The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 263: The **** of Asgard, stare into your eyes

Because Sainte immediately followed the civil aviation plane and passed through the huge circular portal, he immediately waved at him. With his movement, the clear blue light threshold of the portal immediately began to move inward. Zoom out until it disappears.

From the two ends of the portal, the Hudson River is not a big deal, but because of the current side of Sainte, but over the airport, there are a lot of planes coming and going, if unfortunately rushed in In the portal, when it suddenly changed from high altitude to the ground, unless the plane is in a climbing state, the crash is almost the only ending. As for the portal, it did n’t completely rush into the portal, but just rubbed the door frame. The result is obviously Only worse ...

The reason is true, but in fact, in the special circumstances at this time, because of Saint, it is completely worrying. As early as the moment when the United States asked for help in 1549, all flights at New York ’s large and small airports have been all The shutdown, even one of New Jersey's closest airport to New York, was affected, followed by the suspension of all aircraft take-off and landing activities.

Therefore, although it was completely unexpected that the nation ’s 1549 would appear here in violation of common sense, Kennedy Airport quickly vacated a landing runway for this aircraft.

Because Sainte escorted the civil airliner all the way, until it successfully lowered the landing gear, gradually reduced the speed along the airport runway, and slowly stopped on the runway bifurcated tarmac before it was in a field. In the cheers, the shadow disappeared into place.

A large number of news media rushed to interview the crew led by Captain Sally and all the passengers of the passenger plane, and conducted a lively interview without any detail. After a few years, if there is still a film company, Based on the real events of the news broadcast, if the last biographical film is produced separately, it will tell a completely different magic story. These are the last words, not to mention.

On the other side, Incent, who disappeared from the airport, has already returned to the second floor of his restaurant. Before Lorna and others had the opportunity to ask questions, he had explained in advance: "Lorna, I have to leave the world urgently. It shouldn't take long to come back, but if it's unexpectedly extended, help me and Colleen. "

The so-called "emergency" of Sainte naturally refers to the situation where the portal left in Asgard is closed due to the use of the power of the space gem. The portal over there is the battlefield of Warnerheim. Suddenly lost the channel connecting the two, the consequences can be large or small, and he should naturally reopen it as soon as possible to avoid any delay in military affairs or the like.

In fact, by this time, Asgard was already anxious.

Still ingesting "Instant over the Hudson River, opened a huge space portal to save a wrecked passenger plane", a newly released information from SHIELD, and then received another from Asgard's "god".

The SHIELD agent who won this honor was Phil Coulson, the most familiar with Incent.

The whole person suddenly became blind, and began to talk to Coulson, which naturally caught the attention of the people around him. In particular, the word "Asgard" popped out of his mouth. .

If it was replaced by a general government agency, Coulson would definitely be judged to be mentally out of order, but SHIELD, which has seen strange things, will inevitably have this guess, but it has very good possibilities for other possibilities. Receptiveness ...

"You mean ..."

With a serious expression, Nick Fury said ridiculous words: "One of the gods in Nordic mythology, who can see through the universe of Heimdall with his eyes, just spoke in your head?"

"To be precise, this is not the case."

Coulson had fully recovered, shrugging his shoulders and saying, "It's more like some kind of holographic dialogue. I can not only hear his voice, but also see the scene around him. The most accurate statement ... as if it were He summoned my soul before him. "

Upon hearing that, Nick Fury raised a brow: "So, did you see Asgard?"

Coleson recalled his denial: "No, my vision is not the same as usual. Except for the short rainbow bridge where Heimdal is located, it looks blurred in the distance."


From Coleson's clear description, Nick Fury had fully believed in the occurrence of the "god", and could not help but chuckle: "Since Heimdall can do this, why not go to Inst. In particular, I want you to preach? Isn't it superfluous? "

"He didn't say."

Coulson first shook his head, then guessed and said, "Maybe ... the target was replaced by Incentives, but he couldn't actually do that? The time that Thor's hammer fell, Incentives gave it. He warned once that he was not allowed to spy on himself, and I wrote about it in this matter. "

This is indeed the case. After a big loss in the hands of Incent, where would Heimdall be willing to send the spirit body to him again? At most, he only kept a safe distance and took a look at it. Not to mention establishing spiritual links with him.

"I remember."

Nick Fury nodded thoughtfully: "It's a coincidence in time ... As Sainte just opened a portal, Asgard called him in a panic ..."

"Secretary, should I delve into it later?"

Coulson raised an index finger, pointing in the direction of his head: "After all ..."


Nick Fury understood the subtext that Coulson didn't say ~ ~ and immediately made a swearing: "MOTHERFUCKER!"

The phrase "I have one eye staring at you" Nick Fury, facing the situation of "there is an invisible pair of eyes staring at you", the psychological feeling at this time can be imagined ...

In fact, at this moment, Heimdall didn't even look at him ...

Because, almost at the time when Heimdall interrupted the conversation with Coulson and withdrew the spiritual link, Instant consciously appeared in Asgard. The chosen transmission point was also Heim In front of Dahl, the guardian (gatekeeper).

Heimdall, who could not help but look at him, looked at Instant in suspicion. It was impossible to determine for a while whether it was because of his action in SHIELD, or was it just a coincidence.

Because Saint didn't give him a chance to figure it out, he dropped the sentence, "Notify the king, I'll restart the portal." After that, he flew straight to the direction of the Golden Palace.

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