The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 313: Happi Hogan who became a laughing stock, Instant's rapid response department ...

From the moment the golden shelter was unveiled, it has been more than twenty-four hours. The public opinion that has sparked in society has long fermented into a topic of topic, and the interior of the shelter has always remained quiet and peaceful, like It is because of the original intention of Saint-Peter that it was erected by the outside world, which has not disturbed this safe area in any way.

"This is a safe area." "You are safe here." "No one can hurt you here."

Words similar to these "comforting nature" often appear in a variety of situations, but people who have the courage to act on it and have the ability to turn verbal comfort into actual practice Instant is undoubtedly the first of its kind.

For a new thing that breaks the rules, the mixed and almost eternal rules. Some people can understand Incent's starting point and think that his ideal is noble. Some people think that he is too good in his own way. For the legal system that maintains the harmony of today's society, Without respect.

This new hot topic has made "Golden Boy a liar" completely past tense. After the video of the transformation of Saints in public and quickly occupied the entire Internet, everyone undoubtedly understands-this is him Real superheroes are like the Hulk will turn green, the Iron Man will become a robot, the Captain America will change the flag, and Thor will ... uh ...

Because there is no such thing as "inadvertent deception", the transformation is just like the Insanity, which naturally has been understood by most people, except for right-wingers and racial discrimination.

Closer to home, Colleen Win is still interviewing administrative and logistic personnel, the closest to the shelter's welcome building, the first batch of armed personnel who came to find reports from Incente, has been freshly released.

Of course, the Buu-type magic puppets that fly around the sky are of course all-round guardian of the park, but after all, they have no thinking and do not know about the dead things. Because Sainte wants to maintain the good operation of the security system, of course, he is still good at responding to changes. Living people.

Because Sainte gave this department the name "Rapid Response Department" and it was not called the Security Department because of their work, not only limited to defense, but for the time being, I will not mention it.

And these resumes have military backgrounds, all from Stark ’s Ministry of Industrial Security, a total of twelve quick-response units, and the captain is barely an acquaintance of Saint, which is the original bodyguard of Tony Stark , Hapi Hogan.

It must be mentioned that since Tony Stark became Iron Man, Hapi Hogan has undoubtedly become a laughing stock ...

"I'm Iron Man's bodyguard."

This self-introduction, no matter what occasion, what kind of crowd you are facing, and what kind of tone you speak, it is also the rhythm of finding jokes ...

I have to say that Hapi Hogan, who was about to be transferred to the "Stark Building Security Supervisor", would run far and wide to be a captain of Inst. A large part of the reason is For the sake of "Tony Stark is a superhero, he is just an ordinary man".

Of course, the rapid reaction force belonging to Instant cannot be composed of ordinary people. At this time, with his achievements in the field of occultology, he wants to immediately create a group of powerful superpowers. Really Not at all difficult.

Because of the close relationship with Pepper Potts, Happi Hogan naturally learned the news from her, and almost signed up without even thinking about it, and then he was unrivalled by others. The nepotism, with a fairly mediocre personal ability, stands out shamelessly ...


Because Sainte had apparently been greeted beforehand, and unsurprisingly handed an arm to Hapi Hogan: "Welcome to my shelter."

"Glad to be part of it."

Of course, Hapi Hogan knows that Incentive is reminding him that although Tony Stark has nearly half of the shares, you should not be mistaken. This is not the site of Iron Man.

"I'm glad you can think so."

Because of the sacred characteristics, he doesn't really have much opinion on the back door of Hapi Hogan. For the captain of his rapid reaction force, he does not need any hard power, as long as it is trustworthy.

Not strong enough?

Never mind, I give you.

Because of the magic seal of Saint, it is not only able to develop the potential of mutants, but instead of ordinary people, the effect will be better, because, compared to the mutants ’very special qi, his energy for ordinary people ’s life, There is no doubt that it is more thoroughly understood.

Prior to incorporating Saiyan genes, Instant was also an ordinary person.

The twelve quick-responders, led by Hapi Hogan, moved their fingers one by one with Instant and reborn, gaining the power they had never dared to think of before.

"My magic seal is not only developing your potential, it has another role."

The slap patted by Saint, attracted the attention of everyone who was all excited at this time, and stretched out his fingers to a tall, thin white man, saying, "You, come out and show everyone."

After being spotted, the tall and thin white man was a little bit frustrated, followed by the obedient crowd, and came to Yin Shengte.

Instant's next sentence immediately made his face suddenly change.

"This Mr. Smith is the undercover sent by Hydra."

In Sainte's bland tone like "what to eat tonight", after throwing such a flat thunder, he paused and looked at the white Smith and said, "If you don't know Hydra, then It's okay, just understand that he came here for one purpose, and that was to betray us. "

"I don't understand, is there anything wrong with this ..."

White Smith's weak sophistry was abruptly stopped by the solid evidence projected on Friday. With the birth of Jarvis 2.0, Hydra infiltrated the Stark Industries spies, and Jiucheng has been exposed, even if There is also a deep concealment, which is by no means a perimeter security officer.

Driven by the instinct of survival, White Smith suddenly pulled out his spear and started the attack without hesitation. Under the blessing of the magic seal, he had turned over several times of super physical fitness, allowing him a series of attacks. It was as fast as lightning, but the target of his attack was not Instant, but Happi Hogan, who was standing next to the leader, closest to him.

In the mind of white Smith, compared to the unfathomable Instant, Hapi Hogan is undoubtedly more bullied. Only successfully holding him is the only way to survive.

Not to mention this plan, it still underestimates the power of Incente, and white Smith also overestimates his power.

In other words, ~ ~ he should not think that he can use this power unscrupulously in the face of Instant who has given him power.

"You forgot so quickly?"

Because Saint reached out his finger unhurriedly, the swift movement of White Smith stopped abruptly. If you observe carefully, you can see that his legs and feet are shaking violently, as if they are looking at what The things that aren't seen are fighting fiercely.

"I give you your strength."

Because Saint's finger was slightly downward, as he moved, the white Smith sank down, kneeling on the ground without resistance. Compared to his betrayal, he got a new one. Power, also betrayed him: "It is more loyal to me than you."

Facing this situation, including the remaining 11 rapid reaction personnel, including Hapi Hogan, at this time, they are all like a chirping chirp. No one will not understand that, because Saint is killing chickens and monkeys. They The drama in front of me is obviously not over yet.

Just at this tense moment, Yin Sheng snapped his fingers. Take Dragon Ball to Marvel

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