The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 343: It's dangerous to cut at 1; it's beyond the chess board from 1

"You think Casillas is avoiding some kind of danger, so you decide to ask for it?"

After Saint returned to the real world, he explained to Lorna and others that he would disappear because the SHIELD was put together by Hydra, and it almost annihilated the entire army. His help is urgently needed. As for Later, what did he forget about the three ...

Just looking at him quickly shifting the subject to Casillas, he knew that it must be a word ...



"That's it."

Lona, Wanda, Pietro, who had confessed in advance, nodded uniformly, but they did not know that, because Saints actually had the same guilty conscience ...

For this obvious reason, Sainte didn't investigate Lona's and others' unruly behavior, but just warned: "That's a dangerous person. If you run into it next time, stay away from him."

"I know he is a traitor, but ..."

Wanda stopped talking, and finally gave a different opinion: "Only because of this, it is determined that he is a bad person, is it a bit too arbitrary?"

"Danger is danger, it has nothing to do with it."

In Sainte, he shook his head with emotion: "Good and bad people, where is so easy to distinguish, he has a wish to achieve at all costs, this is where he is dangerous."

"So he came to ask for your help?"

Lorna interjected: "Boss, have you rejected him?"

"Not as simple as you think."

Instant waved his hand and came up with the expression "I don't want to say anything": "I still have something. You go eat something and rest early."


Lona and others who were trapped in the mirror world for a long time, were really hungry and tired at this time, both sleepy and lacking. Although there was food there, it was obviously inappropriate because it would change with the real world. edible.

After watching the three brothers and sisters go away, because of this, Saint reached out and used a single erected index finger to gently click in the air. A crack centered on it suddenly appeared in the air. Through the fissures, a figure reflected on his pupil in the form of double image is the contemporary Supreme Master, Gu Yi.

As Gu Yi waved his hand freely, the cracks in front of Sainte suddenly turned into an irregular broken crystal wall, and then she moved forward without a pause and left the original Where the mirror world is.

It is self-evident who Casillas had avoided before.

"Did you let him go on purpose?"

Although Yin Sheng used the interrogative sentence, his tone seemed quite affirmative: "His strength is not weak, but he is far from being able to compete with you."

Gu Yi nodded silently: "This sentence, I can say the same to you."


Quite a bit stunned by Saint, he tentatively replied, "I have no reason to stop him."

"you have."

Gu Yi pointed to the five-star tattoo on the back of Yin Shengte's hand: "I think that the function of 'it' may be different than the revelation of time gems, but it can also let you predict what will happen in the future. Otherwise, you won't know many things. "

This is a wonderful misunderstanding ...

With this idea, Sainte decisively chose the default, only for Kama Taj headed by Gu Yi, as long as it was not exposed as his voyager, everything would be fine.

Anyway, Gu Yi can't see the Dragon Ball through the time gem. Then, in terms of the functional details, how does she make up for it? Because Sainte doesn't care about it at all. If you want to say that Dragon Ball is a divination crystal ball, that is ... ...

"I didn't mean to spy on your secret."

The old age is over, and with a smile, "I just want to talk openly."

"Yes ..."

Now that the words have been spoken, because Saint is not hiding, the spoiler said blatantly: "I do know that letting Casillas indulge may lead to the invasion of the dark dimension led by Domham, and then threat To the safety of the entire world. "

On hearing that, Gu Yi's expression became more playful: "Even so, you still let him go."

"I won't convict a person just because of a 'future possibility.'

Because Sainte poked his lips and looked at Gu Yi with a profound look: "Besides, compared to me, you are the one who really took the risk, and you have not made the same choice as me."

"You do know."

Gu has always been clear and thin with Santo: "Then, you should also know that if you deliberately want to change the future you see, you will always get worse results, no exceptions. "


Intent shook his head in disapproval: "For the rules of time gems, or it is true, but so far, I think I have done well."

"I think that's because ..."

Gu Yi paused for a moment, rarely using an uncertain tone: "If I didn't guess wrong, you can't see any future related to yourself?"

Of course I ca n’t see it anymore, there was no my play in the original plot ...

Yin Sheng nodded with a very weird expression, "That's right."

"That is to say, you are not in the game, you can stay aloof, and even if you want to change something, it will never be intentional, because once you step in, you don't even know what will happen next. "

Gu Yi didn't know how accurate her speculation was: "This is where you are better than me. Even if you can see through the long river, I am still only a pawn, but you have been detached from the beginning. checkerboard."


In Sainte himself, he never thought of such a deep level, and after a long time of contemplation, he only looked up: "I'm just used to obeying my heart, and I'm not as amazing as you said."

In other words, Yin Shengte doesn't want to continue to talk about those esoteric things, and he talks openly: "I don't think that someone can really see the cause and effect. You can come to me without saying that. For what?"

After hearing the words, Gu Yi gently swung his head and went straight from the good to the theme: "For the dark magic, you should be no stranger."

"I know it, but it's not very familiar."

Yin Sheng shook his head: "Do you think so, UU reading is because of the cloak of shadow? In fact, although I can easily access the dark dimension, but I have never explored deeply . "

"Then, let's start researching now."

"... I didn't make it clear? I don't need the power of the Dark Demon, and I'm not interested in making trouble for myself."

"Your caution is not wrong, but covering your ears and stealing the bell is not a good habit. If you don't even want to open your eyes, how can you see it, and when will trouble come to your door?"

"Should I stare at the dark dimension all day long? I'm not being persecuted with delusions ... Moreover, as long as I still have space gems in my hand, don't think about it ... wait a minute! Become my trouble? Preventing malicious invasions is your mission to Kama Taj. "

"So, are you willing to hand over the fate of you and everyone you know, and even the entire plane, to us?"

"... Shet!"

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