The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 245: Pretend to be a real Sandar star and save Warnerheim


Already, when Odin showed an extraordinary kindness, because Saint was already a little skeptical, whether the infinite wristband hidden under his sleeve had already been seen by him, so it would be easy. Acknowledging his "equal status", today it seems that it is not.

In the face of the problem raised by Odin, Sainte could not help but hesitate. He carefully considered the language in his heart, knowing that Odin was tempting, and how much power he could exert with an infinite gem. Come, he had to be very cautious in his next sentence: "You are right, but I need to go to Sandar first before I can take this step."

"So to say ..."

Odin paused for a moment, throwing an inquisitive question at Instant, saying: "Have you been to Asgard?"

"Before today, 'I' had never had this honor."

In Sainte accentuated "I" and replaced it with the word "WE": "It's 'we', and I've been fortunate enough to have seen the glory here."

"So it is."

Odin's head lightly understood. On the surface, there was no doubt at all because of Saint's letter. After a pause, he suddenly said, "I can take you to Sandar Star. "

Because Sainte raised his eyebrow in surprise, apparently he did not expect the words of Odin at all, not to say that he was surprised that Asgard without the Rainbow Bridge, what to send him in the past, as a rider, Nothing could be clearer about "Dark Demon", Odin didn't expect that Odin would easily break Asgard's taboo for an outsider?

Odin's subsequent turning tone has somewhat dispelled some doubts due to Sainte: "However, you have also seen our 'status quo'. I need a 'decent reason' in order to use unconventional means to turn You send it to Sandar. "

Although it was just an excuse at the beginning, Sant was obviously very interested in dropping a positioning marble on the Sandar star to add a function that can be teleported at any time, immediately following Odin's words He said very cheerfully, "I understand what you mean, and I am willing to work for Asgard."


Odin is obviously very satisfied with Instant's refreshing attitude: "Asgard will not live up to your trust."

"I'm not at all uncertain about this."

In Saint shrugged his shoulders: "You are an elder, please tell me, what do I need to do?"

"For you, it should be a very simple thing, it can be said to be a hand."

Odin first settled on Ain Saint's heart, and then pointed to his right hand again: "I want you to use the space gem to build an interoperable space portal between Asgard and 'Warnerheim' . "

Because Saint Te immediately revealed a clear color, due to the break of the Rainbow Bridge, the connection between Asgard and the other eight kingdoms was completely cut off, and was long used to the "Rainbow Crystal Energy". There is no such thing as a spaceship. They are not made by spaceships. Instead, they can be transported to the Rainbow Bridge in every corner of the galaxy in an instant. Any means of transportation seems redundant ...

It ’s like, since the Instant Society flew, his Comaro has been put in the garage to pile up ash. Since he was able to teleport, his Kunming fighter has also become a pure collectible. presence……

As the invasion of the "Protagonist of Asa"-"Warner Protoss", the importance of Warnerheim can be imagined, and Asgard is purely dependent on the cold, for Odin, as long as To maintain the stability of Warnerheim, it does not matter what the other seven kingdoms are in disorder. On the contrary, Asgard's dominance will really be shaken.

The reason is obvious. Asgard, which is so small, requires the support of the planet Warnerheim in many ways. This is true of all the kingdoms that nominally accept Asgard's rule. It is clear that in the original plot, when the Rainbow Bridge was broken, "Helheim", "Niforgem", "Jordonheim", "Musbelheim", all The first space war against Warnerheim was launched.

In fact, because Sainte did not interfere in Asgard's housework before, so far, the wheel of destiny is still moving forward. At this time, a large number of space warships in the four kingdoms Maybe they are already on the way to Warnerheim ...

In the original plot, when Asgard finally realized that he was too dependent on the Rainbow Bridge, it was already too late, and he could only watch Warnerheim smoky, until the Rainbow Bridge was completely repaired. Thor's leader went to counterinsurgency, and packed up the devastated endgame.

With Instant's presence in front of Odin, this situation obviously cannot happen again, and the wheel of fate is about to suffer again ...

"Your request can be done, but I need to go to 'Warnerheim' to open this space door."

"This is not a problem."

In the situation where Asgard's dominance has been threatened, Odin will obviously not be attached to it anymore. "Dark magic" is a taboo that cannot be used: "I can send you to Sandar Star, of course. Take you to Warnerheim. "

"Then, of course, you get the door you want."

After St. Thousand made a promise, the tone suddenly turned again: "However, although this door will always exist as long as I want, but if I need to use the power of space gems elsewhere, I will stay The energy supply of the space door underneath will be interrupted because of this ~ ~, so it will quickly shrink and eventually disappear. "

On hearing that, Odin lowered his head for a moment and looked up to In Saint. "As far as I know, you have the ability to shuttle in space. You should not rely so much on space gems."

Because Saint didn't hide it, nodded generously: "That's right, as long as Asgard still needs this, I will try not to use space gems, but I ca n’t pack ticket."

Odin said with a light jaw, understanding: "This is enough, I can't, and I won't ask you more."

"Thank you for your understanding."

He thanked Saintly for his courtesy, and then sternly said, "So, when should I go to Warnerheim?"

"I need to do some preparation."

Odin waved Thor: "While you wait, let Thor take you to Asgard."

"It couldn't be better."

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