The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 339: I really want to forget something, the shield and the snake that fight wit

? Because Sainte opened a portal directly to the Trident building, and sent all the staff of the SHIELD in a fragile state with a serious lack of self-protection ability, etc., after all returned to the headquarters safely, they were preparing to talk to Tandy Bowen Going to New Orleans together, the expression suddenly frowned.

Tandy, who was holding hands with him, realized that he hadn't moved for a long time, then turned his head immediately and looked at him with a doubt: "What's wrong?"


Yin Sheng frowned slightly, raised a right index finger, and scratched his cheek with his finger: "I always feel like I forgot something ..."


Tandy poked her lips, and her expression became colder by three minutes. In this more than half a month, since Sainte and Colleen Win co-founded the golden asylum, she naturally was inevitably left out. Although she can get close to Instant at any time through the spiritual link, but the illusory feeling seems real again, and it is always inferior to the companionship of the real world.

"If you have to go 'Save the World' somewhere else, then open a door and send me back."

The thick ironic accident in Tandy ’s words, because of course Sant was clearly understood, he immediately shook his head without hesitation, and instantly thought of “there is nothing to do” coming out of his mind, Thrown out of the clouds: "It's just an illusion, let's go." (Lona, Wanda, Pietro: ... Illusion?)


At the same time, Washington, DC, the top floor of a building near National Mall.

"We have to get rid of In Saint Lee."

Just listening to the weird and thin electronic sounds, we knew that it was Dr. Zola who was talking: "He is still a day alive, and our great cause cannot be achieved."

"I agree."

On the surface, Gideon Malik, one of the members of the "World Security Council" that supervises the SHIELD, was a perfect plan calculated by the authorities. In the end, he was unsatisfied. Dr. La is less, but he is also old and sophisticated. When it comes to the word "stable", Dr. Zola, who lived longer than him, is far worse than him: "But it is not the time now, and it does not cause doubt Under the circumstances, use your "Big Soldier" again as soon as possible. We need accurate information to find the fatal weakness of the "God of the World." We can't afford to face an enemy like him. "

"We don't need to risk exposing Rogers."

When it comes to Dr. Zola's "observation", it is the most exaggerated on earth: "I have seen his weakness."

"Tell me."

"The girl who appeared with him today."

"That's your good idea? Need me to remind you, how much has the organization paid for the mistakes made by Pierce?"

"No, no, no, I'm not talking about the clumsy means of abduction."

"Specifically, if we are going to touch his inverse scale, we must be able to make a fatal blow."

"First, we need ..."

"... it's worth a try, get ready, you have the support of the organization."


At the same time, one of the SHIELD headquarters, the Trident building.

It was the tactical hall before departure, and the senior staff of SHIELD, headed by Nick Fury, gathered together.

"It's only been a few days since you joined SHIELD? For those you don't know, don't just stretch out your fingers." (Pointingfinger.)

Nick Fury first criticized Steve Rogers for his recklessness, and then affirmed: "The problem must be within us, but it must not be everyone present."


The black widow raised her corner of the mouth, and activated the dull atmosphere: "Ferry, I have been really flattered when you even believe in people."

Nick Fury glanced at the Black Widow expressionlessly. At this time, apparently he was not in the mood to appreciate her sense of humor: "Did you forget the extraordinary agents' rebellion? I suspect that, apart from them, the Bureau Someone else was brainwashed by Zola. "


As the former Captain of the Extraordinary Task Force, Melinda May was the first to understand Nick Fury's meaning: "Before Zola used some means to 'trigger', they didn't know they had been hit. That's why they can pass the scrutiny of the psychic. "


Nick Fury turned her attention to Maria Hill, who was responsible for recruiting the extraordinary agents at the beginning of her mission: "Find out who has been in contact with Zola's equipment."


Hill responded expressionlessly. After receiving the order, he turned sharply and left, deserving to be the loyalty of Nick Fury. However, unfortunately, in the original plot, he later succeeded the director of SHIELD. It was Coleson, not her, of course, but of course, it might be that time, after she fell apart, there were only a few SHIELDs that were crooked and inferior ...

Obviously, SHIELD will not have any key actions against Hydra until it finds out who is the inner ghost, and not only that, the agents who have been greatly injured due to purification side effects, also need time to restore their heyday. Most of the SHIELD people are right, but the elite of hundreds of elites do not mean that substitution can be substituted.

After a while, Nick Fury was disbanded on the bright side, hiding the rest and so on, leaving a black widow secretly.

"let me guess."

Before Black Fury spoke, the black widow said what he thought: "Rogers?"

Nick Fury nodded his head silently. The so-called "certainly not everyone present" just ended here. He is not a pure Captain America. The more he doubts in his heart, the more apparent he will be. Show it.

"Not impossible."

Although the words of the black widow say so, from the perspective of physical movements, they shake their heads to express a negative meaning, apparently just to pave the way for the transition: "However, the action of Hydra kidnapping him did not make Yin Sheng This variable is calculated. We rescue him very quickly. Zola should not have a chance to do something to him. "

"I need to be sure."

"Well then, I will stare at him."

"Not enough ~ ~ Do you want me to give him false information?"

"No, real intelligence is very valuable intelligence for Hydra."

"If he doesn't actually have a problem, if we test him like this, then there will be a problem."

"It's not difficult for you to ask him to ask."

"It's still risky, others are stupid, yes, but not stupid."

"This is a risk that must be taken."

"Youaretheboss." (You are the boss, you have the final say.)

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