The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 368: Magneto ’s helmet, Captain Marvel ’s pager

"Boy, are you still alive?"


It is really Incent, who has been "repressed ruthlessly on the spatial level". The real injury will only be more serious than it seems. After he climbed up from the ground, he waved angrily at Iron Man. Waving his bloodstained arm: "I'm fine."

"She's fine."

Tony Stark stretched out a steel finger, pointing to Shiv, who had been unfortunately poked by Rocky: "Why are there blue eyes appearing as long as there is a broken thing related to mind control? "

As Saint looked down the steel arm, she saw that Hiff's whole had turned into a dark eye, and a deep blue light had bloomed. With the darkness in her eyes slowly dissipated, originally Those deep brown pupils have become clear blue.

Seeing this, because of Saint, he was relieved, and knew that the "Loki +" which had been strengthened by the wheel of destiny. The use of spiritual gems was still as shallow as in the original plot, and he once again posed to Iron Man Hand waving: "It's not as serious as you think, as long as she knocks her out ..."

Because of the words in Sainte's mouth, a sudden stunned god, and then thoughtfully touched his chin: "Hmm ..."

This sudden groan made Tony Stark turn his head to look at Instant, and saw his whole painting style suddenly turned into a kind of rigidity, and Iron Man's understanding of him Even if you do not rely on the auxiliary field of vision provided by the battle suit to capture the movement trajectory of the afterimage boxing beyond the visual limit of the naked eye, you can clearly know that this boy is no longer in place.

Following a golden lightning that kept jumping, quickly glanced around, Tony Stark was not surprised to find that the target selected by Saint was not hidden in the shell of the invincible turtle. Rocky, but those teammates who have completely lost their minds and are attacking the "turtle shell" frantically ...

"I can fully understand your motivations, but ..."

Tony Stark twitched and paused for a moment, watching the fallen Avengers and Asylums one after the other, with a tone of gloat and a little envy: "Coleen's character, but "Pepper" is more than Pepper. Did you spend a second thinking about the consequences before you started? "(Pepper = Pepper)

"Widow, take them first."

All of them, including Colleen Wen, knocked each of them up, **** Insint. They ordered a black widow who drove a Kunsser fighter, hovering above her head, and then shrugged indifferently. Shoulder: "This is the only way to protect them. As a freshly baked victim, you shouldn't need me to tell you that nothing will be worse than being 'controlled by mind.'"

"The only way?"

Tony Stark, with an expression of embarrassment, glanced aside and said: "Send them to reunite with the" stupid guy "is your best choice."

"They're too close to Rocky."

Because Saint pointed to the blood on his body, he explained concisely: "Sending them to the mirror world is tantamount to gambling their lives."

Tony Stark's IQ is of course impossible to understand, because Sainte means that in front of the space gem, any means related to the word "space" has become unsafe, and The backwash of space is not a joke.

"Lest you have any funny ideas ..."

I don't want to be the Iron Man of "Instant's Next Target" at all. He raised the steel arm on his right hand, bent a steel finger, and banged his vibrating helmet twice: "I The suit has been upgraded, and no one wants to get into my head again. "

is it? Don't take off your clothes if you have the ability ...

Because Sainte rolled his eyes silently, and only murmured silently in his heart-besides, if there were no X-Men in this world, you should have learned how to make "Magnetic King's Helmet", and, Your pretend action is also plagiarizing Lao Wan ...

For obvious reasons, these big truths are obviously not able to be spoken, because Sainte frowned, and also pointed to his head and said: "Although you can't see it, I now wear a helmet 'The situation like just now will not happen again. "

"I can tell."

Tony Stark nodded deeply. "The superhero who is most afraid of death, is back."


Because Sainte rolled his eyes silently, stretched out his fingers, and after controlling Shiv, he turned his attention to the Rocky of the two of them: "If you have any idea, quickly say it."


Tony Stark hid in his suit and blinked, and said in an unbelievable tone: "So, you decided to stun everyone else, just a whim?"

Because of course, Sainte heard the subtext of "you don't actually have a decent battle plan", and once again unpleasantly skimmed: "Facing two infinite gems, I can't think of anything except taking one step at a time. Otherwise, in short, find a way to get that **** mace out of Rocky's control. "

"Waste ... be careful!"

Tony Stark's trough just issued a half syllable, and the two feet together, sprayed with flames soaring into the sky, the face hidden under the coat of war, while the expression suddenly changed, the whole person has immediately entered the battle State, in contrast, before he heard his warning, Yin Shengte was also a little tiptoe, lightly soared into the sky.

It was Rocky who was hung by the two of them. They were unwilling to show their sense of loneliness. Along with the blue faint energy beams, a large number of green "Lokis" were wrapped in a pair of blue. The eyes of Shiv, swept collectively and laughed.


At the same time, the SHIELD Trident Building.

Through real-time pictures taken from multiple angles, Nick Fury, who has seen the unfavorable situation on the front line, turned around abnormally and left the tactical hall. After walking quickly into the office of his director, he closed the door first. , And then took out a black box from the hidden dark grid on the wall ~ ~ This black box looks very thick and sturdy from the outside, it is a safe storage of valuables After opening the safe, you can see that 90% of the internal space is also filled with protective materials, and it is located in layers of protection. The items that have been treated so preciously are only one from the previous one. Century, a backward communication device that has long been eliminated by the times.

A pager, that is, commonly known as a BP machine.

Although it can be clearly seen that this communication device has been modified, it cannot change the fact that "this is an eggless pager". If you look at it without knowing it, you will inevitably feel disappointed.

After all, who can think of this little thing that looks inconspicuous and sends out a paging signal that can burst out of the universe, cross the interstellar, and reach the other side of the Milky Way that is out of reach?

Without knowing this, it is natural that there will not be too many expectations for "the person who has received the paging".

With his face full of seriousness, and carefully holding both hands to hold this pager, Nick Fury is, of course, an "informant". For him, this is his ultimate trump card.

Even more, Nick Fury is convinced that as long as he is determined to throw out the "king bomb", the current severe situation that even Saint can't do anything, will be solved.


At this moment, the anxious voice belonging to Phil Coulson passed to Nick Fury's ear along the encrypted communication line: "You need to come and see this."

With Nick Fury's sophistication, he didn't need to say anything, and could hear the fact that "this is bad news". He immediately pressed the modified pager without hesitation.

"Beep beer ... Beep beer ... Beep beer ..."

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