The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 273: Geofire Feng Shui, Crazy Experiment of Iron Man and Hulk

"When you traded to Ulu Metal, you once said that the equipment created by special means can help the human body grasp its own qi, so can I think that you have mastered this so-called 'special means' ? "

After Nick Fury raised this issue, Instant understood it all at once. SHIELD wanted to negotiate this matter with itself. Obviously, no one except him, the director, had sufficient authority to make a decision.

"of course."

Because Saint nodded without hesitation. After gaining the magical knowledge of the Dragon Ball world, and under the guise of bypass, his understanding of the seven magic patterns stolen from Odin was undoubtedly deeper, just a little It is not difficult to achieve some adjustments to achieve the effect required by SHIELD.

When Nick Fury saw him for "of course," he left without a word, and then hesitantly said, "What do we need to pay, will you be willing to share this special means?"


Because Sainte disdain shook the corner of his mouth: "You think too much, pay the right remuneration, and ask me to build it for you."

"Don't rush to refuse."

Nick Fury shrugged dismissively: "What if we were willing to come up with supernatural items of the same level as the cosmic cube?"

"You don't."

Because Sainte shook his head neatly, what's the joke, where are the other five infinite gems? Of course, he is a penetrator who knows that he ca n’t do without the SHIELD of the earth. Can he still kill Carmarty? Ji, grabbed their time gems aren't there?

From his attitude, Nick Fury decisively saw something, and when he saw it well, he did not continue to test it: "Even if my judgment is wrong, don't you want to listen to my offer?"


His eyes narrowed suspiciously. Nick Fury seemed too obsessed with learning the so-called "special means", which made him a little skeptical. Could it be that SHIELD learned from it, Is this magic technology from Asgard? Should not ...

With this in mind, Incente shook his head again: "There is no need, unless you intend to pay me to ask for OEM, otherwise we have nothing to talk about."

"If it's just a foundry, I won't pay for things I prepared in advance."

Nick Fury finally worked hard, and then tried to throw the option to Incente: "Why don't you talk about it, what kind of reward do you want?"

"I don't have anything I want."

Because Sainte rolled his eyes and expressed great impatience with Nick Frey's unclear who asked for whom: "I only returned to Earth yesterday, and there is so much to do today, you Think about it yourself and tell me about it another day. Are your people ready? "

Nick Fury nodded helplessly: "They are already in the lab, come with me."

"Why do you always like to put mutants and labs together?"

Because St. Termin knows that this is for the convenience of testing the mutant ability, but he looked at Nick Fury with a contempt: "Can you think about the feelings of others?"



Four variants of two men and two women selected for the SHIELD, one after the other, have been imprinted with the marks of demonization, because Saint's expression looks very strange, for no reason. Rockification, controlling flames, summoning storms, and plunging into the water ...

In other words, it is the geo-fire feng shui, the four famous elements of Western doctrine ...

Which talent is this one?

After Sainte secretly lamented such a sentence, he left the Trident building directly, and he didn't intend to ask questions about the later things.

Following the SHIELD, the second call from Incente was Bruce Banner. If he remembered correctly, he has been hiding in the low-key green of Stark Industries since the abomination incident by General Ross. Giant, this is the first time to contact yourself.

After the call was connected, unexpectedly, the light tone from the opposite side clearly belonged to Tony Stark: "Are you finally willing to return to the earth? We are in the Stark Building and come here quickly . "


Incente glanced at the phone: "I'm calling Bruce ..."

"I'm here."

Bruce Banner's voice finally sounded long overdue, but was picked up by Tony Stark around him after answering the phone while driving hands-free.

"Can you come to the research department of Stark Industries? We need your help. I say we mean Betty and me."

How can I have an ominous hunch ...

In Sainte, from the tone of Bruce Banner, he heard a hint of unclearness. Although he was still wondering for a while, what is certain is that this is absolutely abnormal ...

After a while ...

"You two are crazy?"

Apprentice, who appeared on the top floor of the Stark Building, stared at Tony Stark. "I remember you said that you didn't keep any information about the" Abomination of Born Experiment ".

"But I glanced at it."

Tony Stark pointed to his head: "Camera-level memory."


Because Saint slaps his hands on his forehead, and then maintains the action of supporting the amount of money: "Who exactly is this 'genius idea'?"


Tall Betty Rose stood up slimly, "You blame them. I asked Bruce to do it."

As a result, I still blend in ...

Yin Sheng sighed secretly and looked at Betty Rose: "You must understand that although I can guarantee your life safety, what kind of strange you will become in the end ... what will it look like ~ www ~ I can do nothing. "

"Of course she understands."

Tony Stark sneered at Instant: "The person who doesn't understand is you. As a dropout from high school, how did you get the courage to dare to question the knowledge of a doctor of biology? ability?"


Because of the impulse of Saint Tenet to breathe out the Iron Man who did not wear a uniform, he squeaked and said, "This 'quite high school dropout' knows that your experimental results are absolutely irreversible, and I am now It will show up here that it has proven that you are not sure. "

"Among the people present, anyone who doesn't understand this experiment is the only one who is okay with you?"

Tony Stark also poked his tongue: "What is it that we ca n’t be sure without you? Do n’t be kidding, you are just an accident insurance. You think we must be Bruce. If it depends on me, you It's superfluous, they're enough to help me. "

"... You love it, I'm watching!"

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