The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 354: The most luxurious superhero league in Marvel history

"What's 'he' gone?"

Over Washington DC, Thor said to the air in the cockpit of a Queen's fighter, "After he jumped into a strange black water, you suddenly can't see He? What does this mean? "

The black widow who drove the fighter aircraft understood that "he" refers to Instant, and intervened and asked a key question: "Is Instant alone missing, or is everyone missing?"

"Only he and a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes."

After getting the answer provided by Heimdall from Thor's mouth, the Black Widow immediately broadcasted on the communication channel: "We have discussed long ago that the possibility of Instant may be removed instantly, although the situation is slightly Different, but we can still act as planned, no matter what the Hydra and Hellfire are doing, as long as we give them enough pressure, they will have no choice but to recall Incentives. "

This simple and rude battle plan was unanimously approved by the public. The two Kun-style fighter planes soon landed on the roof of the building together, and then, the first Clarice Fang who rushed out of the cabin, then Spreading his arms hard, "tear" a purple portal in the air.

This generally round purple portal looks very unstable at first glance. The edges of the portal, which are held open by Clarice's hands, are irregular at all times, constantly beating, as if at any time. Will suddenly shrink back to the general, compared to the space gem portal of Saint, or the ring portal of Kama Taj, it is difficult to make people feel safe ...

Fortunately, all the people represented by Iron Man were bold and enterprising, and all of them entered without hesitation, crossing directly from the top of the building to the ground floor of the building.

However, no matter how strong the stealth function of the Kun-style fighter is, it cannot be concealed. This arrogant action that directly landed on the enemy's head, of course, the group of superheroes who had planned to carry out the Thunder raid did not intend to cover it at all. Secretive.

Under the most important issues, the Hydra and the Hellfire Club, which are still waiting for the most, are not fast and the defense is not thorough. However, no one expected that the group of "individual saints" was missing. Superheroes, still opened the door far away, and killed them directly.

Just a face-to-face, Dr. Zola has spent a lot of materials, and the hard-working mechanical army has lost a lot. These icy machines that ordinary people can't resist, facing the Big Three of the Avengers, are pure cannon fodder. Not to mention, in the Asylum Alliance, there is also an ancestor Iron Man, even the Mechanical Legion, who must be regarded as an absolute nemesis.

At this moment, whether it is the Iron Man with full firepower, the Hulk who has transformed into a brave man, or Thor who is flashing with electric light, under the amazing power of the All-Metal Queen, he can only be reduced to a foil.

Compared with the drone of the Hanmer Group, now Lona Lansell's control of the mutant ability is undoubtedly freely retractable and manipulative. Her dazzling aurora hands, It was really "at your fingertips, the ash was flying and the smoke was extinguished." The robot in her volcanic point of disintegration spontaneously disintegrated into a fluffy shiny metal powder. For a time, this large underground building seemed like A sequin rain fluttered down.

Except for Lorna, the other members of the Asylum Alliance, all of them are not fuel-saving lamps. Whether it is Colleen Wen, who is exactly the same as the way of fighting and the Saint, the barbarity is as good as Thor's. For Wanda and Pietro, who are also children of the old Wanjia family, the machinery army in front of them is purely a miscellaneous soldier.

Seeing this, the black widow, the punisher, and Coleson consciously moved closer to Clarice Fang, who rushed to the post, and together with her, she was a key person who lacked the ability to protect herself. , Tightly surrounded and protected.

what? A little spider jumping up and down? For such a serious occasion, let's not mention this joke ...

This is a one-sided war situation. After a large number of mutants in Hellfire Club, Shanshan arrived late, and slightly improved. With a variety of mutant abilities, sweeping over the world, even if it is risky (for death) ) Iron Man, who is unrivalled in spirit, and Thor, who is also arrogant with high eyes, also need to avoid the edge.

In the pictures of a group of people looking for a cover, the only inconsistent element was the Hulk rushing towards the mutant pile, and the red giant Betty Rose was absent. There were "smashed" beasts left, but nobody controlled his behavior ...

Facts have proved that the Hulk with no upper limit of breath can really be beaten to death, and the consequences of a wounded rage beast rushing into the crowd of people are conceivable ...


With the emergence of a Stars and Stripes shield, Hulk's raging temporarily drew a rest, which was already anxious Hydra, and could no longer afford to cover up the fact that Captain America was brainwashed by Dr. Zola.

"Pajamas baby!"

Along with Iron Man's roar, the champion spider jumped across the air, and a white spider silk, like an electric light flint, stuck to Captain America's shield.

The tactics of disarming in the first place can be called smart, but unfortunately, the little spider overestimated himself and underestimated the enhanced version of Captain America who has studied gas-refining.

Steve Rogers, brainwashed by Zola, is equivalent to being forced into another personality in his brain. After replacing the master personality with specific activation methods, although he will not remember the knowledge about Qi, but The qi body has been developed, but it will not be degraded because of this. It is a sturdy physique that surpasses the average number of times in all directions. Combined with the majestic life energy bonus of "physical strength and qi strength", the increase is not one plus one. It's as simple as two.

Almost at the same time as the little spider began to pull the vibrating shield, Captain America slammed his feet on the ground and waved his arm with a wave of his arm. The stretched spider silk began the next moment of severe tremor. He was in mid-air. The little spider, like a yo-yo on a rope, was hurled away by Captain America, screaming with a squeak, "bang!" And hit the wall heavily.




Except for Iron Man, who could not bear to cover his face, all the others were speechless, but they all had the expression "I knew it would be like this ..."

At this moment, a stream of ominous black smoke suddenly appeared in the air, and the two figures hidden under this shadow-woven cloak were "Instant" and Esme.

Iron Man and Thor, who acted as the main force of "Capturing the Mission of Insanity", immediately showed the expressions of the enemy, and before they acted, the field changed suddenly.

In Sainte under the control of Esme, at this time it was the shape of an angry rushing crown ... Well, his hair was originally erected after turning around, so there seems to be a misunderstanding ... In short, the angry "In Sainte" , Screaming wildly at Gideon Malik hiding in the crowd in a shemale-to-be-not-shemale-like tone: "How dare you deceive us !!!"

Obviously, the return of Esme and "Instant" is not as expected by the Black Widow, but because of some kind of change on the alien planet. The Hellfire Club has now realized that Hydra has not Be at ease.

"Did you hear that? Lee's voice ..." This was Thor who was covered with goosebumps.

"Dummy, be sure to tell me, you recorded the paragraph just now." This was after Tony Stark was upgraded to intelligent life after Jarvis upgraded to intelligent life.

"Hey! You two, is it time for a chat?" This was Colleen Win with rolled eyes.

"Guys, can you proceed as planned ..." This is the black widow who is helpless.

In the face of the most luxurious superhero league in Marvel's history ~ ~ the infighting between Hydra and Hellfire, naturally did not erupt immediately.Esme realized that the situation was bad, even if not Willingly, he can only continue to cooperate with Malik. After all, only after passing the current difficulties can there be an opportunity to settle accounts after the fall.

The dark fumes of the cloak of the shadows twitched into the air again. With the absence of Sophie and Phoebe from the three sisters of Cuckoo, the blonde girl who appeared next to Esme was the white with bright white hands. Di Bowen.

"not good!"

Before other people reacted, Coleson, who had been in close contact with "light and shadow" twice, yelled in the communication channel: "Stop them! Do not let Incent and Tandi Bowen hold hands!"

One of the facts that everyone has overlooked because of Saint's own overpower is that once the Shadow Cloak and the Light Dagger join hands, they will merge an unrivaled power.

But now, the three cuckoo sisters who are in control of each other are the ones who control the cloak of shadow and the dagger of light at the same time! Controlling the black and white sun in their hands is even stronger than the combination of Yin Sheng and Tandy!

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