Zhang Chu looked at the front door room and said, "besides, I'm using my life to help you make suggestions. If you don't give me any advantages, I won't do it." Zhang Chu looked like a villain. Listening to the siren from far to near, he urged Mu Qing to say, "if you don't decide, it's too late."

"I'm very experienced with these people."

If the hostages can be rescued as soon as possible and safely, MuQing is naturally willing to act according to Zhang Chu's plan, and Zhang Chu's skill is very good, and the cowhide is also loud. It seems that there is a solution to the problem, and MuQing is also in a bit of a dilemma. The original tone becomes a bit like discussing with Zhang Chu: "can you change the conditions?" How can I say that.

"What conditions did I just say?" Zhang Chu scratched his head as if he had forgotten what he had just said.

How can this guy's memory be so bad? Mu Qing rolled her eyes and said: "Hello husband."

Zhang Chu said with a smile: "well behaved, officer mu, you have already called."

"How dare you set me up!" Mu Qing's face was suddenly gloomy. I didn't see such a simple thing just now.

"Conscience of heaven and earth, officer mu, there's nothing in it." Zhang Chu is smiling.

Seeing that Zhang Chu took advantage of himself, Mu Qing grabbed the butt of the gun and said, "come on! Or believe it or not, I'll shoot you! "

Seeing that Mu Qing's face turned red and his eyes were burning with anger, Zhang Chu didn't take advantage of it. He honestly said his idea: "there are three solutions."

The first is that the police surround the place and send negotiators to negotiate with the people inside to let them put down their weapons.

The second is to find a way for the kidnappers to come out of the front room, and then the snipers will snipe. Of course, there is a risk. If they can't hit the key point with one shot, the kidnappers will fight to death. At that time, they will shoot indiscriminately and hit the police or hostages. That's not good.

The above two programs MuQing feel that the risk is not small: "isn't there a third one?"

Zhang Chu tightened his collar: "the third one is much simpler. I can do it." Zhang Chu means to enter the gatehouse and wait for the opportunity to solve the bandits inside.

"You?" MuQing looked up and down at Zhang Chu. This guy's skill was good, but the two men had guns in their hands.

MuQing, however, heard from Fang ze that not every expert can avoid bullets. Internal power is only a part of it. It has a lot to do with his own cultivation. Some people specialize in speed.

Fang Ze tells Mu Qing vividly. He says it's like the green winged bat King Wei's smile. His lightness skill is good, but the actual fighting is not so good.

Zhang Chu can beat yuan Zhihong, but Mu Qing is not sure whether he can avoid the bullet.

Moreover, he is a citizen. If there is any danger inside, Dongzhou police are also responsible. However, Zhang Chu's suggestion is very good. She began to unbutton her coat.

"Officer mu, what are you doing? We haven't got home yet. You don't have to worry so much." Zhang Chu screamed strangely, but her eyes were always aiming at Mu Qing's chest. The little girl's action was too slow. If she did it by herself, three seconds later, she still had a piece of cloth on her upper body, even if I lost.

"I want to tear your mouth!" MuQing's action didn't stop. Zhang Chu was so hateful that he didn't have a good bone all over.

Zhang Chu naturally understood Mu Qing's meaning. He shook his head: "I'll do it for you. Let a girl go in. How can I rest assured. If anything happens to you, my lower body, cough, that, what should I do for the rest of my life. "

Zhang Chu affectionately looks at Mu Qing and throws down this words. He doesn't say anything more, but turns around and goes to the front room.

"Ah MuQing greets him and takes two steps to grab Zhang Chu's shoulder. Unfortunately, Zhang Chu has already come to the front door room. I'm afraid that wearing this dress will arouse their vigilance in the past. In a hurry, MuQing stomps. This Zhang Chu is too reckless! Originally, MuQing intended to lend his gun to Zhang Chu and fight with the armed robbers. How can he do without weapons.

But now it's too late to say anything. Zhang Chu has already pushed the door in.

"Boss, give me a..." Zhang Chu pretended to be a shopper, pushed the door in and gave an urgent greeting. But when he glanced at the situation in the front room, Zhang Chu's eyes were wide open, and he looked stunned.

The shopkeeper has been controlled by the kidnappers. His mouth and hands have been wrapped in adhesive tape. He is looking at the door in horror. The two children are treated the same way.

The black muzzle of the gun aimed at Zhang Chu, who entered the door. The robber with a face full of flesh said with a smile: "OK, here comes another one." The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Zhang Chu: "come here!"

The boss also felt that he had made a mistake. Just now, he came here in a hurry. Now what he lacks is hostages. Two more people, and he has more confidence to talk to the police.

Just as Zhang Chu was walking there with his hands raised, there was a screeching sound of brakes. More than a dozen policemen stopped in front of the door, and well-trained policemen leaped out.

Originally relaxed atmosphere, suddenly dignified a lot, the second saw so many police come, already some panic: "big brother, how can this do?" The hand holding the shotgun was shaking.

The boss slapped the man directly: "I'm afraid of hair!" He pulled on the bolt of the gun and put it on Zhang Chu's head: "if the cops dare to come in, I will take these hostages and bury them with them!" He caught the little girl: "the police are public servants of the people. They will not watch such a young life wither before it blooms."

"Tie this kid up first."

After listening to the boss's words, the man took two deep breaths. His panic became a little more stable. He wrapped Zhang Chu's hand with adhesive tape. However, through the glass door, he saw that the police officers used the car door as a shelter, and the black muzzle of the gun was aimed at his side. His throat slipped unconsciously, and his cold sweat almost fell down.

In the past, he thought that the police were very stupid. When they pulled the police siren to hunt down the prisoners, they leaked the news ahead of time. Before the sound of catching them, I was afraid that they would run away. Now he has done something against the law. When he heard these sirens again, he felt that he had no way to survive. He was very desperate.

Tie Zhang Chu's hands, when he wants to cover Zhang Chu's mouth, Zhang Chu says: "brother, you can't do this. In case the police rush down from upstairs, you won't be stewed in one pot."

"Yell, do you have the courage to talk when you see us?" The old man laughs and squints at Zhang Chu. This boy is funny. It makes him feel that something is not right. The man watching the shop here is also a young man in his twenties. He puts his gun on his head. That guy is so scared that his grandfather almost cries out. How dare he talk to them.

He even pointed out his own actions: "aren't you a cop?"

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