The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 353: Dream of Hellfire, the true **** of 9 snakes

"We must act now."

After receiving a phone call, Nick Fury said with a more stern expression to everyone: "Rocky has already taken action. He attacked Dr. Jan Foster's laboratory and seized Dr. Servig, presumably It takes his expertise to inspire the function of space gems. "

When Thor heard the name "Jane Foster", he suddenly became tense, until the term "laboratory" followed immediately, and then he was slightly relaxed. The reason why he left Jane in England In London, it is precisely the risk factor.

On the contrary, until after listening to Nick Fury's words, the Black Widow frowned deeply, and asked in a concise manner: "Clint?"


The SHIELD engulfed by the agents at the scene apparently did not know that Hawkeye had "repelled the water." Nick Fury gave the bad news expressionlessly: "Although we did not find his body, but he The status quo of a complete loss of contact is also not optimistic. "

Of course, the black widow heard the subtext of "more evil than others", unconsciously gritted his teeth, and pressed on the headphones to urge Iron Man to say: "Stark?"

"Give me a minute."

Tony Stark, who made the "golden **** device" in another laboratory, replied in the communication channel: "I have completed the design of the parts and are adding them to the uniform."

The black widow, as the oldest friend with Eagle Eyes personally, informed his family of the bad news of being "killed," and naturally fell on her shoulders. Only she and Nick Fury knew that , Behaves like a hawk-headed hawk, but in fact there is a wife and child ...

The black widow, already thinking about this, hated Ughi with a sharp eye and looked at Loki's brother: "Thor, did Hemdal find Insunter?"

"of course."

Ettor's slowness, of course, did not find the unusual look of the Black Widow, pointing to the air above his head: "He also asked me to tell you that Rocky has a scepter that can manipulate the mind, Servig and Your missing agents are likely to have rebelled because of this, and you can no longer treat them as friends. "

"You mean ..."

Hearing that the black widow couldn't help overjoyed: "Clint is likely alive?"

"Since you didn't find his body, you can't reach him."

Compared to Black Widow and Nick Fury, Thor's simple idea is the closest to the truth: "That's mostly controlled by Rocky."

"It's mind control again?"

Wearing a modified Zhenjin suit, Tony Stark, who walked over, shivered and said, "I don't like this coincidence very much."

"You doubt ..."

Colleen Win, who has been silently observing, apparently cannot continue to sit still: "The spiritual world trapped by Saint is also related to Rocky?"

"Without the runaway hairspray kid, there would be no runaway gem in space."

Tony Stark stroked his chin thoughtfully: "Rocky was transmitted to the earth from this. It may not be just an accident, or it may be ... he had a plan!"

"Then we have more reasons to hurry up."

Driven by an ominous hunch in her heart, Colleen Winner looked around anxiously: "Are you all ready?"

Everyone nodded, and within a short while, a standard Kunming fighter belonging to the SHIELD and a luxurious Kunming fighter belonging to Iron Man had taken off from the Stark Building one after another. When Nick Fury's helicopter took off a little later, the cruising speed was two Kun-styles measured in Mach, and both had disappeared into the sky.

As the director of the SHIELD, Nick Fury, of course, cannot be like the black widow and others. It is his best choice to go to the front of the Trident building and take control of the overall situation.

Because, compared to the time point in the original plot, the appearance of Loki was several months earlier. The SHIELD Air and Space Mothership Headquarters has not yet been completed ...


At the same time, Washington, DC, was the underground building of the Hydra Secret Base.

"How long shall we wait?"

Behind the impatient face of Esme, the standing bodyguard was "Instant". It is worth mentioning that there are always three inseparable cuckoo sisters. At this time, she was alone and alone. Under the disappearance of Sophie and Phoebe, the word "us" seems quite intriguing.

"Do not worry."

Gideon Malik calmed the restless Esme in a calm mountain tone. What no one could hear was that, in his extremely gentle tone, there was no hidden excitement. Feelings: "The frequency of the vibration must be just right for the portal to the 'alien star' to open."

"You haven't told us yet ..."

Esme lowered his head and looked at the large black boulder placed in the center of the bottom of the standard cylindrical pit in front of him. He asked unsuspectably, "What is this big stone and the portal you said? relationship?"

"When my people finish debugging the device, you will naturally know."

Esme obviously felt very dissatisfied with Malik's behavior in selling offenses: "Since our agreement is that the uninhabited planet will be shared by both of us, then, the portal to that planet, Whether or not it should be shared by both of us. "

"I have already reached an agreement with your MPs on this."

Malik pointed to the "Instant" beside Esme: "I also knew for a long time that as long as you took him with you to the alien, you could use the teleportation of the cloak of the shadow, and Come and go freely. "

"This is conditional."

Esme skimmed his lips and said, "Two of the three of us must stay on top of the earth and the aliens to provide positioning for each other, otherwise, we can only teleport where we can see."

"You don't want to separate?"

After questioning in an affirmative tone, Malik shook his head disdainfully, "It's time to grow up, girls."


The faint blue light in Esme's eyes was fleeting. After all, he did not use Malik's psychic ability to make an uninhabited planet the temptation of "the ideal country of a mutant". In order to realize this dream, let alone let her be willful, even at the cost of any sacrifices.

However, the entire Hellfire Club has been deceived from top to bottom. The Hydra, represented by Gideon Malik, was uneasy from the beginning, and he was just saying, "After using them, "Clean up" idea.

The surname of Gideon Malik represents one of the founders of Hydra. Since hundreds of years ago, it has been guarding a big secret-the legendary "God of Hydra", Exiled to a desolate unmanned planet.

And the supreme mission passed down through the ages of the Malik family is to return the Hydra, the omniscient and omnipotent God, and rule the entire earth together as a servant of the god.

It is conceivable that this mission that has not been achieved for hundreds of years is obviously difficult. The only known way to reach the planet is a black boulder that can freely change between liquid and solid. When this weird stone is in a liquid state, it is a portal to an alien star.

The difficulty is that only under a specific ultra-high vibration frequency, the boulder portal will be "safely" activated. Until today, due to the limitations of human science and technology development, the most advanced instruments that can be manufactured, It is only allowed to maintain this ultra-high vibration frequency for a very short period of time.

The inability to maintain the stable existence of the portal also means that the way to the alien star is a one-way ticket with no return, because, even worse, the boulder portal is activated every time and is located on the other side The position is not fixed, but will randomly appear on any corner of the planet ...

In this regard, in the hundreds of years of long years ~ ~ After being deceived or brainwashed by the Malik family, among the countless people sent to the aliens, the fact that there is no successful return to the case is undoubtedly one. Zhang **** evidence.

In fact, even if the question of the megalith portal is left aside, these humans who have set foot on alien stars have long been doomed to a tragic end. They are purely the Malik family and offer a sacrifice to the "Hydra god" Product.

According to the Malik family, the "true god" that belongs to Hydra exists in the form of "god possessed by spirits" and is replaced with unpainted straightforward, that is, the so-called "real god" , Is a parasite that controls the human body to act, depends on the human body, and devours the human body to survive!

By deceiving the Hellfire Club and sending "Instant" to Malik, it is self-evident what kind of calculation.

According to legend, the true **** worshipped by the Malik family, once the "god possessed" by someone, will immediately acquire all the memory, knowledge, and abilities of the human body.

Therefore, Gideon Malik is convinced that once the "Hydra god" is attached to "Instant", it will definitely return to the earth, and then the king will come to the world.

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