The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 335: Sprawling madness, we have inner ghosts between us

"Callhim !!!" (call him!)

The black widow shook her head violently, and with that big red wave dancing elastically in control, the black gray on the hair fluttered in the wind: "He \ 'stheonlyonecansolvethis!" (He is the only one who can solve "this" People!)

Just looking at the black widows whose strength is in the upper part of the pyramid, they were all embarrassed by the gray-faced virtues, and they knew that the SHIELD raid on Hydra was obviously a business trip.

"Already tried."

Maria Sher, the commander of the operation, was already bloodied on her forehead at this time, and in a state of 100,000 urgency, she still remained calm and replied in the communication channel: "His phone is unreachable, it is likely that Leaving the earth, Coulson, you know Tandi Bowen best, Callher. "

"I \ 'monit!" (I'm doing this.)

Coulson's voice in the communication channel would be much more anxious. After Incente informed him that Tandy Bowen existed as an emergency contact, he naturally immediately reported this important information. After entering the game, as long as it is an agent with sufficient authority, he also stored the number of Tanti Bowen as soon as possible, and Maria Hill arranged this because the acquaintance called him and saved Go for a lot of explanation time.

"hurry up."

The black widow folded her arms together on her chest, and a pair of bright black metal armguards slammed together, an invisible shock wave that distorted the air, spreading in front of her in a fan shape, pushing After flying a few figures approaching her crazy, a closer look revealed that these "enemies" were all combatants belonging to SHIELD.

"This 'crazy' spreads too crazy!"

Obviously, the SHIELD, which traces the "heterogeneous energy that can make people lose their minds," slammed into the trap set by Hydra, and concentrated all the black and white energy blocks at their expense. When all **** is triggered, not only the ordinary agents with the largest base number are instantly "crazy" more than half. Even the super agent team that is the ace has two unfortunately. It is the "megalith" with the worst mobility. And the Fire Girl with the same short legs.

After being invaded by black and white energy, the human body in a "symbiotic state" with this energy will only have the instinct of "survival and reproduction", lose its own mind, and do not use the fire consciousness of the mutant consciousness, which is insufficient. For the sake of consideration, however, the same reason, the boulder that had been transformed before the start of the war will not control itself to go back. The "Angel", Captain America and Angel Fizer, only worked together to barely control the situation.

It's not that the boulder has no brain, it's so strong, but after being polluted by heterogeneous energy, the so-called "reproduction" does not refer to human reproduction, but to the spread of energy, in any form. In the case of contact, they will be infected. Captain America has a vibrating shield that does not conduct energy, and angels have feather-insulated wings. Otherwise, let alone restrict the boulder, self-protection is a problem.

This threat of "crazy when you meet", plus the fear of not hurting yourself, "crazy spread" in the words of the black widow, but there is no meaning to exaggerate, they can only support these top-notch strengths, strength Where can ordinary people cope with this situation? After a while, the little ordinary agents who survived the first wave of outbreaks are no more than ten.

"How did Hydra know we were coming?"

Captain America took one hand out of his busy schedule and raised a question for a long time on the headset: "Precisely arranged to such an extent, by no means can be hurriedly prepared in a short period of time, it may only be They got intelligence in advance and predicted our actions. "

With all that said, of course, the black widow could not understand Captain America's meaning, and frowned, and replied: "Rogers, there is no problem in our cleanup operation. In the face of the interrogation of the mental ability, no one can hide The secret in the heart, although the cuckoo sisters are not trustworthy, they cannot easily break the covenant when Instant acts as a middleman. No one dares to offend Instant and our SHIELD at the same time. That is suicide. "

"But not everyone has been questioned."

Captain America blasted out a very sensitive topic: "Fry's order, all agents above eighth level have immunity in the clearance operation."

The cuckoo sisters will definitely perform their due diligence. That ’s right, but that does n’t mean that they wo n’t have any small actions. If you use the power of the mind to “carelessly” see more secrets, then even God The shield is also nothing to say, because Sainte does not care about such trivial matters, and agents above level 8 undoubtedly represent that there are secrets above level 8 in his mind. Why does Nick Fury have such an order? It is conceivable.

And just looking at the Hawkeyes is only level seven, we know that there are only a handful of agents of the SHIELD and above. There are only a few suspects, and most of them are on the scene. Where is the topic sensitive? No need to mention it.


Peggy Carter stopped Captain America, who didn't think about it, to avoid the possibility of internal contradictions: "This is not the time to say this. We can no longer fight for ourselves. We must immediately gather together and break through."


Maria Hill vehemently rejected Peggy Carter's proposal: "If alien energy diffuses into densely populated cities, the consequences are unimaginable. We cannot afford this risk. We must stay to attract attention and not let things go any further. Upgrade. "

"We can't stand it anymore, just stay here and wait!"

In response to Carter's challenge, Hill responded indifferently: "Keep going."

After all, Hill immediately asked again: "Colson?"

Phil Coulson, who didn't reply the first time, apparently was talking on another line, and after a while he switched back to the battlefield communication channel: "Tandy Bowen is already communicating with Incent, he should Will be there soon. "


At the same time ~ ~ Mirror World's New York.

It will not affect the real world mirror world in any form. It is undoubtedly a treasure trove for mutants who are notorious for their ability to control. Since Instant has initially mastered the technique of entering and exiting this different dimension, it has become After learning about Lorna's favorite training ground, the brothers and sisters of Maximov who were trained by her can unbridled freely, and of course they fell in love at first sight.

Whether it is Wanda ’s “chaos magic” with both “psychic gems” and “real gems”, or Pietro ’s “rapid magic” with both “space gems” and “time gems”, a threat to the real world They are no less than Lorna. In the situation that the shelter has become more and more lively, of course Incentives want them to practice the mutant ability in the mirror world.

Just like a runaway wild horse, Pitrot ran wild, with a pale blue speed fluttering all over his body, passing like a ray of smoke in front of the main building of the shelter, and then ... a sharp turn, Go back around.

Insent, who was practicing on the square in front of the main building, was gone ...

"... What about people?"

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