The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 340: Unlike mages like warriors, weird movements

"It's getting dark."

Wanda Maximov, who has been trapped in the mirror world for a long time, will inevitably seem a little irritable at this time, although here is changing with the real world, New York is also a bright night city, there is no "lost daylight" Question, but she couldn't help but say, "We still have to wait like this?"

"We have no choice."

Lorna pouted her lips. "You also saw the end of that coat."

Even because of Sainte, he was only able to break the "mirror" and create a "fracture that can see the real world." It was not possible to create a "crystal wall that could pass safely." "Imitation, of course, not to mention, when she took off the red leather jacket she was wearing and tried to throw it into the rift, she got countless pieces of broken skin.

Wanda is very similar and he smirked, and resigned unwillingly: "I remember that Lee once said to Pietro that the master of Karma Taj sometimes appeared in this world."

"I know what you are thinking."

Lorna shook her head without hesitation: "The boss told him the same, if you see them while running around, don't make any contact."

"Is it time to be compliant?"

Wanda's trust in Instant is obviously not as high as that of Lorna, but what I have to say is that this time, her distrust is completely correct ...


Lorna groaned a little, shrugging her shoulders: "Even if I agree to do this, where are we going to find those wizards? And how do you know that they would be willing to help us?"

"It's not easy? Isn't it just a matter of reporting Lee's name?"

Listening to what Wanda said, Lorna could not help rolling her eyes, and she was particularly eye-catching against the dark smoky makeup: "I mean, who knows if a strange mage is friendly? Here, but Their home court, if it is going to be against us, I'm not sure I can protect you. "

"You know I'm older than you?"

Wanda's eyes widened without losing to Lorna, and her **** were indeed more magnificent than Lorna: "We are brothers and sisters. We can't protect you from our turn."


Lorna's silent silence made people wonder if she had any strange associations ...

At this moment, a light blue light band that was obviously lightning fast, but appeared to be unusually soft, approached the two sisters very abruptly. Before the trace left by this rapid force dissipated in the air, the speed Beyond the limit of human vision, Pietro Maximov has jumped out of the air in an ordinary way. The first time he appeared in shape, he pointed in one direction and said: "There, there is personal."

Hearing that, Wanda couldn't help but hesitated and asked, "Karma Taj's mage?"

"His dress and movement style doesn't look like a mage."

Pietro gently lifted his left shoulder, and his head crooked. "Overall, it's more like a martial arts person like Lee, well, it's more retro than him."

"Is he coming here?"

Lorna not only asked such a sentence nervously, combined with the absence of Farewell Saint, the approach of a "retro warrior who may be related to him" is obviously more likely to be malicious.

"Hard to say."

Pietro frowned slightly, his eyes revealing an inexplicable doubt: "His movement is strange, I can't judge his direction."

"So weird?"

Wanda seemed to have the same feelings as his twin brother, and frowned at nearly the same time as Pietro: "What a weird way."

"Uh ... well ... it's hard to describe in words ..."

Pietro searched his gut for a long time before he found the appropriate wording: "It's like when he runs, the whole world is twisted under his feet, and the surrounding environment changes with each step."



Obviously, both Wanda and Lorna did not understand. Before seeing how Kama Taj's mage manipulated and changed the world of the mirror, no words would undoubtedly appear too pale.

"Although I don't know, will he pass through here?"

Pietro did not try to continue the description, skipped this step, and stated his judgment: "But he must not be directed at us, I am sure that he is not chasing something, but is running away what."

"Run away?"

Wanda subconsciously turned her eyes to Lorna, saying what the behavior meant: "Danger."


Lorna nodded surely, and asked Pietro: "You only saw him? I mean, have you seen him because of what he ran away for?"


Pietro shook his head without hesitation: "It seems everything ... can't be said to be normal, it can only be said that there is nothing to note."


Lorna pursed her lips and looked back at Wanda: "What do you think?"

"We have to get in touch with him."

Wanda's analysis is well-founded: "He can enter the mirror world, he can go back to the real world."

"I still think we shouldn't have much trouble, the boss will come to pick us up sooner or later."

Lona and Wanda have different opinions, and Pietro has obviously become the key to breaking the deadlock. With the attention of the two women, he confessed his thoughts frankly: "I think we should at least figure it out, he What exactly is the danger of avoidance, and does it threaten us as well? "


Lorna had no choice but to obey the majority: "Let's go to the person you see, stay alert and be safe."


At the same time, the real world, New Orleans.

"Go to college with you?"

Because Sainte opened his eyes unconsciously, he was obviously totally unprepared for the proposal that Tandi suddenly made. Before that, he had never thought about it. Like Tandy, he was also a dropout ... ...

"As for such a big reaction?"

Tandy raised his head in the arms of Incente: "Although your true identity has been exposed, is it a matter of saying that SHIELD will get you a fake identity?"

"Not as simple as you say ..."

In fact, because Saint is very resistant to school, and more because he is a traverser, he has suffered enough in the classroom, and those broken things on campus are really not interested in going through it again. ...

"If I go to the same university as you, if someone recognizes me, it will definitely affect you."

"Make-up ~ ~ Tandy didn't hear that because Saint was looking for an excuse, thinking that he was just thinking about himself, shrinking in his arms, and suggesting for him:" Just wear A pair of glasses, a change of hair, or something, people who are not familiar with you, can not recognize you. "

"Have you watched Superman comics too much?" (Yes, Marvel Movie Universe has DC comics.)

Because Sainte pinched a handful of Tandy who was pacing around his chest and motioned her to be honest: "How could it not be recognized? When I first appeared in the news as a golden boy, Peter saw it at a glance. Recognize ... wait a minute !!! "

Thinking of the scene where the little spider shattered his identity, it was naturally associated with Saint, who was also present at the time-Lorna.

"Well! I remember what I forgot ..."

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