You can start any time. You can get to the secret place before August 15.

There is still more than half a month to go before the deadline. It is not enough to say enough.

Since it's light, there's nothing to worry about. Zhang Chu makes the decision directly and starts the day after tomorrow.

While there was still time, Zhang Chu gave a brief account of the situation in Dongzhou. In fact, it was nothing more than guarding the land of Dongzhou and frightening other clans, so that the tiger would not be at home and the monkey would be king. In addition, it is also related to the resettlement of the families of the sacrificial disciples and compensation.

Chen Teng and Yuan Zhihong will handle these.

After leaving the florist, Zhang Chu stopped Zhao Tang and said, "I don't know when I'll be back. I don't know if I can come back. While there's still time, you can go home and visit."

Zhao Tang laughed: "I don't need it."

"What's the matter?"

"Cough, no home." Zhao Tang shrugged his shoulders, pretending not to care, but from his eyes, we can see that Zhao Tang was also very uncomfortable.

Seeing Zhang Chu's apology in his eyes, Zhao Tang waved his hand with a smile, indicating that Zhang Chu didn't have to worry about himself.

"I'm an orphan. I don't even know who my parents are. As for my girlfriend and wife, hehe, I've been fooling around with LV Laosi all the time, but there's no woman who can make me settle down. I'm used to it by myself, but it's nothing. " Speaking of this, Zhao Tangchong and Zhang Chuyi took the lead: "headmaster, please go back quickly and accompany the Qin family. Don't worry about me."

Although on the surface, Zhao Tang and others have always been respectful to Zhang Chu.

But in private, we are not so particular as brothers.

Zhang Chu patted Zhao Tang on the shoulder and said, "if you can get through this, you'd better settle down. If you are alone, you can only know whether it's cold or warm. Sometimes it's boring. And once a man has a home, his mentality will change and he will grow up a lot. "

"Ha ha, when old yuan will settle down, I will settle down again."

Zhang Chu nodded and gently comforted: "don't blame yuan Zhihong. He's against you everywhere. In fact, he doesn't hate you. He just envies you. His heart is a little unbalanced."

"Ha ha, I don't have a balance in my mind, but after a fight, it's a man. Maybe we can get along more easily in the future."

After a few words, Zhang Chu and Qin Sitong left.

Looking at the peaceful night in Dongzhou, Zhang Chu felt a lot. Qin Sitong, who was driving, asked casually, "what's the matter with Yuan Zhihong and Zhao Tang? It's like I'm born out of character. "

"Oh." Zhang Chu chuxiao A: "not like, but is."

Yuan Zhihong is a kind of stable old school character, while Zhao Tang is perverse and bold, regardless of details.

In character alone, there is a great difference between the two.

And Zhao Tang envies Zhang Chu's trust and reuse of Yuan Zhihong, while yuan Zhihong envies Zhao Tang's ability and strategy. These two people are often said to love each other and kill each other, envy each other and envy each other.

At a young age, couples need to get along with each other, not to mention the two rough old men?

Intellectually speaking, they encourage each other and grow up with each other, which is not bad for taixuanmen.

To be insidious, the mutual checks and balances between Zhao Tang and Yuan Zhihong are beneficial to the stability of taixuanmen.

As a leader, in this position, we should think about things in an all-round way, not without feelings, but also not too emotional. Of course, Zhang Chu will never reveal his true thoughts, even if he talks to Qin Sitong. The art of controlling people is always like this.

"By the way, where is the secret place? We can't run around like a headless fly. " Qin Sitong asked curiously.

Zhang Chu burst of wry smile: "can bump at random, have no choice."

"No... the conditions for promotion to the hermit sect are too harsh. By the way, the organization and tianluomen have also participated in it. If you ask them, you may know the route. " Qin Sitong is naive.

Zhang Chu shook his head decisively: "it's no use, whether it's the organization or tianluomen, or other zongmen who have participated in the promotion contest and can retreat completely, they all give up without even touching the threshold of the secret realm. It's hard to say that they're all people who don't even have the qualification to make the hermit clan interested. "

Seeing that Qin Sitong didn't understand, Zhang Chu patiently explained.

"The promotion of the seclusion sect is indeed a step up for the seclusion sect, but it is also a means for the seclusion sect to suppress the seclusion sect."

"Most sects, because of their weak strength, usually give up halfway before they pass the first pass. This kind of lower power sect, the secluded sect, did not even have the interest to suppress, so they could all return to the secular practice world. "

"All the sects who can enter the secret world represent that they have certain strength. These sects are bound to fight against each other in the second level. Most of the practitioners will die in this level, while those who are not dead will linger on the edge of the secret and become ghosts. "

"When the third pass wins the world, two of the three powerful clans will be killed, and the last one will be promoted to the hermit clan."

Qin Sitong suddenly realized: "that is to say, all competitors can't even touch the threshold of the first level, or they can't die. In addition, there are only two possibilities, one is to win, the other is to become a ghost. "

Zhang Chu nodded: "this is also why no one can know the exact route of the secret realm."

"By the way, the monk you met at k bar before, he must know." Qin Sitong's eyes brightened.

Zhang Chu gave a bitter smile: "originally I wanted to ask, but when I saw his wife and children's group photo, I gave up. Once we take a shortcut, the hermit clan will know, and the monk and his family will be destroyed. It's not kind of us to destroy other people's families for our own benefit. "

Hear Zhang Chu say so, Qin Sitong also no longer insisted.

Instead of worrying about what hasn't happened, focus on the present.

Now Zhang Chu's first task is to accompany his family.

After all, no one is sure what will happen in this trip.

Back at Qin's home, it was late at night. Wang Hui, his mother-in-law, had a rest, but Qin Siyu didn't come back. He was probably sleeping in the company.

Zhang Chu and Qin Sitong cleaned up and had a rest.

The next morning, Zhang Chu got up early and went to the company alone to look for Qin Siyu.

After all, it's a family. I always feel that we have to face the barriers calmly and solve them actively. It's not good for anyone to get stiff.

Besides, Zhang Chu is leaving Dongzhou. If he doesn't solve this problem, he will be a little worried.

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