"Ten thousand dollars." Zhang Chu stretched out a finger: "pay out, I will let you go."

"Didn't you return 5000 just now?" The old man muttered: "the price is growing too fast." In less than three minutes, half of the housing price has gone up. The housing price is not so fast.

"What nonsense. Civil servants have increased their money. We should keep pace with the times. " Zhang Chu snorted: "why, don't you agree?"

Seeing Zhang Chu's ferocious eyes, the old man nodded busily: "agree, agree." In front of the strong Zhang Chu, the old man's mouth where dare not jump out half a word.

"It's just that I haven't brought it with me for so many years. Can I make a phone call to raise money?" The old man asked Zhang Chu tentatively.

"Go ahead." Zhang Chu waved his hand.

The old man looked at Zhang Chu with a happy look on his face. After a few steps, he reached the dark place and reached for his mobile phone to make a call: "Xiaowei, Uncle Zhang, I'm in trouble. Erhe, they've been turned over by people. No, they're not on the road. They're a stranger. It's estimated that the boy is very horizontal soon after he came to Jiangbei. I've stabilized him. You can bring more people here."

Qin Sitong pulled Zhang Chu's sleeve: "this old guy probably called people to go, are you ok?" Qin Sitong knows that Zhang Chu has just played with an expert. Although he has come back with all his beard and tail, he doesn't know if he has been hurt.

Zhang Chu said that he could deal with a few thieves, but he could catch them easily: "and you should not ask a man if he is OK." Zhang Chu told Qin Sitong that he had no problem with his bridal chamber tonight.

Qin Sitong was enraged and happy by Zhang Chu: "can you be a little formal?"

"Brother, the money will be delivered in a moment." The old man's voice came untimely. When he saw Zhang Chu and Qin Sitong like that, he snorted. Don't look at you now. I'll give you a list later.

"OK, I'll wait." Zhang Chu was very natural. He leaned on the hood and closed his eyes.

Qin Sitong asks Zhang Chu if he wants to call Duan Kun. After all, Zhang Chu is alone.

"No Zhang Chu shakes his head. This morning, Zhang Chu makes a call to Duan Kun. As a result, Duan Kun looks like a military parade. Just like this, Mu Qing stares at him.

It's a dream for every man to be targeted by a beautiful girl like MuQing. However, they all like MuQing to pursue themselves instead of investigating themselves.

Call Duan Kun, Zhang Chu, needless to say, this boy will make a big battle.

"Or we'd better go." Qin Sitong reminds Zhang Chu that it will take some time for those people to get here. If Zhang Chu leaves now, there will be no problem. These people who are knocked down by Zhang Chu dare not stop Zhang Chu at all.

"Put your heart in your stomach. I'm here. Don't be afraid." Zhang Chu takes the opportunity to grasp Qin Sitong's hand, but she is deftly avoided by other girls.

"You really don't know the heaven and the earth. A good tiger can't stand the wolves. Do you know?" Qin Sitong sighs. After Zhang Chu's recovery, he seems to have changed completely. He looks very arrogant.

Just then, a roar of motorcycles came. Zhang Chu leaned against the hood of the car and looked askance.

A few motorcycles lead, and there are seven or eight electric vehicles behind them. Most of these people are young people aged 17 or 18, and some of them even wear sky blue school uniforms.

Today's children are well nourished. At the age of 15 or 16, they have reached 1.8 meters. However, they are thin and weak, as if they could be blown down by a gust of wind.

Zhang Chu saw these people, smoke fell on the ground, lying trough, this is what a messy team.

Qin Sitong finally put down her heart. Last night, more than a dozen Huns with big arms and round waists were not Zhang Chu's opponents. How could this thin young man like a hemp stick beat Zhang Chu? She stood with her arms in her arms and looked like watching the crowd.

Seeing his help coming, the young man who had been lying on the ground got up, walked to a Qianjiang Motorcycle, and said to the man in leather and black helmet, "Viagra, that's the guy!"

The old man also became arrogant from the previous submissiveness and patted the dust on his buttocks: "Xiaowei, this boy dares to scare Uncle Zhang and show him some color."

The man just took off his helmet. This guy looks like he's only 21 or 22 years old. I don't know why he's often in the room. This guy's face is very white with yellow hair, but his eyes are very smart. When he sees Zhang Chu sitting on the hood, he snorts and touches a cigarette.

The younger brothers below are very good at it. They immediately took out a lighter and lit it for him.

He spat out a puff of smoke and jumped off the motorcycle: "is that you, boy?" Looking up and down at Zhang Chu, Xiaowei frowned. The boy looked familiar.

"That's me." Zhang Chu waist force from the car down: "did you bring the money?"

Qin Sitong wants to laugh, these people come to block Zhang Chu clearly, where can bring money to come.

"Boy, you are very arrogant." The young man who had just been slapped in the ground by Zhang Chu pointed to Zhang Chu and weighed the iron bar in his hand: "if you want money, if you want to die, our brother will give it to you now!"

With these words, the young man also looked at his boss, secretly said that his words were domineering, the boss would praise me.

From the young man's point of view, although Zhang Chu is fierce and seems to have practiced, his eldest brother has also practiced, and there are so many brothers here that he is sure to beat Zhang Chu.

After a while, let the boy kneel down and sing for himself.

However, seeing the dignified expression of his boss, the young man was stunned and said something was wrong. As soon as the idea came up, Huang Mao hit him with a scratch.

"Pa" a, in this originally secluded alley inside very harsh.

The young man's ears are buzzing, and his left face is swollen. He is very strange why the boss suddenly does it himself. His voice is crying: "Viagra, how can you..." he feels aggrieved.

"Shut up This Viagra reprimanded, and then pointed out to those people: "I asked you to shine your eyes a little long ago, and now you are finally in trouble!" Looking at the minions in my hands, I hate iron but not steel.

Speaking to Zhang Chu, Viagra was more polite. The arrogant expression on his face just now has turned into a smile: "brother, this is a misunderstanding."

Not only the old man, but also Zhang Chu himself. He has been in Dongzhou for a long time. When did he have such a brother?

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