The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 367: It ’s a surprise to start badly ...

Because of Saint ’s call, it was an immediate decision. However, it was not timely enough. Except for the black widow who was driving a Kun-style fighter and providing remote assistance in the air, a group of people on the front battlefield were not as strong as him. Nor was he awakened by a missile like Iron Man, all motivated by a weird frenzy, and he ignored his warning inadvertently.


At this moment, because of the headache of Saint Xuan, I did not forget to brag about myself-resolutely opposed to taking the Hulk and acting together, decisively is a very wise choice ...

The next moment, holding the Rocky inlaid with the scepter of two infinite gems, suddenly turned into an afterimage, accompanied by a large green light suddenly lit, a large "Rockies", has instantly turned over the chessboard , Became a crowded party.


Seeing this, it was the Iron Man who had swear words, but he had no choice but to rush up, while calling In Sainte: "That's all for the sake of safety, so be patient."

Why was this grandson not affected in any way? Could it be ...

In Sainte's Iron Man, who stared at the calmness of the index, while nodding at him, he threw two golden light **** one by one, which is able to automatically track through the breath lock " Fuck. "

First launch a long-range skill to attack the enemy, and then wait for the opportunity to connect with a series of moves, which is one of the most commonly used tactics of Saint, but this time, he stayed in an abnormal state, it seems that there is nothing. The next move.

why? Well, in Insant's words, that's because the enemy is not cautious at present. As for the whitewash ... who is the superhero who is most afraid of death?

Two infinite gems are now set on Rocky's scepter. This is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Insant, who was awake, of course, was quietly wiped out for his previous act of death. Put cold sweat.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Sainte was controlled by Rocky with a psychic gem, this multi-party joint assault will inevitably be the end of a mass destruction, and even if the earth is finished because of this, it is also a problem……

Although it is said that even if he wants to slam against an infinite gem, Sainte does not feel that he has no resistance, but let alone his win is not high, even if there is only a little chance of failure, that is obviously It is a risk that the consequences are so serious that no one can afford it.

Therefore, under the influence of the psychic gem, Instinct, who is consciously not 100%, intends to dispel the negative effects of the body first, and then deal with the "rocky that has a geometric multiple of strength".

The so-called surgery industry has a specialization. In the face of the threat of spiritual gems, naturally there is no more reliable candidate than those with mental ability. With the spiritual link provided by the "M-type original magic seal", Yin Sheng will be contacted instantly. The three servants newly recruited by him silently commanded on the spiritual level: "Esme, Sophie, Phoebe, leave the 'national treasure' and concentrate the whole spirit, I need you."

"Yes, boss."

The three harmony sounded together in Intent's mind, and after a short pause, he said in unison, "We are ready."

"Using your three overlapping mental powers, put me on a layer of defense against mental attacks."

"As you wish."

Because this voice in Saint's mind has not fallen, his eyes have suddenly become clear, it is precisely after receiving the assistance of the three sisters M, he will not only be no longer affected by the continual influence of the spiritual gem, but even if it is Unfortunately, at the spiritual level, he was directly struck, and there were three human shields blocking him ...

It's a long story. In fact, until now, the two gas bombs thrown by Sainte have just approached the locked target, tried to dodge, and found that the two light **** would turn, and Rocky had to Exposing his true body, he raised his scepter and sent out two beams of energy, detonating these two alternative tracking missiles.

The people bewildered by the jewels of the mind, although all of them are in a state of "lost thinking ability because of emotional out of control", they are not so stupid as to ignore such obvious prompts, they immediately stare at Loki's true body and are no longer being Bewildered by the dazzling mass of phantoms.

Immediately after, Huff, closest to Rocky, slashed into his head with a fierce expression with a murderous look.

Relying on the cover of the blind eye method, he quietly approached Huff's Rocky. The sneak attack failed because of this. He didn't care about it. He held two infinite gems, even if he could only exert his power in any case. Anyone who confronts head-on, chooses to hide his head, but only because of his habit ...

With a touch of faint blue smoke, nothing was floating in the air, Hifner almost handed the long sword on Rocky's nose, and stopped abruptly completely, so it was impossible to enter.

Seeing this seemingly acquainted picture, because Saint could not help showing a weird expression, when he rested on himself, he was not in the mood to think about something else, only to realize that he had changed his identity as a bystander. In the plot, the scene of Rocky's sneak attack on the tyrant is so similar ...

The irony is that the person holding the space gem has been turned upside down, changing from annihilation to Rocky ...

Just as Instant stunned for a moment, the scepter in Rocky's hand was already handed over to Schiff's breastplate ~ ~ between the two slightly bulging groups.

At the same time, Iron Man, who acted one step ahead, was transformed into a turret flying in the sky. As the two steel arms opened the bow from side to side, a series of energy cannons splattering from Mars shot out from the palm of the hand.

These are "one-kill" energy attacks for mortals, resting on the "Prince Asgard" class of gods in Lokina, and can cause minimal damage. Tony Stark is of course As you know, the most optimistic prediction made is nothing but a way to push Rocky away from Shiv in a way of energy shock.

This kind of miraculous best result is naturally impossible to happen. Loki, a neurosis, is crazy, not stupid at all. He immediately took back the scepter that he handed out to Shiv, and suddenly raised his arm towards the sky. Raised the head of the shining light high.

With the sudden action of Rocky, the light blue smoke representing the blockade of the space suddenly spread out slowly and quickly. Before the Iron Man's energy cannon arrived, it spread into an airtight The translucent curtain that blocked both him and Shiv, and the huge energy shock waves hit the curtain that looked as thin as a cicada, but there were no ripples.


The next moment, it turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared in the place where In Saint, with a painful groan, was suddenly "squeezed" by the "light blue transparent curtain", very rolling. When he fell to the ground, the blood on his body was very clear. He not only failed to rescue Shiv, but made himself covered with bruises.

Obviously, after learning from the previous lesson, this time, Loki made full use of the power of the overbearing rules of the space gem, leaving no cloak for the cloak of the shadow of Saint. .

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