The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 112: Hairspray kid! help me!

On the other side, Pepper Potts, who couldn't reach Tony Stark, called Colonel Rhode's phone.

"What made him buy a murder for Tony?"

Rhodes was driving a military vehicle on the road in New Jersey. Compared to running through a red light or something, his behavior of driving with one hand while calling was not worth mentioning (what do you mention?) He hurried as if he was going to have a rebirth, but said it well on the phone: "Pepper, don't worry, speak slowly. Why Opadry ... I see, is Tony safe now?"

"I don't know. He doesn't answer the phone now."

On the other side of the phone, Pepper Potts, along with Phil Coulson, and a team of casually dressed SHIELD agents, went to the underground parking garage by elevator in a building that was "not a secret military base." As she walked over to the car, she said on the phone, "Please ask him to go and see, don't let him have an accident."

"Relax, I'm already on my way."

"Thank you, Roddy."

Pepper hung up the phone and said to his colleague Coulson before getting in the car: "Follow me, I know a shortcut."

At the same time, Tony Stark's temporary general paralysis caused by the ultrasonic generator has been relieved over time. In contrast, the electromagnets in his chest have completely lost their magnetism, and those have always existed. The tiny metal fragments in his body, after getting rid of the magnetic attraction, have also begun to run down the blood vessels and flow to his heart ...

Tony Stark, who may have a cardiac arrest at any time, stumbled through the elevator and came to his studio. He just pushed in the door and fell to the ground. Those metal fragments that were very close to the heart blocked the The heart's normal blood pumping function, the legs furthest from the heart, first appeared insufficient blood supply and lost normal function.

Tony Stark clenched his teeth tightly, and climbed to his own workbench in a hard way, on which there was a special Ark reactor tailored for his new model of battle suit. It is now completely completed, but it has not yet started debugging.

Tony Stark, who climbed all the way to the workbench, propped his upper body with the aid of a toolbox. When his arm barely reached the table, the strength on his arm had begun to disappear, and he could not support the body , The whole person slammed to the ground ...

At this point, Tony Stark had only the strength to turn over, and when he was facing up, he showed a helpless look of sorrow. When his eyes had begun to flash his own life, a unique sound belonging to the rotation of mechanical gears Suddenly it sounded in his ear, and then, the ark reactor on the table, which was close at hand, but out of reach, was firmly grasped by the iron claw of a mechanical arm, and handed it to him.

"Good boy ..."

Tony Stark almost didn't cry. This is exactly when he was still at MIT (MIT), he created one of the two independent thinking robot arms-dummy. (DUMMY)

With the help of "Dummy", Tony Stark re-installed the Ark reactor, almost in the next second, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he immediately lost consciousness. It was the overwhelming heart that had been given The blood supply to the brain is impossible. Although it is said that the electromagnet in his chest has now resumed operation, it is not eating Xiandou, and it will take some time to live again.

Fortunately, Tony Stark, who is by no means "nostalgic", is just "proclaimed". If he has not kept the "dummy" properly for nearly two decades, now He has hung up.

Twenty minutes later, the long overdue Colonel Rhode finally rushed to Tony Stark's villa and found him fainted in the studio.


Colonel Rhodes almost flew over, waking up Tony Stark, "Are you all right?"

"Where's Pepper?"

When Tony Stark woke up, he asked this sentence, and at the same time he pulled Colonel Rod's arm, struggling to get up.

"She's okay, she's carrying a whole team of agents to arrest Obadea."

"They can't do it."

Knowing the power of his steel suit, Tony Stark rushed to the place where Mark III was anxious. He put on the suit for the first time and immediately made Jarvis start calling Pepper Potts. The phone, however, remained unanswered across the phone.

Colonel Rhode, who is not as knowledgeable as he is, did not fully realize the seriousness of the matter. After witnessing the dressing process of Iron Man himself, he still expressed his admiration: "This is the most I have ever seen. Cool stuff. "

Tony Stark had Pepper in his heart, and he didn't even show off at all. He walked straight out of the surrounding of the robotic arm and planned to rush to the factory area of ​​Stark Industries at full speed ~ ~ Seeing this, Colonel Rhode hurriedly asked, "Is there anything else I can help?"

"Release air control and keep it clear."

Before I dropped this sentence, Tony Stark had put down his face armor of the battle suit, the flames of palms and hands sprayed out, and the voice had disappeared into the inclined upward garage passageway.


Colonel Rhode sighed so much, turned around and watched Tony Stark get rid of it, the glittering Mark II, and said ticklingly, "Next time, baby." Driving away.

On the other side, Tony Stark has turned into a shooting star in the night sky. He flew straight to New York and frowned and asked, "Jarvis ?! I said to I'm at full speed! Why is there still only 60% thrust? "

"Sir, the ark reactor you are using is specifically designed for turbojet engines. For Mark III, the maximum speed of the reactor is too fast and is not very applicable. Without the experimental data, I cannot Determine if the reactor will run at full speed, will Mark 3 fail, resulting in ... "

"Shut up! Give me full speed!"

"Observe, sir."

After a minute ...

Mark III, who burned out all four thrusters, ran wildly on the ground under the control of Tony Stark, frightening countless owners on the road ...

Twenty seconds later, I got my top speed, Tony Stark, which was 137 kilometers per hour. After mentally calculating my estimated time of arrival, I dialed Incent's phone decisively.

"Hairspray boy! Help me!"

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