Since the city of Dongzhou, it has always been in the center of the spiritual world. It is full of Ziqi, surrounded by spirit and enjoying the moistening of true Qi. But it also always bears the poison of overt and covert struggle and killing and cutting. It seems that the fate of this city is destined to be extraordinary from the beginning.

But this is not the case

True Qi is abundant, but it is not arrogant. He's very angry, but he's not sad.

It is not only closely related to the world of practice, but also comes out of the mud, one Yin and one Yang, just like two different worlds.

No matter what kind of storm in the world of practice, whether it's a cry to kill the heaven, or a sea of blood, or harmony and fraternity to create brilliance together. Dongzhou city is always Dongzhou city. It stands here and has never changed for anyone. In the hinterland of the northern plain, facing the sun, bathing in the sun, shining with its due brilliance.

In the early morning, Dongzhou City, like most cities, is fresh and quiet, like a woman who once sang and danced.

Instead of taking a taxi, Zhang Chu strolled in the street, breathing the fresh air and looking at the pedestrian streets in twos and threes.

Once Zhang Chu, like most people, dreamed of being a blockbuster and yearned for the peak.

What is colorful, what is neon, what is drunk, all are not refused, people are not crazy, not survive.

But the more you experience, the more you see, the more you lose. Like most people, Zhang Chu returns to the origin and likes a clean and stable life more and more.

Some people say

More contact with people, but more like dogs.

Zhang Chu also has this kind of similar sentiment, like a person when young, like a person when mature. When I was a child, I cried and laughed. When I grow up, I laugh and feel bitter. This short life, through countless ups and downs, always thought that after the wind and rain eventually see the rainbow, but one storm after another, let us have to doubt life.

So we learned, involuntarily, forced smile, hypocrisy, too many negative things, instead, let us start to miss once abandoned innocence.

In fact, everyone is the same. It doesn't matter whether the practitioners are ordinary people.

From fearless to submissive.

From being invincible to bearing humiliation.

It may take a lifetime to feel, or it may take a flick of the finger to see.

At the age of twenty-seven or twenty-eight, I stopped shopping, started to pay back my credit card and borrow money. It's time to save money to buy a house

Gradually tired of bar KTV, occasionally lonely, occasionally worried about a person.

Start to chase the dream, start will not easily cry, will not give up because of a little frustration.

Mingming wants to cry, but is still laughing, Mingming cares, but pretends it doesn't matter, Mingming wants to stay, but firmly says that he wants to leave, Mingming is very painful, but he has to say that he is very happy. I can't forget it, but I say I have. Clearly tears have spilled over the eyes, but head high.

But everybody knows.

In the dead of night, I was alone, brushing the circle of wechat friends over and over again, staring at the person's head in a daze, trying to say something, even if it was a "are you there?" but in the end, I didn't say anything.

The Qin family is 20 minutes away from the company, even by car, but with Zhang Chu's legs, it's only 20 minutes.

When we got to the company's downstairs, it was already 7:30 in the morning, and some staff had arrived at the company one after another. Zhang Chu followed the sleepy eyed staff up the elevator.

There were four people in the elevator. A male staff member went out on the third floor, leaving Zhang Chu and two female staff members.

The two female staff members, one in her early twenties and the other in her early thirties, were dressed in neat professional suits.

The younger female staff have smooth shawl hair, while the more mature female staff have wavy hair.

But it can be seen that neither of them has an object.

There are two bases.

First of all, although the two women were wearing professional clothes, the details were not careless. They were white and beautiful, and the decoration was exquisite. Especially the mature woman, whose little finger was also wearing a diamond ring. The diamond was not big, even less than a carat. It's supposed to comfort my lonely heart.

Under normal circumstances, the image of a woman who is married or not is very different.

To put it crudely, when men and women reach a certain age, they are at the stage of "courtship". Naturally, they have to do everything possible to attract the attention of the opposite sex. This is nature, and nature cannot be violated. Some women can't wait to soak up the sole of their feet with latex. Of course, the same is true for men. In order to imagine that something indescribable will happen one day, but when they go out with the opposite sex, men have to take a bath and imagine what happens if they go to open a room? be prepared against want.

Once you get married or have a partner, the details are immediately discounted.

Women are no longer so careful when decorating themselves, and men shower more and more frequently.

The second important basis is that these two women have used their spare light to look Zhang Chu from head to foot.

Or that old saying, it's not about men and women.

As long as the age, will subconsciously pay attention to any contact with the opposite sex, and then make a mental judgment, suitable for themselves, or not suitable.

Of course, it doesn't make much sense whether it is suitable or not. Even if it is suitable, few people dare to add wechat immediately or show their appreciation.

More, it's a fantasy that the other party will also notice themselves, and then have a marisu like encounter.

But most of the time, they pass by and die of nothing.

To put it bluntly, you are waiting for me to take the initiative, I am also waiting for you to take the initiative, wait and go, stranger or stranger.

Women are probably proud.

Mingming, the mature woman, also observed Zhang Chu. As a result, she found that Zhang Chu was also observing herself. She snorted, "have you seen enough?"

Zhang Chu smiles and doesn't speak.

In principle, this passing encounter is almost over. The chance of Zhang Chu and this mature woman meeting again among the seven billion people in the world is infinitely close to zero.

But when the mature woman accidentally glanced at Zhang Chu's wrist, she found that Zhang Chu's Jiang shidanton watch changed her eyes.

Since he became the leader of taixuan, Zhang Chu has become more and more sensitive to time. After all, many times, things on the battlefield change rapidly, and one second later may lead to disaster.

So when Zhang Chu wanted to buy a watch, Qin Sitong directly asked someone to help Zhang Chu "bring" one.

Jiang shidanton's worldwide series is sold for more than 700000 yuan.

When he first learned the price, Zhang Chu was almost scared to pee. He thought that if he was wearing such an expensive watch, it would be inevitable to bump with the enemy, which would be outrageous.

But considering that it was a gift from Qin Sitong, I accepted it.

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