The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 334: Angel, fire girl, boulder, popular, water man

"Maybe the enemy will have mechanical armor similar to a steel suit?"

In the tactical hall of the Trident building, the Captain America wearing a Stars and Stripes uniform and a red, blue and white shield of gold, frowned and asked Phil Coulson, "Where is Stark? Situation, he has an inescapable responsibility. "

For Dr. Zola, who is basically equivalent to Ultron, as long as it is online, it is whatever he wants, and before Jarvis followed the upgrade, even Iron Man's private database was no exception. Why Captain America has said this, no need to repeat it.

"We didn't notify him."

Coulson does not have Captain America's exclusive hatred of Iron Man's nephew. He can't understand it completely, and his expression will inevitably look a little weird: "This is the task of our SHIELD, and we are fully capable of solving it ourselves. . "


In Peggy Carter's mind, it is somewhat clear: "Tony Stark is not Howard, and it is not 1944. You cannot ask him by the same standard."


Steve Rogers uncovered this in silence, and pulled the focus of the topic back to the task: "From the information I have read, even the Hydra's Mechanical Corps is not as good as Stark's steel suit. That is not an enemy that ordinary agents can cope with. We should use an elite squad as an arrow, and first enter the enemy camp to attract firepower and try to avoid unnecessary sacrifice. "


With affirmation, Nick Fury, who was late, stepped into the tactical hall side by side with Maria Hill, and the reason for the long overdue was behind them.

It is the Super Agent team headed by Angel Fizel, supported by the magic seal given by Saint. The five mutants' fighting ability is undoubted, but when it comes to tactical literacy, it obviously does not match strength. After more than a month of field training, the SHIELD raid on Hydra was also their first actual combat.


The person in charge of the Super Agent team is Maria Hill, the deputy commander of SHIELD. At the direction of Nick Fury, she led five powerful mutants and came forward to introduce them in turn. : "For our Super Agent team, everyone should be familiar. This is the captain-angel. In addition to being able to fly, her wings are powerful and her feathers are indestructible. It can be used as a shield to protect teammates. Be a sharp blade to destroy the enemy. "

"The Fire Girl is able to store any form of light and heat absorption in the body and release it in the form of a flame. She is the strongest in the daytime, and there is a problem of poor power at night."

"The boulder has the ability to petrify the whole body. According to our tests, the overall hardness of the body is close to that of diamond. As the density of the body increases after transformation, his strength will be increased by the same magnitude. Relatively, agility and flexibility It will be reduced as a result. "

"Follow the wind, walk with the wind, and have the same flying ability as angels, and can summon storms in any form, even creating catastrophic tornadoes. One thing that must be noted is that the wind does not have eyes, and her ability is extremely easy. Cause accidental injury. "

"Water people can not only integrate themselves into liquid water, move at super high speeds in a way we have not yet understood, but also can control water molecules in any form within a small range. For a human body weighing more than 70%, his ability is undoubtedly a lethal weapon. "

With the appearance of these five killers, Coulson ’s confidence that “we are fully capable of solving it by ourselves” is self-evident. It has developed its own energy and equipped it. After the Ulu Necklace, the combat effectiveness has been significantly improved by a level of Captain America. In the face of the SHIELD's strongest weapon at this time, it is inevitable that a sense of weakness is born.

Even if it is "the enhanced version of Captain America with a shield", it is only possible to win a super agent. If they are pinched by two or more people, they can only show the spirit of "I can fight for a day" ...

One more day in this new century will make this world more and more strange ...

The Captain America thinking about this does not know that it belongs to the golden age of the mutant. In fact, it is the same with him in the last century, but the rise of the mutant is that he became mysteriously disappeared after he became a lollipop. The whole Quickly faded, before he thaw again ...

"Steve Rogers."

Captain America took a step forward and shook hands with Angel Fizer and others. The mood was complicated and complicated. It is undoubtedly reassuring to have these powerful mutants as teammates.

Witnessing this scene, Nick Fury has more ambivalent psychological activities than Captain America. The current SHIELD undoubtedly possesses the supernatural combat power he has always wanted. However, one of these combat powers is counted for one reason. What Sage created by himself cannot be said to be "a power that belongs to SHIELD".

The five variants of the Super Agent team live and die between the thoughts of the Saints. The various energy weapons equipped by the elite agents require the support of Rubik's Cube energy blocks that only he can manufacture, and they only have something like "the improved version of Kunlun This kind of practice knowledge learned from him, relatively speaking, is not too embarrassing, but only by adding Ulu equipment that he can build, can he play a significant role. , But there is only one Melinda May.

A very realistic situation is that SHIELD ’s reliance on Yin Shengte has become more and more serious over time. If one day, his attitude towards SHIELD suddenly changes, bringing The consequences are undoubtedly catastrophic.

For Nick Fury, who always wants to "keep everything under control", this current situation is obviously unacceptable and must be changed.

The process of the Avengers plan must be accelerated.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury is obviously playing the abacus that "eggs cannot be put in a basket." Both relying on SHIELD and the relatively independent Avengers Alliance are obviously a very reliable basket. It's perfect for dividing eggs.

In Nick Fury's mind, the cornerstone used to form the Avengers is naturally Captain America. Especially, with Peggy Carter's return, his sense of belonging to SHIELD is undoubtedly gained. Further strengthening.

As the founder of the SHIELD ~ ~ Peggy Carter naturally retired as a 33rd-level official. Although she returned, she had an alternative semicolon, but it made sense. It was impossible for Nick Fury to demote her, and after re-establishing "Agent Carter", thirty-three officials converted to an agent level, which is the highest ten level.

Although the level is the same, no matter how rich Peggy Carter's original experience is, Peggy Carter is undoubtedly an out-and-out rookie. It is very interesting that the "Thirteen Agents" she personally trained , Which is her niece "Sharon Carter", is now training her in turn ...

As a rookie to a rookie, as early as 1944, Peggy Carter was already a qualified fighter. In this operation, naturally, Nick Fury was not pressed on the cold bench. Of course, her Kunlun Gas refining has not yet been introduced, and the use of modern firearms is far from being skilled. The "Arrow Team" led by Captain America naturally does not have her share and is placed in the second echelon.

It took a while to catch the Hydra tail of the Hydra. This operation was naturally full force. In addition to Clint Button, who was on a mission far away in Europe, Natasha Romanov, Phil Coulson and Melinda May are all in the first echelon. Maria Hill is the commander of the action at the front. As for the director Nick Fury, it is natural to stay behind and control the overall situation.

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