The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 351: Avengers, Asylum

On the top floor of the Stark Building, the men and women gathered together are the strongest people in the world. They have a rather clear standing. On one side, they are the "Avengers" who are assembled. On the other side, they are Freshly launched "Asylum Alliance".

Compared to the Asylum Alliance, which is obviously headed by Colleen Wen and tightly grouped, the lack of the Avengers Alliance, the leader (captain of the United States), of Captain America, the formation is much looser, and it is somewhat peaceful. The taste of discord, two of which are typical, are Thor and Iron Man who have just fought ...

This is also an inevitable thing. The Avengers Alliance, which is clumsy together, cannot have a harmonious atmosphere like the Asylum Alliance, which already lives in the same place and is already familiar to each other. It must pass through a running-in period.

The lack of a moral example of Captain America to serve as a lubricant in the team, this initial running-in period will undoubtedly become longer ...

Closer to home, in the process of updating the information between the two superhuman alliances, the differences between the two came into being.

Hmm ... it ’s “different between the two”, but it ’s actually a bit inaccurate. In fact, the Avengers had already started to quarrel before Colleen Wen had a chance to raise an objection ...


Tony Stark interrupted Thor's rhetoric with a sense of apology: "Here is the earth, your housework in Asgard is not our priority."

"Rocky is not alone."

Thor frowned, unconsciously, and continued to say, "He has a Cherita army. The reason why he stole Lee's space gem was to cross the army in this universe. The call of space comes to earth. "


Tony Stark's eyes narrowed and he couldn't believe it, saying: "Are there any mistakes? Half a day has passed, and now you just think about it, you should mention your opening remarks?"


Thor, with a grim expression, apparently still did not adapt, the ironic way of speaking belonging to the earth ...

"What kind of army?"

The Black Widow could not see the iron man's pranks, and interjected aside, "How about the scale and combat effectiveness?"

"It doesn't make sense to say this."

Thor ignored the fact that "I forgot to ask Heimdal," and said with a sense of superiority: "The earth is not ready to fight an interstellar war, and our Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, currently It hasn't been repaired and we can't provide you with assistance, so we must not allow this to happen and we must stop Loki's actions as soon as possible. "

"This isn't what you want to do soon. Since you, one of Heimdall, can't" see "Rocky who has performed illusions, then, to find him, you can only rely on the beacon of space gems."

Bruce Banner took the initiative to join the topic: "The foundation I use to locate the gems in space is based on data collected by the SHIELD from the cosmic cube, although in theory, the magic cube is actually substantiated by gem energy There should be no fundamental difference between the two. However, this is just a theory. I want to say that no one but Li really understands the gems of space. "

"Exactly." (Exactly.)

Tony Stark stood by the good friends without hesitation: "We should go find the hairspray boy, oh, I really look forward to it, when he wakes up, he finds that his precious gem is missing ... 不... "


So Colleen Win, who hadn't drooled at all, offered to Thor, "Heimdal can see where he is, right?"


The habit of using the mind is not developed in one day. Thor slowed a big step before keeping up with the rhythm of the crowd: "But ... how can you be sure that after waking up, Li will be able to solve the space gem zone. Coming crisis? "

"Are you joking?"

"That's his baby, OK?"

"We are talking about Saint Lee."

"Relax, as long as he wakes up, everything will be solved."

"What we should discuss is how to wake him up."


Meanwhile, the golden sanctuary.

"... where did everyone go? What the **** happened?"

In front of Hapi Hogan, it is the high-level shelters that have long since disappeared, and the low- and middle-level people who remain are obviously the same unclear truth as him, and of course he did not try to call , Unfortunately, no matter who you call, the result is all rejected ...

After changing his job, Happi still retains the identity of "Peter Parker's person in charge". However, he has long refused to answer the spider call, and finally realized this feeling. In the process of rushing back, he was in his heart. There are many curses like "cause and effect are a bitch" ...

However, it was quite unsuccessful ~ ~ Hapi reminded him of the ghost, just now, Peter Parker seemed to have called him, but he was "busy and refused to answer the phone", he refused ...

"Peter, what are you doing?"

With the empathy flooding, Happi returned a call to the spider, and then ... he regretted his intestines ...

"Uh ... it's okay now. When Sister Lona asked me to come to the Stark Building, she only said that the boss had an accident, and didn't make it clear. I wanted to ask you what happened to the boss. I'm already at the Stark Building. Although I don't understand it well, I probably know ... "

"Is the boss really upset ?!"

"Uh ... don't you know ... Keke! You heard it wrong! The boss has nothing to do! Bye!"


Harpy listened to the busy tone on the phone and realized that Peter twitched at the corner of his mouth as he hung up the phone. After pressing the phone to replay it back, he yelled, "Peter!"

...... After a toss of chicken and dog jumping, the purple and gorgeous space door that belongs exclusively to Clarice Fang suddenly appeared in front of Hapi Hogan, and directly sent him, Uncle Pu, and Amy to him. The shelter received the Stark Building.

"Another one? Well, is the hairspray boy open up? With such a little wind of my year ..."

In the face of the young and beautiful little Amy, he didn't hold back his iron man who couldn't stop talking, so he flew out without crashing and hit a wall ...


Colleen Win withdrew her slap, and asked Amy with a smile: "I heard that you want to tell me about him?"


Amy blinked with big watery eyes, and under the staring eyes of everyone, she stepped forward without any fright, and whispered something in Colleen Wen's ear.

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