The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 314: The price of gaining strength, slap a sweet date

With a deadly atmosphere as the background, the ringing finger of St. Terna's quietness is undoubtedly very obvious and cannot be ignored.

However, the sight of everyone present was that they did not lean towards his fingers at all.

Because, almost at the same time, with a muffled sound of "噗", a touch of bright red blood, cut through the air and fell on the ground, the shocking picture first attracted everyone's attention, and the thick **** smell that followed. It deprives them of all their hearts.

The next moment, there was a big hole in the chest, and the heart was the entire white Smith who had disappeared. His eyes had lost all his vitality, lost his vitality. From the original kneeling posture, he fell forward weakly, When the corpse "slammed" onto the ground, a pool of dark red blood pools of light reflected slowly spreading on the floor.

Faced with this situation, I realized that the location of the "hole" and the "A" tattoo on the chest completely matched, and no one would not understand, what exactly is going on, Happi Hogan subconsciously Raised the arm of the right hand, pressed it to the heart of the left chest, and swallowed a spit.

Power comes at a price.

Before the Holy Seal was given to the magic seal, this sentence that everyone had tirelessly said one by one, after that, it will obviously be remembered by everyone.

"As you see."

The absolute indifference to take away life, as demonstrated by Sainte at this moment, undoubtedly gave him more awe: "This is a high-risk job. If anyone feels incompetent, now you are standing. The best time to come out. "




In a silence, Yin Sheng gave everyone a boost: "Think about it, this is the only opportunity. Now I will withdraw, and I will only take back your power, regardless of the reason. In the future, there will be no such thing. Good thing. "

Even so, none of the eleven people headed by Hapi Hogan have retreated, and have tasted the power to have it. It is not easy to give up, even if it is to pay for it.


Because Sainte clearly understood the principle of "slap and give a sweet date." Then, he gave Happi Hogan ten special bracelets that were different from the "standard dog brand", let him one by one After the distribution, a black "M" bracelet is added on these surfaces, which not only releases the energy stored inside, temporarily supports a double magic shield with ice inside and lava outside, but also can be used for Summon and control a Buu-type magic puppet that is bound to the bracelet. In simple terms, not only one person gives a life-saving skill, but the other also sends a baby.

As the captain, Hapi Hogan is given a more special bracelet. In addition to the above-mentioned functions, he can also deprive other bracelets of the function at any time. In other words, his this is the highest authority "mother The "ring", the others, are subject to his "sub-ring".

Instant put the recovered eleven standard dog tags back into the silver safety suitcase, and then filled this full box with a bracelet that was infused with the energy of ice and fire, and handed it over to Hapi Hogan for safekeeping: "Under any circumstances, these bracelets must not leave the park. If something is lost, notify me immediately. Of course, your special bracelet is not included."

"I know."

Hapi Hogan took the suitcase seriously. Under the premise that none of them, such as quick-response personnel or Sainte himself, took the initiative to control, no one wearing the bracelet would be harmed. When it comes to the Buu-type magic puppet attack, it is obvious that whether these bracelets are kept safely involves the security of the entire park.

This is why, while Incente infused energy into these bracelets, it also left an unsolvable backhand. As mentioned earlier, the ice and fire will explode, but if someone thinks that they can get it, If the ring is victory ...

After the task of issuing and recovering dog tags was handed over to Hapi Hogan, Sainte threw a single-handed qigong wave at will, evaporating the corpses and blood on the ground completely. When this distorted air The thick beam of energy, after completing the mission of destroying corpses, has not had time to leave any obvious marks on the floor. It is under his control and disappears as if it was blown away by the wind. If let Colleen Wen saw that the level of Turtle Qigong he had achieved has probably suffered another blow ...

Of course, Hapi Hogan and others who see this scene in their eyes will not have the leisurely elegance like Colleen Wen, but will only be warned.

After handling the tail of the hand, Yin Sheng took the entire rapid response department that was formally in charge, out of the welcome building, and came to the large sentry box which is one with the gate of the shelter.

Said to be a "sentinel", this expansive three-story building, called a fortress, may be more suitable. You should know that this area originally belonged to the Stark Industrial Park. It was an arsenal before it was abandoned. It attaches great importance to the security system. That is conceivable, and no matter when it is, Stark Industries is the master of money.

He had to set up a branch in the Golden Sanctuary before he could provide information to Incente, who was settled in this building.

"You look very busy?"

The special agent of the SHIELD is the black widow Natasha Romanov. Earlier, after Santa lost her batch of dog tags, she has been drying her until now, so this sentence: " This is really strange. "

"What do you mean?"

In Sainte, of course, he heard the subtext of the black widow sarcasticly saying "You are a lazy man" and pouted: "How are you still? I thought you just gave me away."

"How do you think so?"

The black widow shrugged. "Can't I be the head of this branch?"

"If you were expecting to hear the words" big talent and small use "from my mouth ..."

Instant poked his lips again: "You think wrong, I just think that Nick Fury needs you to go everywhere."


The corner of the black widow's mouth moved slightly, because the truth in the Saint's words was true. As for the words themselves ...

"I'm here to help you with a line."

At this time, the black widow, deeply troubled by many complaints such as "Why can't I beat him", resolutely changed his word and said: "Three identical mutant sisters, can you introduce me? Getting acquainted."

"唷. UU Kanshu"

Because Sainte raised his eyebrows, he was a little surprised: "You SHIELD, sometimes you can't find anyone?"


The black widow took a closer look at Yin Shengte's expression, and confirmed that he was really stupid, not pretending to be stupid: "Of course, finding people is not a problem, but are they mentally capable, are they OK? Can they be contacted casually?"


Because Sainte nodded suddenly, and then dismissed him: "This is what Nick Fury meant? As for being so nervous? Even if your SHIELD secret will go down, others may not be rare."

The Black Widow didn't answer the question and tried to understand what happened to Inst .: "You should guess that we are trying to get more Hydra out. This is undoubtedly a good thing for you. Help us. Is a win-win situation. "

"You're looking for the wrong person. They are Lorna's friends. You need to find a match. Go to her." Take Dragon Ball to Marvel.

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