The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 352: Awakening the Instant Plan, Rocky in Action

"Thanks to Amy, we have a way to wake him up."

Colleen Win whispered with Amy and turned around without a pause and said to everyone: "But Amy must have physical contact with him. This requires us to restrain his body for a few seconds. Clock time, and we have only one chance. "

Due to the time difference between the spiritual world and the real world, contacting Amy's Instant through a bracelet, has now forced himself into a special "hibernation" state, otherwise, even if his soul will not die, Driven by endless loneliness.

However, because the indirect link between Saint and Amy is accidental, it is unknown whether it can be copied. Therefore, out of caution, he told Amy to awaken his soul and locate it through the bracelet. The chance to come back to the body is only once.

"What we mean by‘ his body ’refers to himself or the incarnation of the golden boy?”

The fact that Saint will become stronger after being transformed is almost known all over the world, and Tony Stark, as one of the most "knowledgeable" people, is naturally also the most worried: "If it is the latter Then ... we better prepare another plan B. No, if it is the latter, it would be better to treat this as plan B ... "

"He is transformed."

Colleen Win unveiled the bad news, and then spread her hands: "Anyway, this is imperative, and we can't do anything more reliable than this."

"Why not start with Tandy Bowen?"

Nick Fury, who has always represented the SHIELD, played the role of foil here, and couldn't think of Colleen Win's feelings about this: "Since Saints will be trapped in the spiritual world, it is entirely because of the broken connection between light and shadow. Then, as long as we rescue her, we will also rescue Incente. "

"What a rescue method?"

Lorna, who knew Cuckoo sisters better, responded to Nick Fury in lieu of Colleen Win: "Esme and the three of them joined together, and the mind control exerted by the joint force was too strong for anyone to release."

"Can't use physical reset?"

The black widow shrugged. "Without the brain, there is no thinking for them to manipulate."


Hearing that, Colleen Wen instantly overcome the awkwardness in her heart, and she did not hesitate to veto: "Because of the sacredness, he was trapped in the spiritual world constructed by light and shadow. To interrupt the operation of the light dagger, the consequences are unpredictable. "

"in fact……"

As the only psychic player on the field, Wanda finally couldn't help but said to himself: "You can let me try it out, breaking one thing is not as difficult as creating one."


In fact, her sister Lorna once again regarded herself as her sister: "For the same reason, the consequences are unpredictable."

"Then, let's consider this a backup plan that can only be executed under a last resort."

Tony Stark took the right to speak for himself: "Now let's discuss how to restrain the 'golden boy's body' for a few seconds."

"In fact, this is not as difficult as you think."

Colleen Wen, the only disciple of the tortoise in the world, speculates with confidence: "No matter who controls his body, it is impossible to master his energy and mana deeply. At most, it is simple. Roughly use a little fur. "

"If that's the case."

Hearing that "Instant" had only one brute force left, Tony Stark's confidence returned instantly: "Leave this task to me."

"Li is strong."

Tolmin knew that because of Saint's physical strength, he was able to rub his wrists with his own god. Where would he be willing to believe Tony Stark's arrogance: "You can't do it, let me do it."

"Let me guess. Is your plan to rush to hug him?"

Tony Stark did not blindly compare with Thor, first despised his mindlessness, and then looked around: "By comparison, everyone should have no objection. Gold's restraint device is a more efficient and stable choice. "

"Your broken copper and iron will not be more reliable than Mourneil."

Thor said tit-for-tat that he had a brain, but used it infrequently: "As long as I press the hammer on him, he must not move."

"That one……"

Witness Coulson who picked up Thor's Hammer with his own eyes, raised his hand and pierced his mouth: "Thor, you don't seem to know yet, because Santan can pick up your hammer."

"That was cheating!"

Thor scowled angrily: "I think no matter who controls his body, he won't master his method of cheating."

"We might as well go both ways."

In the absence of Captain America, Bruce Banner took on the role of peacemaker: "Since we have only one chance, it is quite necessary to be cautious."

"so be it."

Apparently, Tony Stark was not afraid of competition. He took the right to speak again, pointed at Thor and said, "I and 'Breaking Point' deal with hairspray boys, Bruce and Jarvis. Colleen and Lorna and others deal with Zola and the mutants, and the remaining stray fish is given to SHIELD. "

"Except for Zola's Mechanical Corps and Hellfire Club variants ..."

Nick Fury defaulted on Tony Stark's plan, but added: "What we also need to consider is that Rogers will likely become our enemy."

"It's just an outdated antique, not a concern."

Iron Man made no secret of his contempt for Captain America: "Baby in pajamas, the task of capturing the national treasure is left to you."


Anxious that Peter Parker, who wasn't named, immediately slaps his **** and pats his breasts: "Guarantee the task."




Little Spider's suspicious young face apparently did not allow him to gain a lot of trust. In the whole look of distrust, Nick Fury euphemistically added him insurance: "Our SHIELD Super Agents will be your backup. "


At the same time, Jan Foster's laboratory in New Mexico.

Shortly after Thor traveled around the world with Jane Foster and visited "The Branches of the World Tree", Dr. Eric Servig was invited to the fully equipped laboratory, and those by Jane · The massive data collected by Foster around the world about the "space channel between the nine realms" naturally naturally gathered here and gave it to Servig for analysis.

Eagle Eye, who was absent from the Avengers, was sent here by Nick Fury to stare at ~ ~ in case this crazy scientist in the field of cosmic energy can be described as outstanding Big events at the cosmic level come.

In a way, Nick Fury was prescient ...

A Rocky who walked into the laboratory is proof ...

For a scientist like Selvig who has no chickens at his fingertips, SHIELD sent an eagle eye to supervise it. It is already a chicken killer with a sledgehammer. Naturally, no high-end combat power is added. Those who fight In the name of protection, the SHIELD agents stationed in this laboratory faced Rocky with bullet-proof faces, which was unfortunately wiped out by the entire army.

As for the only two surviving Hawkeyes and Servig, it goes without saying that, just like fate, Rocky was brainwashed with soul gems, and both became his loyal men.

And Rocky can use spiritual gems, relying entirely on the scepter tailored for the gem in his hand. If he replaced it with a space gem, he couldn't even master the extra space buffer cube, let alone the streaking gem Really, if you want to open a space portal across the universe and welcome the advent of the army of Cheritas, you can only use the activation of scientific instruments as in the original plot.

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