The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 264: Space battleship? Done! What is the protective cover

After explaining the situation to Odin and reopening the huge portal to Warnerheim on the lookout platform of the Golden Palace Hall, Saint was trying to walk back to the hall and tell Odin to return to Earth. Passing by, I saw the opposite side of the portal and flew over a burly figure.

It was Thor who was put on by him two days ago ...


Knowing that because of Saint's devil's ability, Thor shouted at him as soon as he passed through the portal: "Stop me!"


Instant waved his hand and greeted Thor as if nothing had happened: "The war situation in Warnerheim should be fierce, why are you free to return to Asgard?"

Apparently waiting on the other side, Thor, who was waiting for Saint to reopen the door, landed in front of him with a bang, but did not make any impulsive behavior, and made it straightforward to indicate: " I came to you on purpose. "

Because Sainte thought that Thor was again for the sake of Jane Foster, he put aside his lips and said, "If you plan to say the word 'Jane', don't worry, I'm still saying that, you shouldn't come Tell me."

"It's not what you think."

Thor shook his head, slap again on Insante's shoulders, and said without a word: "To defend Warnerheim, I need your help."


Unbelievably suffering from this Instant, he took a breath of indifference. He bet that Thor's slap was used with all his strength. Whoever said that the honest person did not retaliate ...

"Sorry, I can't help you."

Of course, Sainte's interest in participating in a protracted defense of the planet is also lacking: "This is your battle in Asgard, and the earth is where I should defend."

"I'm not asking you to fight for us."

Thor's big hand resting on Incent's shoulder, the five fingers "slightly" exerted a force: "Of course your power cannot be ignored, but I am here this time, I just hope you can use your" transportation "to send me directly Go to the enemy's battleship. "

Are you planning to kill a space battleship by yourself? Well, this is indeed Thor ...

Incente understood Thor's meaning and realized that Thor's current level of development of Thor's power was not enough to allow him to survive in space. Otherwise, he only needed to fly over with a hammer. .

Kill a space battleship?

Because Sainte's heart is a little itchy, which is more interesting than defending Warnerheim or something. If Thor directly took this sentence as the opening sentence, he would definitely not reject it categorically ...

"how about it?"

As a veteran warrior who had fought for thousands of years, Thor was no stranger to the expression of eagerness to fight, and immediately gave Instant a boost: "Will you accompany me to a big fight?"

"it is good!"

In Sainte ’s heart, the bloodthirsty of the Saiyan was better than the peace of the Earth. He turned the elbow of his right arm, and squeezed the back of his fist, and hammered Thor's chest. On: "Done!"

Even Thor's body was shaken with this fist, and he could not help raising his eyebrows. Knowing that, because of the Saint, it was just the elbow that made it strong, and it was away from him. Full strength is still far.

After a little surprise, Thor laughed with a hearty "haha", straightened his arm resting on Incent's shoulder, and pushed him toward the portal: "So what are we waiting for? ! "

"I really have to wait."

Instant uncluttered Thor's grip, and reached out to push him back: "I want to go back to the earth first. You take a step first. When I'm ready, I go straight to Warnerheim to meet you. "

"In this case……"

Thor put a lot of effort under his feet, and one turned to resist the thrust, shrugging his shoulders at Inst. "It's better that we go to Earth together and then to Warnerheim together."


Because Sainte didn't understand what Thor's idea was, he put aside his words and said, "In advance, this time, I can't agree to bring‘ her ’.”

"of course."

Thor agreed quickly: "I just went to see her."

"She's still in New Mexico?"

"In her laboratory."

"Let's go."

Outside Jane Foster's laboratory, In Saint, wearing the cloak of the shadow, put down Thor who brought the earth together, watched him rush in, and pulled out his phone to Tony Stark. Made a call.

"What about my mask? Haven't you made it yet?"

When Incent asked this on the phone, Tony Stark turned his head and asked his smart housekeeper: "Jarvis?"

"Automated assembly is complete and simulation testing is still in progress."

Tony Stark, who has always liked to experiment in person, gave Incente the same treatment: "You can come and take it, my design will not go wrong."


Because Sainte was not as risky as Tony Stark, after hanging up the phone and teleporting in front of him, he reassuredly asked, "What is Jarvis testing?"

"Whether the device can operate normally under various extreme environments."

Tony Stark picked up a silver-white metal mask from a mobile robotic arm, and threw it with his hand to Incent: "The arithmetic I do, I know to myself, this stuff is very reliable, No testing required. "

Because Sainte caught the "multi-functional vibrating gold mask" and fixed it on the face and tried it, and found that whether it is fit to the face after wearing it, or comfort when breathing with mouth and nose, However ... as soon as he spoke, he felt a bit wrong ...

"I don't feel like ... eh?"

After listening to his own voice coming out through the mask, his voice was obviously out of tone ~ ~ I looked at Tony Stark with a bad look: "Why my voice sounds like iron Man?"

"Part of the structure of the mask is the suit of my battle suit."

Tony Stark spread his hands innocently: "I don't have the free time to redesign a loudspeaker for you."


Because Sainte suddenly took off the mask and did not ask for corrections, thinking that it should give Thor a little more time, he began to chat with Tony Stark: "Have you succeeded in protecting the gold shield?"

"It's been a long time since."

Tony Stark nodded for granted: "Otherwise, I don't care about designing your mask."

What is the truth?

Yin Sheng rolled his eyes: "I don't understand a bit, isn't Zhenjin also called 'sound-absorbing steel'? You have this earth's strongest metal that does not conduct heat and kinetic energy at all. What do you need for protection? cover?"

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