The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 323: 2 crabs, 1 Antarctic research station, 8 sled dogs

? Just as Incente is still thinking "what new tricks should be changed to become stronger quickly", Captain America is still thinking "what to wear to go on a date with Peggy", Iron Man and Hulk are also thinking about "the From what direction to expand the depth of nanotechnology, "Thor Thor is still thinking about this time point of" what posture to use ... cough! "...

At the gate of the golden sanctuary, the first crab eater and the first freshly-frozen crab appeared at the same time ... (Did I steal someone's line?)

Unlike the other magical magpies that patrol the entire park by flying, because the two blue Buu used by Saint to guard the gate, because there is no "site rule" as a limitation, it is obviously not possible to use the same active attack setting. , Always in a passive state of "attacks will only be counterattacked", that is, under the premise that Incent has no initiative to control, unless some people find it impossible to find death, these are two devices to scare people .

I was able to maintain the peace and security for three days and two nights. The deterrent power of these two magic watchdogs is not weak. However, after such a long wait and see period, there was finally a brave guy who thought he was right The determination-this is actually two balloons that are selling very differently ...

The "blogger" who wants to be famous and want to go crazy, guesses that it is wrong and wrong. To a certain extent, the correct answer is uttered. All Buu-type magic maggots are essentially full. The “balloon” of energy, whether it is a flying action or an attack, can be regarded as a “deflation” method. What should be done when the gas is deflated, and it also acts as a gas storage tank and a pump. Existence, it is the nest that is transformed by the reaction of the giant ark. When the energy stored in the magic puppet is lower than the preset value of the Saint, it will spontaneously go to "inflate".

It is right to think that the two watchdogs are balloons, but it's barely right, but it is wrong to think that balloons are harmless ...

The male blogger, who has a certain fan base on the blog, successfully summoned the ambulance from the roar, was carefully lifted onto the stretcher by two rescue workers, and rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment. Buu sent a small stone and received a complete video in return of the ice beam. Since it was in the form of live broadcast, no matter his final outcome, it was already famous ...

And the first white male who came to the golden shelter to ask for help, happened to take a look at this scene, and was almost frightened to turn and run away ...

Of course, this "Jerry Sheppel", who is not a New York native, travelled from Los Angeles on the west coast across the entire United States by plane, only to arrive here dustily, but not here At that time, this place gave up asking for help, and quickly overcome the fear of the unknown in his heart. He firmly came to the gatehouse of the sentry box and reported his identity and intention.

It's a bit ironic that the first adventure guide who came to the Golden Sanctuary was not seeking asylum, the help he needed, and it had nothing to do with supernatural powers. type.

However, it is such a normal person who makes a request that is not too big or too small, close to life, but with amazing efficiency, he is notified all the way through the green light, and finally alarmed the "President Wen" .

Basically all of you guessed wrong, it wasn't Jerry Shepard's "first caller in history" that gave him a special treatment, but his request, which almost made everyone , Can not produce the idea of ​​rejection.

So, when Instant was "summoned instantly" again, the first thing he saw was Colleen Wen, whose eyes were red.

"Papi." (Puppy, puppies, milk dogs.)

Colleen Wen used the nickname of Incent's boudoir in public, "You must help him, immediately, immediately, now."


As Saint Teo resisted the urge to cover his face, suppressing the thick shame rising from the bottom of his heart, he coughed, "I have to know, how can I help him?"

He did n’t ask, but the words did n’t fall. Jerry Sheppel with agitated faces, Hapi Hogan with a strong nasal sound, and Colleen Wen, etc., were all more emotional and already tearful. Female compatriots opened their mouths at the same time, even with the superhuman ear of Yin Shengte, it is difficult to hear a meaningful complete speech in the noise.


Because Saint Te raised his arm high, he stopped everyone's shame. "What Antarctica Expedition? What eight sled dogs? What did those dogs save his life but was abandoned in Waiting for death in the snow and ice? What a mess? "

Among the messy noises, it is rare for Saint to be able to hear a few keywords. To know, put in the ears of ordinary people is a "buzzing" noise, he Reaching out to the Lord Jerry Sheppel, "You said it alone, everyone else shut up for me."

After a short while, I could n’t help but be impressed when I learned of the entire story. In short, eight sled dogs rescued the owner Jerry Shepard in a catastrophic ice storm in Antarctica. , And the life of one of his companions, however, during the subsequent emergency evacuation, he had to be left in the snow outside the station due to the lack of transportation capacity of the inspection station. After all, in any case, it was still People first.

This is not to say that the person in charge of the investigation station decided to abandon those sled dogs, but made the right choice, but that it was a helpless and difficult choice, and according to the original plan, someone should return to the air In the form of transportation, a second batch of evacuation was provided for those sled dogs, but under the intensification of natural disasters, the plan could not keep up with the changes and wasted.

"You said, it was 15 days ago?"

The deep frown on Sainte's frowned fully illustrates his not-so-optimistic mentality: "Moreover, the sled dogs were not only exposed to the ultra-low temperature of minus thirty to forty degrees, they were even tied to the original Land? "

"I know what you are thinking."

Jerry Sheppel said with a fascinating self-confidence and unswervingly said, "I know from the bottom of my heart that they must be alive."


For a while, Saint didn't know what to say. This matter was difficult for others to reach the sky, but for him, sincerely it was just a hand, but if he opened the portal to the South Pole, Appearing outside the station were the bodies of eight sled dogs ...

He really wondered if Jerry Shepard could survive the blow ...

"I beg you."

Jerry Shepard saw that Sainte didn't speak, and rightly thought that he was still hesitating, whether he should give a helping hand, and immediately asked again in a sincere tone: "I must go back there, Rightno, I have found NSF, and other government-related departments, and even various private foundations, but these have taken too long. Only you can help me seize the time. Please ... helpme ... "(NSF,; Sce, National Science Foundation.)

The more you say that ... the more I can't bear to sever your hopes ...

In the end, Sainte decided not to say a word ~ ​​ ~ even if he did not believe that a miracle would happen, it would never be at this time. Give reality.


Because Sainte had judged what she was going to shout from Colleen Win ’s mouth shape, before the nickname “little milk dog” reappeared, she erected a forefinger like a lightning and arrived at her red lips. On: "I'll start positioning now, you guys prepare, and you're ready to go."

"it is good!"

Colleen Wenxin nodded comprehensibly, not to mention Jerry Sheppel, an ordinary person, even if she was not such a sturdy physique because of Saint, you could ignore the extreme climate of the Antarctic, if there is no professional level of cold protection Clothing, ordinary people in the ultra-low temperature of tens of degrees below zero, will not be able to sustain a minute, they will face the danger of life. In her case, it will be fine for a short time, but it will not work for a long time.


Jerry Sheppel clenched his fists and waved in the air, dancing and dancing, just at the moment Instant said, his greatest hope was undoubtedly that he had opened his arms to him.

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