The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 373: Fireinthehole

"I'm fine too, thank you for your concern!"

Surrounded by the golden light of Sainte, the Iron Man who was left unattended at first, in a very unpleasant tone, first expressed in the communication channel "No one cares if I am still alive?" After being indignant, he then paid attention to his golden partner through the Stark Building's internal network: "Jarvis, are you there?"

"I'm here."

Jarvis, who was staying at the Stark Building, had already been dismantled by Loki at this time. Fortunately, Mark V, who served as his armor, took most of Deng's injuries and served as the black box where he set up his life. , Dangerous Bao Bao: "I'm sorry, Tony, I failed to protect your property."

"The building can be rebuilt."

Tony Stark first expressed the meaning of "you're fine", and then made the request of "I need help" very frankly: "Remote control over my suit, we have work to do. "

"E, ir."

Just in Jarvis's difficult-to-change line, when the voice has not fallen, Insunt, who is posing in the sky posing as the sun, finally took the next step after quietly posing for a long time, and The nerves of all bystanders were also fiercely touched ...

"I said ... should he see us?"

"Do you have a bad hunch ..."

"Don't I alone think ... should we look for a bunker immediately ?!"

"Before throwing a bomb, you should yell down! Asshole !!!"

It's no wonder that all the superheroes are nervous. Anyone who sees numerous basketball-sized golden energy light bombs in the sky above their heads has spread like a firework bloom, and it is difficult to do Indifferent, because this is purely a clear regional coverage blow ...

However, no one believes that, through the action of expanding the chest and extending the arms, Yin Sheng broke up the shining giant energy ball on his body, and reduced to zero. In fact, all of them have the precise guidance function of modern weapons, which can distinguish between the enemy and ourselves without causing accidental injury.

However, the triple combination of super turtle turtle qigong + dark magic energy + aerobic bomb is so incredible.

Because the number is too amazing, it looks too dazzling, so what no one notices is that the large wave of energy shots that enveloped the entire sky like a heavenly girl scattered flowers, in fact all passed The form of tracking breath firmly locked their respective goals, and first surveyed the battlefield, and then began to "aim" Incente. Of course, he was a little bit aggressive. According to his estimates, except for the United States team, Green fat, like boulder, outside the enemy's short soldiers, others who keep a little distance, is unlikely to be hurt by him.

what? The US team, which is likely to be hurt in tandem, is fat, and what about Boulders? Come on, if you ca n’t afford even a little friendly damage, what are you doing ...

Keke, get back to work, Insant, who was condemned by everyone, raised his arm without any hesitation after throwing a big move, and gently held the headset with his fingers, and came to the United States in the communication channel. The soldier said, "That ... ireitele?"

Well, if he ignores his uncertain tone of upswing and his unscrupulous tone that cannot be taken more seriously, then it is indeed true that he accepted the suggestion that "throwing a bomb should be reminded" ...




All the silent people, in fact, all have the urge to swear, but they are lying in a wolf-ridden posture such as lying down, fluttering, rolling, etc., and they are busy avoiding the edge of them. Reach for the headphones ...

When they were able to take care of them, a series of deafening explosions were sounding in succession in all directions. Without waiting for them to cover their ears, countless roads of chaos and raging winds followed the sky. The sand and dust rewarded them with a very gray-faced earthen face. It was the continuous wave of sphere shock waves that were generated round after round under the continuous explosion of energy, which affected a series of chain reactions caused by each other.

Just the aftermath of an attack has brought such a huge pressure as if it was a natural disaster. It is conceivable that those Cheritas who have been directly attacked by Saints are now ending, swept by the wind. The pervasive mass of flying ash is precisely the countless enemies, all of which have been wiped out. In this picture where the sight is severely blocked, and all eyes are "slag", there are only those monsters of amazing size. Nowadays I can barely see a few corpses.

Next, the air suddenly became quiet throughout New York's area during a brief period of dust dispersal.

This is not just to say that those Cheritas who have passed through the portals in the sky and exposed to Incent's "Scope" have suffered heavy losses under this all-round tracking blow. Ten to seven or eight, and those fish-shaped war beasts that have also come to the side of the earth, as the "obviously impossible to be ignored" attack target, the whole army was overwhelmed.

This is also to say that due to the upgraded art of demolition by Santana, this time there is no shortage of audiences at all, whether it is aliens or earth people present, there is a collective mute.

What's right is that all the creatures in this sky have been bombed by Insanity ...

"Boy, do you have the slightest respect for the construction industry?"

Tony Stark, who is known as "no longer making weapons," suddenly thought of his "collection of mountains", of course, according to his rough estimate, compared with the numerous air-raid bombs that cover the sky, at least there are One hundred "Jerico missiles" were launched at the same time, and it was barely possible to be close to the impact caused by Sainte's own efforts, and after he was the first to wake up from the shock, he felt positive. Yes-if it is true, after the current calamity passed, because of the reconstruction costs owed to New York City by Saint, the cliff will be an astronomical number in units of "billion dollars" ...

"It's not time for jokes."

An anti-pretending innocent, apparently completely understood the iron man's voice, and so resolutely did not want to touch this mold: "We are far from winning, how is your side?"

"Already have a brow."

Now that it was time for business, Tony Stark immediately put away his cynical attitude: "Preparation is in progress, and two minutes later, the first attempt is started."

"Whether you can succeed or not, don't let Rocky approach that **** scepter."

Instant who threw this sentence showed that the schedule was still very tense, and could not care about the **** of Loki, the troublemaker ... He looked up at those who had survived a brief shock, and then again The Cheritas, who did not fear death, flooded into this world, and asked everyone in the communication channel: "Let's stay a little longer, and I can completely solve the problem soon."

"and many more!"

Knowing that he would continue to maintain the state of "I can fight for a day", Captain America shouted at Instant: "Li, first change Thor back, we need him."

What is changing back ...

Believing Insant who secretly uttered a sentence, while flying away from the battlefield suspected of escaping, he reluctantly explained: "That ... I sent Thor to the mirror world in Europe, and I Now in New York ... you know ... "




In a silence, Nick Fury, who has been diving silently, made a bubble in the tone of "I am very headache": "You are telling me now that you have lost Asgard's heir to the throne ? "

"Of course I can find him."

Yin Shengte, who replied with a positive tone, was actually a little lacking in heart, so he added a weak sentence: "It just takes time ..."

The reason is simple, Lord Thor is not the character of "I will obediently wait in place", God knows where in the mirror world he is now ...

"This is not the time to say this!"

Due to the act of forcibly shifting the topic, UU read the book www. shows how much he has confidence in getting Thor back: "I'm going to borrow something, you hold on, wait for me to come back."

Borrow something?

Most people are puzzled, and a few thoughtful words are clearly stated. It is true that it was right to throw a big move in the beginning and to turn the tide, but it has also been He completely emptied his anger, although there are endless dark demons available, but his main occupation is not a mage. If he only uses a half bucket of water to soy sauce, I am sorry that he has not written it. , But has long been recognized as the "strongest superhero" status.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong's Insanity will be fooled by Shi Cheng. If he doesn't have one, go borrow it from others!

Why not start borrowing directly?

If anyone asks because of Saint, he will definitely answer it with righteousness-please, take it without stealing it. Before borrowing it, of course, ask for permission. The novel takes Dragon Ball to the latest chapter of Marvel Chapter e373 Fireinthehole URL: https: //

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