The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 322: Push Captain America's Black Widow

"Not ..."

Steve Rogers explained halfway and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Forget it, you won't understand, unless you also have a date that is 65 years late."

"Dating ... this is really interesting, you actually mentioned the word before me."

The black widow slightly raised her cheeks, with a playful expression, took a watch that did not exist on her wrist, and made a time-seeking action: "I have arranged an appointment with Ms. Carter for you, and you have an hour to prepare , Of course, I use the name of SHIELD. "


Steve froze a little, and unconsciously opened his eyes: "Why do you do this?"

"For your personal safety."

The black widow did not mention the situation of "Instant has seen Kama Taj's Supreme Master", shrugged her shoulders and said, "Let me see you so indecisive, I'm afraid I can't help but You shoot. "


Steve lowered his head silently, and made a gesture of "no support, but equivalent to support". He held his head so silent for a long while, and then raised his head again. The pair was always blue. In the gloomy eyes, the confused look was swept away, and there was even a mood to match the previous joke of the black widow: "Then if I eat a bullet now, can I not go to the appointment? "

"of course."

The black widow patted the holster tied to her thigh: "I'm willing to help, as long as you have the courage, put Ms. Carter's pigeon again."

"In theory, it wasn't me who asked her."

"Are you kidding yourself? Level 8 Agent Rogers?"

"Peggy doesn't know I joined SHIELD."

"Man, do you want to be so naive? You stood with us to fight the Hydra, and we have already cut out wonderful shots and made a promotional video."

"... Thisthingneverends ..." (The trailer is endless.)

"Theayiseeit, itsuitsyouell." (In my opinion, this thing works well with you.)



At the same time, deep in the underground of Li's Chinese Restaurant, Yin Sheng's gravity chamber.

"Uh ah ah!"

Due to the mad roar of Saint, he reluctantly released the self-suppression using the breath mask, and he regained the breath-added physical energy, so it suddenly increased sharply, originally under 21 times the gravity of the earth He was in a difficult position, and the whole person was relaxed in an instant. However, he did not feel a joy because of the improvement of the situation.

"Why is this?"

Because Shengte frowned, because when he first acquired the gravimeter, the highest multiple could only be seventeen times. In order to maximize the physical strength of the body, he thought of shielding his breath and relying on the body alone. The method of conquering gravity, however, has been quite effective. After he broke through twenty times gravity, it no longer works.

"Twenty-one times is the limit of the Saiyan? Don't make a joke ..."

Because Sainte deeply felt that he had fallen into some kind of misunderstanding, instead of deliberately trying to drill the horns of the horns, he changed his mind without any reluctance: "It may only be ... I have completely walked out of 'Strength is Qiqiang' In the early stages, you will only be able to step back into the path of 'qiqiqiqiqiang' ... "

"... That's right."

According to Sun Wukong's knowledge and the Dragon Ball world plot, Yin Shengte confirmed his inference: "At the middle and late stages, whether it is Earth people, Saiyan people, or Namik people, once their own breath is consumed too much , Physical fitness will quickly weaken with it ... "

"Body alone has limits for any race ..."

Because Sainte decisively raised a blue flame on his body (in the untransformed state): "I can only become stronger by combining my body and breath more and more, and finally break through the Saiyan limit and become ... ... "

"Super Saiyan !!!"

Because Sainte claims to be awesome. In fact, his current goal is to break the Saiyan's full power to 40%. As long as the transformation status bonus can reach four times, he is temporarily So contented.

Although it is said that by far the most powerful weapon of Saint is still a space gem. At this time, instead of brushing up the experience of the mage, he came to practice the warrior level. It seemed to be a bit upside down, but combined with the Dragon Ball world The particularity is definitely worthy of mentioning that the knife is not accidentally cut.

As mentioned earlier, "qi" is the eternal theme of the Dragon Ball world. As long as the "right way" is used to develop this human life energy, there will not be any shortcomings, strength, agility, and intellectual all-round balanced development. There is no weakness at all. The warrior Niubi was forced to this level of the world, and it is no wonder that the mage has lost the position of pro-son ... (intelligence refers to mental power, not IQ ...)

The Dragon Ball World protagonist Sun Wukong, the self-made Saiyan full power, the addition to the human body in the transformed state is undoubtedly the "very correct way", that is, when Saint became a golden boy, it doubled Not only strength and agility, but also intelligence.

And for any mage, in addition to the "knowledge" that cannot be quantified, what other attributes are more important than intelligence? Character?

Compared with the full power of 30% of Saiyans, if Inte can make a breakthrough on this basis, the intelligence attribute will suddenly increase by more than one third (the basic combat power will increase during the exercise, and the basic mental strength will also become stronger with it. , So more than one-third.), Already has enough knowledge reserves, can fully let the intelligence attribute shine, in the case of the enhancement of one's own strength, it is obviously also immediate.

The issue is……

"Hmm ... this efficiency ..."

Yin Sheng pouted, and after raising the power of the gravimeter to 22 times the gravity of the earth, he was very aware of it. Now that he has switched to the practice based on gas, it is no longer Squeezing the body to push out the potential is as simple and rude as possible. Therefore, the rapid progress he has made before will no doubt have a good time ~ ~ so ... ”

Because Sainte shook his head and sighed, "Another trick is going to die ..."

The reason why he said so, of course, is to open the breath shield, relying on physical energy to conquer gravity of up to ten or twenty times, is purely a dead act ...

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, if you continue to work, you will really die. This is the key reason for Saint to have to change her mind and even practice the way ...

As for the Saiyan ’s racial talent “being dying and becoming stronger”, because Sainte had already understood a truth almost when he was not nearly dead by the space gem, the true dying state is something that can be encountered but not sought. At least, for a person who is extremely scared of death, it is useless to deliberately, if you are not careful, you will make a worthless situation. Even if you succeed, you will only get some small profits. That little advantage is not enough to suffer ...

I have to say that such an inferior BUG-level talent did not meet a second-level attribute explosion, and identified himself as the "immortal protagonist" reckless master. It is really a sorrow, but a pity ...

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