This Viagra walked up to Zhang Chu with a smile, gave Zhang Chu a cigarette, looked at it from a close distance, and confirmed his thoughts. He tentatively asked, "do you know Duan Kun?"

Just now when Zhang Chu jumped out of the car, he saw Zhang Chu, and his heart suddenly clattered. Isn't this Duan Kun, the mysterious VIP?

This morning, when Duan Kun was making an effort, this Viagra also went. Although it was a little far away from Zhang Chu, he saw Zhang Chu's appearance clearly

Kun was a character in Dongzhou city. He opened a bar and had a group of brothers.

It's much more upscale than this young man. They play in industry, and they seem to have some friendship with the big brother on the road. These young people are playing this kind of business of touching porcelain and dancing immortal. When they meet with counsellors, they will be beaten by others. It's not in the same level at all.

Reach Duan Kun this level, but his goal, for Duan Kun everything he is naturally very familiar with.

Although the person in front of him is not on the road, if he can make Duan Kun attach so much importance to him, he must have a good relationship with Duan Kun. It's no good for him to offend him.

"Oh." Zhang Chu understood. It seems that Duan Kun is still a little famous in the local area: "he was beaten by me yesterday."

"What?" Viagra was stunned. The cigarettes almost fell to the ground. This guy is too arrogant, not even Duan Kun.

For these people's surprised eyes, Zhang Chu was very satisfied, patted the shoulder of Viagra, his face was full of a bright smile: "did you bring the money?"

Viagra was taken by Zhang Chu and staggered for several steps. It seemed that his whole body was about to fall apart. This man's hand strength was really big. He was a practitioner: "what's the money?"

Zhang chuheng gave the old man a look: "why, didn't you say that?" The fist hit the door.

There was a big hole in the door, the paint cracked, the scraped Viagra and the old man's face hurt.

The old man's face was suddenly bitter. Brother, is your hand a hammer? It's a big pit when you hit it. It's not good just now.

Viagra also swallowed saliva, this brother is a cruel man. All the people this guy brings are young men who are just fooling around. They just come here to scare each other.

Now seeing Zhang chulu's hand, they all stepped back two steps. They were shaking all over, and their courage was almost broken.

"Don't tell me what happened!" Viagra cold sweat fell down, yelled at the old man, this man can call, this old man how not to make it clear on the phone. Sure enough, Duan Kun's favorite is not simple.

The old man looked at Zhang Chu timidly and mumbled what he had just said.

After listening to Viagra, according to the old man's butt came a foot: "you really can cause trouble!" Then he turned to look at Zhang Chu and said that it was a misunderstanding. He asked Zhang Chu to raise his hand. He also said that it was not easy for his brother to do this business. He didn't have so much money in his hand. He said with a smile, "brother, how about we meet and forget our friendship and enmity?"

"Nothing." Zhang Chu also laughed and waved his hand generously.

Viagra hung a heart down, this brother is very good to talk. But as soon as Zhang Chu's voice fell, he reached for the key of the van.

"If you don't have any money, leave the car."

Viagra's face suddenly became bitter. The car was Viagra's only means of transportation. He felt his wallet out of his pocket, which was only more than 4000 points. When he spoke to his younger brother, he said a lot: "special, don't take out the money quickly!"

Those people pieced together and cleaned their pockets more than their faces. Only then did they come up with more than 5000 points.

When he handed the colorful banknotes to Zhang Chu, Viagra was also a little embarrassed: "that, brother, we have the money. Look... "

Zhang Chu grabbed it and waved: "go away."

These young people, if granted amnesty, left here with motorcycles.

Zhang Chu shoved the money into his pants pocket and gave Qin Sitong a smile: "Sitong, let's go home."

Qin Sitong sighed. Now she just wants to be far away from Zhang Chu. Zhang Chu's behavior, she really some despise, she likes is that kind of mature steady gentle man, Zhang Chu's behavior, is completely and Qin Sitong ideal man completely opposite.

"You look like a robber." Qin Sitong sighs. She and Zhang Chu have known each other for quite a long time. At home, Zhang Chu is as docile as a sheep. How did he become like this after his recovery? However, Qin Sitong admires this guy's ability to cause trouble.

Zhang chuchong and Qin Sitong grinned: "what I want most is your heart."

"Just you?" Qin Sitong snorted scornfully.

"Why not?" Zhang Chu is very confident: "as long as the hoe dance well, there is no corner can not dig down."

"You are ugly, but I am not blind." Qin Sitong snorted, she is not a little girl, this Zhang Chu said two sweet words will let himself fall in love.

Zhang Chu flexibly turned the steering wheel and turned out of the alley: "it's easy to do. If Duan Kun's stupid crane is pushed twice, the plastic surgery fee will be enough." He also asked Qin Sitong for advice: "which do you like best in exo?"

"Who likes those niangs..." Qin Sitong said with disdain, and realized that the last word was a little indecent. When the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them again. Secretly, he said how he chatted with Zhang Chu. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time: "hurry up, I still have a lot of things."

Looking at the car quickly disappeared in front of him, Viagra in the lane next to him poked his head out and called the two little brothers: "you two go with him."

"I've never suffered such a big loss before. I must get this place back." Viagra clenched his fist.

When the old man saw Viagra's angry look, he said that when the man was here just now, why didn't you be so horizontal. He reminded Viagra: "it seems that the man's skill is very good."

"What if you're good at it? If you can't fight in the open, let's fight in the dark. " Viagra hummed twice. Zhang Chu is favored by Duan Kun, but he is not a mess under Duan Kun. And Viagra's boss is not a simple person, and his influence can rival Duan Kun.

If nothing happens at ordinary times, and Duan Kun's relatively strong momentum, Viagra will hide from Zhang Chu, but since there has been a conflict and they have suffered losses, this matter can never be given up.

Next to the young man in school uniform eyes shine: "let's put that guy's tire gas shine, see how that guy goes!"

Viagra knocked on the man's head: "don't talk about this kind of children's way of playing family in front of me, shame!" His plan is very simple, whether it's lime or a knocker, as long as he can win, he will use whatever method he has. Viagra is not afraid of being called mean by others.

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