Qin Sitong looked at Zhang Chu driving the car and sighed: "Zhang Chu, I can't see you through any more." Zhang Chu has changed a lot in the past two days. Previously, Zhang Chu was silent, but now his body has recovered, and his character seems to have undergone earth shaking changes.

"Zhang Chu, did you pretend to be what you were? Now you are what you are? " Qin Sitong asked Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu said with a smile that he had told Qin Sitong everything before: "why don't you believe it?"

Qin Sitong knew what Zhang Chu was going to say about being accepted as an apprentice by an expert. She turned her eyes and said, "why don't you say that you were brought to Kunlun Mountain by an immortal to study arts for three years?" Qin Sitong didn't believe in this kind of novel.

Maybe I really should listen to Chen Xiao's advice and see Zhang Chu's real identity. Zhang Chu couldn't do anything before, so he turned into an all-round person in a twinkling of an eye. It's too weird.

Zhang chuxiaoxiao didn't speak. He knew that it would take a process for Qin Sitong to accept himself: "no matter who I am, I won't change to you."

Qin Sitong's face is a little red. Is this Zhang Chu a confession to himself? Since their marriage, every anniversary, Zhang Chu will prepare some gifts, but he did not say such words.

To be honest, Qin Sitong, such a beautiful girl, has been confessed by many people. Many of Qin Sitong can't remember clearly, but she has never felt the feeling of blushing and heartbeat.

Just when Qin Sitong can't hold his mind to Zhang Chu, Shengyuan community has also ushered in several heavyweights.

When Yuan Zhihong was arrested, the layout of the police in Shengyuan district was useless. These policemen came quickly and retreated slowly. In a short time, Fang Ze and one of the accompanying policemen were left here.

Fang zegang just saw Mu Qing and Zhang Chu leave, but he was very jealous. He secretly said that if it wasn't because he wasn't Zhang Chu's opponent, he would have a single fight with Zhang Chu. Why did all the girls in his eyes treat Zhang Chu differently.

"Why are you so unhappy with me?" Fang Ze's mood was not very good. He turned to see the bitter melon face of the policeman beside him, and his anger went up.

"No The little policeman's answer was very stiff. He could have retreated with the brigade, but he was left to look at Fang Ze. Naturally, he was very depressed: "well, I just received the news that Yuan Zhihong was rescued." The little policeman wanted to catch yuan Zhihong and make a contribution, but he was tied by Fang Ze.

"Why, blame me for tripping you?" Fang Ze can see his idea from the eyes of the little policeman, and reminds the little policeman: "you know what, you should thank me." Fang Ze said that Yuan Zhihong is not an ordinary person. In the past, this little policeman couldn't even move in the hands of others.

"It's absolutely safe to follow me. There's no danger to your life. What are you depressed about?" Fang Ze snorted.

The little policeman looked at Fang Ze and didn't say anything. He thought it was a waste of saliva to say these words to Fang Ze. Fang Ze was not a policeman after all and didn't understand the glory of the police position.

"Where did yuan Zhihong run from?" Fang Ze asked in detail. At the beginning, he was compared by Zhang Chu, but he was very depressed. After hearing the news that Yuan Zhihong had been rescued, Fang Ze was spirited.

It's almost time to set off firecrackers to celebrate. Well, Yuan Zhihong was saved. He was worried that he didn't have a chance to show his strength. This opportunity came.

"Do you want to catch yuan Zhihong?" The little policeman looked at Fang Ze in surprise.

Fang Ze snapped his fingers: "the young man is very clever." Fang Ze said he wanted to catch yuan Zhihong: "just tell me where yuan Zhihong was rescued."

The little policeman looked at Fang Ze up and down: "it's up to you?" Fang Ze is a bit overconfident. He is not yuan Zhihong's opponent at all, and now he is still injured. Now he used to be killed. The little police officer said that Fang Ze's spirit is commendable, but don't do it.

Fang Ze's face turned red when the policeman said this. Unexpectedly, even the policeman looked down on him. Naturally, Fang Ze can't do it, but Fang Ze's master is coming. Relying on the experts of tianluomen, it's very easy to solve yuan Zhihong.

"Don't look down on people, boy. I'll show you some big people later!" Fang Ze snorted.

Just then, a black Cherokee quickly drove into the community and stopped in front of Fangze with a squeak. The door bounced open, and from inside came four men in blue.

These men were all in their forties and thin, but their eyes were shining.

At the head of the group is a man with a national face. He looks very imposing, but he is a little older. If he is a teenager, he is absolutely handsome.

"Master!" Fang Ze saw the man with Chinese character face and jumped up.

This man is Fang Ze's master, Luo Heng.

Luo Heng takes a look at Fang Ze, and you can see that Fang Ze is injured. Good guy, who is so bold and dares to beat his apprentice? I really don't want to live!

"Who hurt you?" Luo Heng asked.

"A heresy named yuan Zhihong!" Hearing Luo Heng's words, Fang Ze knew that the master wanted to avenge himself, so he quickly said the name of the enemy: "Yuan Zhihong would have given his name when he came up. I said that he was a disciple of tianluomen, and he didn't keep his hand. If I didn't have two brushes, I might not have seen the master today."

Yuan Zhihong? When Luo Heng heard the name, he frowned. Yuan Zhihong is not a simple person. Luo Heng has heard of him, and Yuan Zhihong has some real skills. Tianluomen once arrested yuan Zhihong, but yuan Zhihong escaped.

"Fang Ze, don't add to my life here. I know what you can do." Luo Heng turns his eyes. Fang Ze's revenge is too strong. He says the matter is so serious that he wants to teach yuan Zhihong a lesson when dealing with him.

"You've been following me since you were 12 years old. I don't know what your character is." Luo Heng snorted: "you are my apprentice. I am a master. How can I stand by and watch."

Fang Ze is embarrassed to scratch his head. He says that master is master. He can't hide anything.

Several people around Luo Heng sighed when they saw Fang Ze like this. Tianluomen is a well-known and decent family. How could Fang Ze be such a boastful person? If it wasn't for the police watching here, they would teach Fang Ze a good lesson.

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