The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 272: No storage, only energy, after returning to earth

After the "Ice Ring" made by Saint No. 0 substance, after undergoing a "space stretching" process, although there is a lot of space inside, it is not suitable for storage, it is not It is said that the space in the ring is not good for putting things, but the energy of the ice box is extremely overbearing. Even after his transformation, most of the material can not withstand the cold attack in the ring.

Especially, with the spontaneous accumulation day by day, the ice energy in the ring will become stronger and stronger. As long as enough time is given, this is the second ice box. Of course, the so-called "enough Time ", the unit should be remembered as" 10,000 years ... "

Prior to the operation, Yin Shengte had already realized that this would be a magic space ring that could not be stored, but could only store energy. Of course, there would not be any dissatisfaction at this time, with the cloak of shadow and positioning marbles In fact, he does not really need storage equipment. As long as it is not too large, he can directly use the cloak of the shadow and plug it into the gravity chamber where he has left the positioning marbles, and vice versa.

After instilling enough energy to stabilize the mana pool in the ice ring, Yin Sheng disconnected the energy extraction of the ice box and sealed the existing energy reserve in the ring with a seal. Later, No matter how he draws the mana in the ring, these "core mana seeds" that can spontaneously absorb and transform external energy will be protected by the seal and will not be unintentionally evacuated.

So far, the purpose of borrowing the ice box by Sainte has been completely achieved. He immediately returned it to Odin with nostalgia. After expressing his gratitude again, he also inquired about Warnerheim ’s. fighting.

Unsurprisingly, a forward battleship used for tentative trials was completely destroyed after only a few days, and the four-country coalition fleet heading for Warnerheim fought back. In fact, in Israel Thor's army of Asgard appeared in Warnerheim. These invaders who had taken advantage of the fire had already resigned. After all, if they really had a hard-core spirit, it should be Ass. Gad is native.

The outrageous power of Sainte simply gave the coalition fleet watching from a distance, a sufficient reason to retreat.

When he learned that the war was coming to an end, while Saint was congratulating Odin, he was relieved. When he promised to give Asgard a portal, he clearly did not think clearly and could not easily use the space gem. The power of that means that he cannot deepen his grasp of this infinite gem, and can solve this trouble of finding himself as soon as possible, which is of course excellent.

After leaving the Asgard, he shot a shot because of Saint, and appeared silently in the rainbow crystal area on the back of the "Continent of the Round Place", wearing a multi-functional gold mask, and before Together with the Dragon Balls dropped here, both continue to steal electricity ...

Deep in the bottom of the earth, because Saint did n’t eat, drink or sleep for 48 hours. He thought he had filled the mana pool of different dimensions, and then he left Asgard and returned. on the earth.

Appearing at his own restaurant, Incente carried hundreds of pounds of raw meat from the freezer in the back kitchen, ate the sea with a crazy huddle, and resolved the hunger that had reached the cellular level, and then he yelled Suddenly he fell on the bed and fell asleep in seconds.


The next day, after sleeping for more than fifteen hours, Yin Shengte finally woke up naturally, first went to the bathroom and took a bath. After getting a refreshing gain, he grabbed his mobile phone. He looked at the trivial matters that were completely left behind.

Because SHINT owed another lesson to SHIELD, it was naturally on the list. To his surprise, Nick Fury rarely called him in person.

Of course, Nick Fury has counted himself very little about being seen here at Innsent, so most of the time, he instructed Coulson, who has a much higher degree of favor, to come forward. Uninteresting question, because of the wayward (fucky) character of Santan, if you don't send a person whom he sees pleasing to the eye, maybe you will get some moths ...

"Call me after you return from Asgard."

Nick Fury's message was very simple, but it caused Incentive to frown. You know, this time when he left the earth, he only told Lona alone, not to mention that she would not tell SHIELD In Sainte did not say at the time that he was going to Asgard.

As for Tony Stark, who received his souvenir, it is even more unlikely that he would go to SHIELD to share the alien technology on that space shuttle.

What did SHIELD know?

Intrigued by Saint, he called the phone screen and called back: "I'm back."

Nick Fury apparently didn't want to say something on the phone: "Can you come to Trident?"


Because Sainte hung up the phone decisively, and then changed his body, with an upright blond hair and a cloak woven in the shadow, appearing directly in front of Nick Fury.

"Are you going to Asgard, is it related to the space portal that appeared on the Hudson?"

In response to Nick Fury's straightforward question, Sainte did not answer the question: "How did you come to this conclusion?"

"You saved the plane on your forefoot, Heimdall in Asgard, and you found Coulson, and when we tried to contact you, you were no longer on Earth."

That's it ...

Enlightened, St. Nod nodded, "You're right, Asgard is fighting, and I need to use my portal to carry out regular military transfers."


Nick Fury's expression suddenly strained: "Who is the enemy?"

"Don't worry about me blindly."

Because Sainte waved his hand: "Because the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed ~ ~ Four of the nine kingdoms refused to accept Asgard's rule. It was purely a civil war. It's over. "


Nick Fury was silent for a long while, reluctantly suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and changed the topic: "We have selected the appropriate mutant agents, when can you give them the mark of demonization?"

"I'm here, haven't I?"

As for what she promised, Yin Sheng will certainly not shirk: "Just now, how many people?"


Nick Fury grabbed the phone without hesitation: "I'll arrange it now."

Because Sainte nodded silently, patiently waited for Nick Fury to give the order, and then asked: "You call me in person, shouldn't it just be for this?"

"There is really another thing, please, and I need to discuss it with you."

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