. You help Uncle Superman finish the task and beat down the bad man. Later, uncle will buy you a lollipop as a reward, OK?"

"I want Ultraman!"

"I want bear bear two!"

The two children's faces returned to a brilliant smile. They were very dissatisfied with Zhang Chu's reward and said what they wanted one after another. The little boy's small eyes turned a little, quite smart: "I'm not a three-year-old, but a lollipop can't cheat me."

"How old are you?" Zhang Chu gave a bitter smile. Be a good man. What could have been solved with one yuan seems not so easy now.

"I'm four years old." The little boy puffed out four fingers.

Zhang Chu laughed twice and told them not to move. He went out to report the situation first.

Pushing open the glass door, Zhang Chu came out from the inside with both hands raised. When he saw someone coming out, the police officers outside immediately pointed their guns at Zhang Chu.

MuQing see some tension in the atmosphere, also don't know whether the kidnappers inside have control, whispered to a middle-aged man beside said: "deputy director, this is our informant."

"Informant?" The deputy director's brow is wrinkled into a Sichuan character. Mu Qing thinks that he is making a movie now, and there is no informant.

Mu Qing simply said the situation over and over again.

"Playing the piano in disorder!" The deputy director's words immediately became serious. The boy named Zhang Chu was mischievous. How could Mu Qing have no sense of propriety.

"Officer mu, it's solved inside. Please let the officers in." Zhang Chu said out loud, holding his hands high and shaking his feet.

"Solved?" Mu Qing's eyes widened. To tell you the truth, she didn't give much hope before. The police had just finished the scene deployment, and the deputy director had just drawn up an action plan. Mu Qing hadn't had time to say about Zhang Chu. She just hoped that Zhang Chu could help the police when they attacked and try to ensure the safety of the hostages. Who would have thought that he had solved the problem.

Not only the deputy director, but also the police officers who came here were stunned. They all looked at each other and saw the inconceivable things in each other's eyes. When Mu Qinggang just reported, he said that the matter was very serious. It was precisely because of the bad nature of the case that so many people came to the police.

"Isn't this kid bragging?"

But look at the boy coming out, the kidnapper didn't say a word, the deputy director pondered for a while, let the commandos touch it.

The commando touched the glass door and watched carefully. Then he quickly pushed the door in. Within ten seconds, he pulled out two kidnappers and said: "control!"

The commandos were a little dejected. Originally, the case was solved quickly, and there was nothing wrong with the hostages. It was a happy thing, but the police were not happy.

This operation is not only their criminal police, but also the armed police and special police. In order to solve this problem quickly and safely, the deputy director mobilized all the elite forces of the police.

As soon as the troops were arrayed, the kidnappers were solved, and their excited expression suddenly sank down, and the limelight was snatched away by this man named Zhang Chu.

MuQing also opened her eyes wide. She didn't expect that her mouth was not very clean. She was really capable and had such good skills. It's a pity that she didn't come here to be a policeman and solve the problems for the people.

"Officer mu, I didn't humiliate you, did I?" Zhang chuha came to MuQing with a smile and patted his chest with an invitation.

"So fast?" MuQing is very curious about what happened inside, and Zhang Chu's action is too fast.

"Of course. Such a kidnapper, I can easily deal with another ten or eight. " Anyway, I don't need money to brag. Seeing Mu Qing's small mouth, Zhang Chu was surprised and admired. But Zhang Chu blew so much that he laughed in Mu Qing's ear: "I do another thing, but it's very slow."

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