The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 244: Reunion with Thor, The Call of the King of the Gods

In Asgard, whose communication is basically roaring, Heimdall, who is able to link messages with his heart, is obviously an exception. Soon, Thor, who flew in a hammer, appeared in Incent's sight.


The first time Thor landed on the Rainbow Bridge, he immediately opened his arms to Incent with a hearty smile: "Welcome to Asgard."


Because Sainte stepped forward and grabbed Thor's hand. His height was not conspicuous in the Chinese, and he was obviously in absolute disadvantage in the face of Thor who was nearly two meters tall, but, He turned his hair upside down, giving him a substantial invisible elevation ... Therefore, the two people held each other's arms and bumped their shoulders. From a standpoint, the difference in height was not obvious ...

"How did you come here?"

After hearing Thor's candid question, he shrugged his shoulders lightly because of Sainte's avoidance. "You know, I will move instantly."

If you change Odin, you will definitely be asked, "Where did you know the coordinates of Asgard?" But the current support ... wrong, it should be said that Thor was never a qualified king from the beginning to the end. It ’s not business, it ’s personal: “If you do n’t mind, I want to ask, can you teleport with others?”


Because Sainte knew why Thor asked this question, and immediately knew it: "I was still wondering why you didn't come to Earth again. It turned out that your rainbow bridge was broken? Why?"

"It's a long story."

Hearing the word "may", Thor's eyes suddenly flashed, and after hearing the latter part of Incent, he could not help showing a bitter smile: "This story we have a chance to say, if you have no opinion, my father will now meet you."

"my honor."

Nodded because of the characteristics of the saint, while throwing out a polite phrase, he reached out and made a "please" action.

Thor hobbled his hammer and knew he would fly because of Saint. Obviously, he didn't plan to walk over with him slowly, and the next moment when he said "follow me," he was thrown out. Driven by the thunder hammer, howling to the top of the Golden Palace.

In contrast, because of Sainte ’s air dance, the firework is obviously much weaker. Obviously, the speed is shoulders compared with Thor, which gives people the feeling, but it is like a cannonball. Followed by a light bird, a glance at the glance will inevitably produce a very contradictory sense of confusion.

After Sainte stepped into the magnificent and magnificent Golden Palace, my heart was hard to hide. Although I saw this large piece of gold in the distance, after all, I was not intuitively exposed to it.

All evil feudal society ...

In Saint, while condemning Asgard's extravagance in his heart, he followed in the footsteps of Thor and walked into a wide field of vision, completely different from the interior, giving him the impression of being a magnificent and magnificent man. The main hall.

Sitting on the golden throne, the old man who was already pale and white was the king of the gods-Odin.

At the same time, Thor lowered his love hammer and lowered his proud head: "Father."

Because Sainte also bowed slightly, and entered the country as a European bow: "ALLFATHER." (Father of the gods, the title of Odin)

"In Saint Lee."

Odin stepped down from the throne and came to Thor and Incent: "Your name reminds me of an old friend."

friend? Not necessarily?

Because Sainte looked up and guessed who Odin was talking about, he said in a positive tone: "You are talking about the Supreme Master."

Odin twitched his head slightly, and stared at Incent's face: "It's really curious. You know everything about us, but we almost know nothing about you."

Sure enough, I have been following me ...

In Sainte's heart, of course, he understood that although Heimdall did not dare to peep at him after he had “worn” with his warning, the surveillance was obviously by his colleague Coulson and others, but There is no psychological pressure at all. As of now, as long as it is the information that SHIELD has included, Asgard knows it.

Knowing what Odin calls "you", he is talking about the turtle fairy stream he compiled himself, because of Saint Humble's humble and modest way of saying: "We are just a small place. Gadd. "

"Is that right?"

Odin narrowed his only eye, but his expression was not gloomy under Jin Chancan's blindfold. If he changed to Nick Fury, who is also a one-eyed dragon, the cliff would not be able to do this ...

"However, your attitude is telling me that Asgard is nothing great."

Hearing that, because Saint Saint frowned slightly, he responded without hesitation to the sudden pressing of Odin: "My respect for you and Asgard is completely based on equality. This It's the only way I respect. "

In the atmosphere that was suddenly dignified, Thor, who was somewhat unknown, interjected, "Father, Li is my friend and our guest."

"of course."

With a smile, Odin cleared away the only bit of discord: "With Saint Lee, you also have my equal respect."

In Saint returned a smile: "This is my glory, the Father of the gods."

"I, Odin, on behalf of Asgard, welcome your visit."

After Odin officially released a friendly attitude, his voice suddenly changed: "I can think that you are just for your friendship with Thor?"

"Actually ..."

Because Sainte shook his head, the "pure friendship" set ~ ~ can only fool Thor's rectum. In the face of Odin, the wise king, he still "targeted Interview "is better.

"I had a merciless request, but ..."

Odin looked at Saint Sein, who was still talking, and his expression became more kind: "No need to be restrained, but it doesn't matter."

"Please don't hesitate."

Because Saint first offended and then moved out for an unexplained reason: "Before I came, I wanted to ask for your permission. Let me take the Rainbow Bridge and go to 'Sandal Star'. As of now, ... "

Hearing that Odin gently put his head on his head, but because of Saint's politeness, he didn't say anything directly. Naturally, "Now your rainbow bridge is broken." This point was well known to everyone present and did not say Need to come out.

"Why must it be the Rainbow Bridge?"

Odin pointed to Yin Shengte's right hand: "You keep an infinite gem, or the one that represents 'space'. Even the most remote corner of this universe is just a step away for you. "

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