The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 342: You TM is the consequence, the future is no longer certain

"Eye of Agomo."

Casillas was also unambiguous and asked straight away: "I also need the power of time. How did you do that?"

Because Sainte didn't know, Casillas actually asked-what method did you use to make Gu Yi promise to use the time gem?

"If you think, what do I do ..."

Because of the dramatic pause in Sainte, then he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. My approach is simple. I just made a frank request and gave a commitment, willing to bear all the consequences. . "

"as far as I know……"

Casillas' expression did not appear to be unexpected, his gaze was fixed on Instant and asked: "There is no so-called 'consequence'."

You TM is the consequence ...

Because Sainte's belly rolled and rolled his eyes, in the unknown eyes of Casillas, the answer was straightforwardly revealed: "At this moment, I am bearing the consequences."


Casillas stunned for a while before I realized that without the previous cause of Instant to find Saint, there would be no consequence of him to find Instant, and the subtext of Instant is exactly-you think, if not promised "Take all the consequences", will I be patient with you?

"You seem prejudiced against me?"

In response to this question from Casillas, because Saint slaped his lips and pointed out mercilessly: "Should I have a lot of good feelings for a traitor who is a rebel?"


Casillas repeated the word without changing his face, shaking his head to deny: "No, the one who betrayed Kama Taj is Gu Yi."

"Carefully choose your next sentence."

As Saint's eyes suddenly sharpened, his expression also became colder by three points: "I not only owe the mercy of the Supreme Master, but also I can't get used to an apprentice who does not know how to respect the Master."

"Of course I once respected her ... before I found out that she was a hypocrite!"

Casillas also changed her face, and for the first time in a conversation with Incente, she showed emotional fluctuations: "Have you ever wondered why she became the 'old one'?"

After waiting for Saint to respond to this, Casillas continued to ask and answer: "She emphasized‘ to follow the rules of nature ’, but she used taboo spells to continue her life!”

"You mean dark magic."

If you change someone else, you may feel a little confused, but as a sprinter, Incent, of course, knows it well, Casillas said that it is exactly what Gu Yina ’s dark demon can continue to do, and he does n’t care. Shrugging his shoulders, "You Kama Taj's rules won't make me talk, but if I change it, I won't put a pistol easy to go out of reach of children. . "

In the eyes of Qing Sheng, a bystander, this is actually very easy to understand. For example, if he has a child in the house, of course, he must hide all dangerous goods, such as a large killer such as a gun. It will be locked inside the safe.

It is just that for the extremely dangerous dark dimension, a free and equal Kama Taj, like Asgard in the feudal society, can simply and rudely say "the emperor ca n’t do it," as for that sentence The slogan of "no taboo knowledge, only forbidden spells" is really too idealistic. In Santo's view, it is purely a test of the human heart and nothing to do.


Casillas, who was nearly half a year old, looked at the ridiculous face of Saint Saint, and his mouth twitched unconsciously. Although, compared to age, there are at least several hundred years old Gu Yi, Because Sainte compared him to a child, there is nothing inappropriate, but this sentence was spoken by a young man. Not only was it harsh, the meaning in the sentence was full of contempt.

"Not convinced?"

Because Santa Teco did not hesitate to take care of Casillas 'emotions, and pointed out the fact again very sharply: "Are you asking yourself, can you afford the consequences of the dimensional invasion? If you can't, for' Since the Supreme Master can do this Do, why can't I do it? 'What question do you have to question?'


Regarding Gu Yi's glorious record of repulsing too many Mamms, Casillas is also well aware of it. He couldn't help but stop talking for a while. Compared with those of Gu Yi, he had a deeper preaching. The saying that "you can mess around with something, and be honest without it" seems to be rather superficial, but the closer to the truth of life, the easier it is to feel.

Unfortunately, people who go astray are often because of the whole life experience, rather than at a certain moment in their lives. In the mind of Casillas, "Is I wrong?" In a short moment, he was left behind by him, and the topic was opened: "Aren't you curious about why I need the power of time?"

"It's all about making up for the lack."

In fact, Sainte knows that the uncle in front of him is a poor man. Before joining Karma Taj, he lost his wife and children on the same day, and will be fooled by Dorma in the future. It also has a lot to do with this. Slowed down the tone: "We have all lost something, and some regrets are bound to become regrets."

"You want me to take my fate?"

Casillas narrowed his eyes, and from the attitude shown by Instant, made it clear that he could not provide any help to himself, and sneered and stepped back: "I will not give up."


Because Sainte knew in his heart that his best choice was to kill Casillas right now, but this is undoubtedly the equivalent of a person being convicted before he made a mistake, especially because of his The wheel of destiny has completely gone awry with the existence of a **** stick ~ ~ For the future, he has only seven or eight points of uncertainty at present, and cannot be completely sure.

"good luck."

Because of this blessing from Saint, it ’s sincere. The reason is very simple. If he let go of Casillas, if he still embarked on the evil way, he ca n’t ignore it. Otherwise, there will be “I "If he is killed," such as torture ...


Casillas gently twirled her head, before leaving, suddenly came out: "The little red-haired girl is a natural magician, don't waste her talent."

Nonsense, but the famous crimson witch, you better not give me a bad idea ...

Instant rolled his eyes again, "It will not bother you."

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