The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 111: This is all for love

After Obadiah Stan watched Pepper Potts leave, he found no clue in the newspaper that was coming. He threw the newspaper **** the desk and then canceled the computer screen. The changed screensaver picture, when he looked at the hidden computer desktop, he immediately made a swear word.

"SHIT ..."

A prompt box showing "copy completed" was left alone on the desktop of the computer. Where would Obadé not know, not only his conspiracy was completely exposed, but even his criminal evidence was about to come. Passing through Pepper's hand, all are in the hands of Tony Stark.

As Howard Stark's former left-handed and right-handed veteran-level figure for Stark Industries, Opadry certainly did not lack the spirit of hard work. At this time, his heart also clearly understood. Has arrived.

As long as it has the complete manufacturing process of steel suits, with this epoch-making weapon as a bargaining chip, Opadry has full confidence and can obtain the full support of several high-weight people, and under absolute power What is law?

There is only one problem.

That is, the drawing of the steel suit obtained by Obadi from the Ten Commandments did not include the core technology of the suit-the small ark reactor.

On the other side, Pepper Potts stepped out of the elevator nervously, hurriedly passed through the center of the hall, and passed Phil Coulson, who had been waiting for her for a long time, without making a slight stop and went straight to the door Walk in the direction.

"Ms. Potts?"

Seeing this, I felt like I was forgotten Coulson. I immediately chased him from the side and rear: "We have an agreement, have you forgotten it?"

"Not forgotten."

波 Pepper Potts turned to look at Coulson, and kept walking towards the door without saying: "Come with me and say as you go."


Coleson noticed something was wrong and walked two steps very quickly, keeping up with Pepper's pace, and walking side by side together.

"Before seeing Tony, go to your bureau first. I have to provide you with significant evidence of illegality. It is definitely the only thing in your life!"

After listening to Pepper Potts saying that, Coulson shrugged off and said secretly: If you know, I have seen something after I knew Insant's scum, and I definitely wouldn't say Come out of this sentence.

At the same time, behind them, Obadea Stein, chasing down from another elevator, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Uh ...

After more than an hour, Tony Stark's Sea Cliff Villas off the coast of New Jersey.

Tony Stark followed the ringtone of "Ding Jingling Bell", bent over and picked up the mobile phone thrown on the sofa. After seeing Pepper's picture on the phone screen, the whole person sat on the sofa and put The phone was in my ear.


Hearing Pepper on the phone, Tony Stark yelling his own name, was about to speak, and suddenly a "buzzing" low beep sounded in his ears, followed by The blood vessels swelled on his skin. He almost completely lost control of every muscle in the body almost instantaneously.

"Tony? Are you listening?"

Regarding Pepper's inquiries, Tony Stark couldn't say a word in his mouth. He could only watch with a big hand that looked familiar. He took the phone in his hand and hung up. He talked to Pepper.

同样 A sound that is also familiar, followed by Tony Stark: "Keep breathing, relax, relax ..."

I wonder when Obadiah Stan sneaked into the villa, holding Tony Stark's back, leaving him half-weak on the sofa back.

"Do you remember this gadget?"

Obadiah took an ultrasound generator that looked similar to a USB flash drive and took it to Tony Stark's eyes: "It is a pity that it failed to pass the government's approval for mass production. The immediate effect of temporary general paralysis was immediate. It's extensive. "

"Tony, Tony ..."

巴 Obadé came to Tony Stark, took off a pair of special soundproof earphones from his ears, and then said, "When I ordered to assassinate you ..."

Hearing here, Tony Stark's pupils shrunk sharply, and his eyes fluttered. However, in a situation where his whole body was paralyzed, no matter how emotional he was, this was the only thing he could do Out of the show.

"I'm actually a little worried. Did I accidentally kill a goose that lays a golden egg ..."

Opadry took out a metal device with a shrinking hook, and continued talking to Tony Stark on his own, while pressing the device against his chest: "But look, destiny It's so interesting, you are destined to survive and finish this last golden egg for me! "

The voice didn't fall ~ ~ With a few clicks, Tony Stark's ark reactor was taken down by Opadry with the metal device, and he would connect the ark with the wires The reactor was raised in front of Tony Stark: "Do you really think that because this is your invention, should this golden egg belong only to you?"

"Your father helped us invent and create the atomic bomb. If he was as selfish as you, what would the world look like?"

After all, Opadry pulled the house reactor on his hand and pulled the electric wire connected to the electromagnet out of Tony Stark's chest.

Tony Stark gave a whining noise, lost the power supply electromagnet, and soon lost all the magnetic force, which represented what Obaday knew as well as him.

This is a bloodless murder.

"Oh, it's so beautiful."

Obadi looked at the Ark reactor in his hand, sat beside Tony Stark, and said in his ear: "Tony, like Beethoven's ninth symphony, this is your masterpiece, It ’s your legacy to the world. From now on, all new-generation weapons will take this as the core. "

"Unfortunately, I hope you can see my prototype of the steel suit, not as conservative as yours ..."

Opadry stowed the Ark reactor in a portable safe, got up without going back, and walked out, leaving Tony Stark alone waiting to die: "You shouldn't roll up Pepper too Come in, I could have kept her alive. "

Grace, he really shouldn't say this ...

No one knows, because of the word "love", what is the limit of the potential that human beings can explode.

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